At this time, all the strong people in the sky and the ground felt the scene of the end of the world.

"¨"Why is there a huge hole in the sky, is it about to collapse!"

All the powerhouses looked at the changes in the sky in horror and exclaimed.

"stop it now!"

Hongjun Daozu, Sanqing and Nuwa were shocked, and they burst out with all their strength and shot at Daoyan.

However, at this time, Hongmeng, who had been standing quietly by the side, moved.

With a wave of his hand, a huge cage trapped several people inside, no matter how hard they struggled and attacked, they couldn't break through.

This is the cage created by the Great Way of Hongmeng that cannot be broken by the seventh-order powerhouses.

"Look at it! Let you see the scene of your own world shattering and disappearing!"

At this moment, Daoyan's body erupted with a ray of light that was even brighter than the sun, and the law of Wan Dao was violently surging, tearing the world constantly.

He glanced at Hongjun Daozu and others who were trapped in the cage and said coldly.

Suddenly, a thousand FaLun appeared from his body.

Wan Dao FaLun rises when it encounters the wind, and instantly forms an infinite Dao grinding disc, which rotates between heaven and earth, and everything is wiped out by him.

The earth collapsed inch by inch, the sky collapsed and re-turned into chaos, and the way of heaven became very weak, and it would be destroyed at any time.

Looking at this scene, Sanqing, who was in the cage, knew what kind of terrifying powerhouse the three of them had offended!

"Isn't the scene of the destruction of the world very beautiful? You shouldn't have seen it all over again, right?"

After destroying all the tangible substances in the world, Daoyan sneered as he looked at Hongjun Daozu and the others and said.

" will get your retribution!"

Hongjun Daozu looked at Daoyan with an abnormally pale face and said, Sanqing and Nuwa's faces were also dead gray.right.

Chapter [*]: Sanqing is dead, the task is completed

"Haha, retribution? As an eighth-order powerhouse, I can break through all kinds of cause and effect. Even if there is retribution, you will not see that day!"

Daoyan laughed loudly, looked at Hongjun and the others, and said with great disdain.

"You can die in peace!"

Dao Yan's eyes turned cold, and he opened his mouth.

Just after his voice fell.

Hongmeng raised a hand in a very tacit understanding and held it with an empty hand. The cage was broken. Hongjun, Nuwa and Sanqing suddenly turned into flying ashes in the panic, without any resistance, they completely dissipated in the world. between.

"For the sake of three saints to bury the whole world, this Heavenly Dao is really selfish and stupid."

Looking at Hongjun Daozu and the others who were in the ashes, Daoyan spat lightly.

However, just as Hongjun, Nuwa Sanqing and others dissipated, a strange wave suddenly came out.

They both felt something.

The two of them seemed to feel at the end of the endless void, as if there were several pairs of eyes staring at them coldly.

Daoyan and Hongmeng looked up together, but found that there was nothing, and their brows couldn't help frowning.

"How do I feel that we seem to have forged a cause and effect?"

Daoyan stood in the Chaos Void 200, with his arms folded on his chest and slightly frowned and said.

"It stands to reason that this world has been completely destroyed, and there should be no other powerhouses... Why do I feel a little throbbing in my heart, is there any other higher world outside this world that has contact with them? ?"

Dao Yan said to himself with some doubts.

Hongmeng's expression was solemn, his eyes opened and closed, and the light of chaos burst forth. His eyes swept the endless chaos of the void, but he did not perceive any existence of life.

He retracted his eyes and said lightly, "Maybe it's an illusion."

"Illusion? It's unlikely, right? You said that, it means that you should have sensed the throbbing. We both had an illusion at the same time? Shouldn't it be unlikely?"

Dao Yan was silent for a moment, then thought about it and said.

Hongmeng's expression froze after hearing this, then he recovered, and said indifferently: "What if the cause and effect are established, not to mention whether the opponent's strength is stronger than us, even if the strength is stronger than us, they will do nothing. No matter what, we can rely on the City of All Heavens behind us.”

"That's right, we have the backing of Zhutian City, and we don't need to be afraid of anyone."

The expression on Daoyan's face recovered, and he said with a light smile.

"Let's go, we should go back too."

Hongmeng stepped out in one step and disappeared in place, and then Daoyan followed.

Soon the two passed through the world passage and returned to the city of the heavens.


"The two adults are back? Has the matter been done?"

Seeing the appearance of Daoyan and Hongmeng, Shen Wansan stepped forward and said to them.

Daoyan nodded and said: "Well, the matter has been completed, and the world of Fengshen has been completely destroyed."

"Could the two adults give me the Law Enforcement Token."

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