Shen Wansan looked at Hongmeng and Daoyan and then said.


Daoyan raised his brows and looked at Shen Wansan. Shen Wansan quickly said, "This is the procedure ordered by the Lord of the City. After completing the task, it must be checked and rewarded."

Hearing Bai Ye's order, Daoyan and Hongmeng looked at each other without speaking, and directly handed the law enforcement token to Shen Wansan.

Shen Wansan held two tokens, and he didn't know what incantation he was chanting. From the tokens, the whole thing suddenly emerged, the world was destroyed, and Sanqing and others died.

Hongmeng and Daoyan were shocked, all the things they did were recorded by the law enforcement token.

"Okay, the mission acceptance is completed, and 3000 points have been entered into the two tokens."

After Shen Wansan completed the acceptance, he returned the two tokens to Daoyan and Hongmeng.

"Points? What is this, how come you never heard of it before?"

Dao Yan checked his token with a series of numbers flashing, and then he disappeared, and asked Shen Wansan with narrowed eyes.

Hongmeng also looked at Shen Wansan somewhat puzzled.

Shen Wansan patted his forehead and said, "I forgot to introduce it to you. Points are the latest task points for law enforcement guards set by Lord City Lord. Lord City Lord said, and then Zhutian City will open many secret realm settings. At that time, members of the law enforcement escort team can use the points in their hands to enter those secret realm settings."

"Oh, it turns out that this point can only be used to enter those secret realm settings in Zhutian City in the future? Is there any other use?"

Dao Yan nodded, showing a sudden look, and then asked.

"Of course, the value of the points in your hands is equal to the world currency, and the exchange ratio is 1:1. If you need, you can exchange the points in your hand for the world currency for use, but I would like to remind you that in the future Tiancheng Secret Realm, you can enjoy a [*]% discount with points. This is an internal benefit, so if you are not particularly short of money, I suggest you not to exchange world coins. As for whether there are other uses for the points, you can wait for the follow-up of the Lord of the City. Notice."

Shen Wansan said to Daoyan and Hongmeng.

"It turns out that these points are a kind of welfare. Since the owner has said so, the follow-up Secret Realm of Zhutian City should be very attractive. It seems that these points should be kept well."

Daoyan understood what Shen Wansan meant, nodded and smiled.

There was no expression on Hongmeng's face after hearing this, but it was certain that the points in his hand would not be spent casually.


At this time, Bai Ye, who was on the highest floor of the All-Heaven Tower, quietly watched all this.

"It cost [*] points for one mission. Fortunately, it is the burden of Zhutian City. If it goes on like this, I can't afford it."

Bai Ye raised his brows and said.

"To maintain the rules of Zhutian City, they are doing things for Zhutian City. Of course, the burden in this regard is borne by Zhutian City."

Just as Bai Ye's voice fell, Xiao Bai's voice suddenly sounded.

"I totally agree with that."

Bai Ye said with a slight smile.

"City Lord, with your current strength and the scale of the world of the heavens, it should be very easy for you to undertake their task rewards."

Xiaobai's voice sounded again.

Bai Ye hurriedly said: "Don't, we are one code at a time, you are responsible for what you are responsible for, and I will never interfere."


Just kidding, how could Bai Ye take the initiative to bear this expense? .

Chapter [*]: Treasure Land Registration

Although it is very easy for him to earn value points now, but he knows how strict Zhutian City is, and almost everything needs value points to find Xiaobai.

He couldn't let him be exploited any longer.

He didn't care about the value points of the points, mainly because he was itching for Xiaobai's harshness and hatred all along.

"Looking at how nervous you are, I didn't say that I would burden you."

Xiaobai's voice sounded again.

"Okay, let's not talk, everyone is coming back slowly, the auction is about to start, this auction should be able to harvest a lot of value points, and the value points needed to open the Tower of the Heavens will be Well, what you said about the Tower of the Heavens is so mysterious, I want to see it."

Bai Ye's eyes looked outside through the window, and said quietly.

"You can rest assured that you will never be disappointed. As long as the All-Heaven Tower is opened, the strength of the practitioners in the All-Heaven World will increase again."

Xiao Bai's voice sounded slowly.

His words were full of confidence, and Bai Ye was slightly taken aback when he heard it. It was the first time he heard Xiao Bai speak like this.

"Then I'll wait and see."

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and there was an unspeakable smile on his face.


In Zhutian City, many powerhouses have begun to fly back one after another.

"The piece of land I chose must be taken down!"

After Wang Dadong returned to Zhutian City with the flame messenger, Dao Feng, Dao Gui and others, they said excitedly.

"what have you found?"

The flame messenger opened his mouth somewhat puzzled.

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