When he was in the world outside Zhutian City, he saw Wang Dongcheng without saying a word, saying that it must be a seemingly ordinary piece of land.

At that time, they were very puzzled, and they didn't say anything when they asked him. Seeing his insistence, they couldn't say anything.

Now that he is back in Zhutian City, he is so excited, which makes the flame messengers very puzzled.

Wang Dadong made a mute gesture, lowered his voice and said, "Shh, be quiet, there are so many people here, it's inconvenient to say, you'll know when you take a picture."

Wang Dadong's expression is somewhat mysterious.

The flame messenger and the blade ghost looked at him like an idiot.

Seeing their eyes like this, Wang Dadong ignored them, and snickered nervously: "Let's not talk about it, let's go to register. If no one likes this land, then we will auction it at the lowest price. "

"Since you're so excited, I'll leave this registration to you. We're tired after walking around. We'll wait for you in the chrysanthemum downstairs."

The flame messenger and the blade ghost looked at Wang Dadong with the same caliber.

"Hey, are you still brothers? I'll do this kind of thing? I'm the boss, okay?"

Wang Dadong said dumbfounded looking at the backs of the flame messenger and the blade ghost who never looked back.

"As the boss, you should take on more responsibilities. Only you, the boss, can accomplish such a daunting task. Come on."

The blade turned around and made a cheering gesture to Wang Dongcheng and said.

Wang Dongcheng was at a loss for words, and when he reacted and wanted to say something, the flame messenger, the blade ghost and the others had disappeared.

Wang Dadong lowered his head secretly, spat lightly, and said, "A bunch of dishonest guys."

However, thinking of the treasure that he had taken a fancy to, Wang Dadong's face glowed again.

He quickly ran to Shen Wansan and registered.

"Southern Region, Longao Island, with an area of ​​100 square kilometers and a base price of 1000 million value points."

Shen Wansan said lightly.

"So expensive!"

Wang Dadong opened his eyes wide and said.

In his opinion, this seemingly ordinary piece of island is worth a few million value points at most, but he didn't expect that the reserve price marked by Shen Wansan was 1000 million value points.

If you really want to compete in auctions, why don't you have to auction them for a sky-high price?

"You should know the rules of Zhutian City. The price is very fair. In addition, the price is determined according to the size and preciousness of the land."

Shen Wansan raised his head and glanced at him lightly.

"Don't waste time, there are many people behind. This is your auction number. If you are not interested in this land, this land will be sold to you at a [*]% discount. This is the benefit of the land owner."


Wang Dongcheng's eyes lit up slightly and said.

"Of course, this is the rule set by the Lord of the City, how could I deceive you."

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Shen Wansan said quietly.

Shen Wansan arranged a number for Longao Island, which was the same as Wang Dadong's auction number. After Wang Dadong got the number, he left.

The powerhouses who can come to the enclosure of Zhutian City also need at least Tier [*] and above powerhouses.

Often the first to return to Zhutian City are the powerhouses with relatively low strength. First, because their speed is not as fast as the powerhouses of the sixth and seventh ranks, the good places are immediately drawn by those powerhouses.

The second is that they won't find too good a boundary, because their financial resources do not allow, even if a good boundary is delineated, when it comes to the auction, they can't get enough value to point out, and in the end it will only be cheap. Others, made wedding dresses for others.

.. 0 ...

In fact, for the low-level powerhouses, they are still very self-aware. They don't need to find a good place, as long as they can find a suitable place. They are very clear in their hearts that they came to the world of Zhutian City, not In order to find a good place to live, it is very good to have a place to stay.

They know that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in the world of Zhutiancheng is not comparable to their original world. Just looking for a piece of land in the world of Zhutiancheng is much stronger than the cultivation treasure of their original world.

And with the promotion of the city of the heavens, the world of the heavens will be upgraded, even if it is a wasteland, it will eventually evolve into a rare treasure.

So they didn't think too much about it.

The fields they chose were not too big, and they were all very ordinary. Basically, no one would compete with them. Basically, whoever encircled the land would belong to whoever.

Most of the boundaries they delineated were marked with hundreds of thousands of value points to several million value points.

They are basically acceptable.


After the registration of these people, the powerhouses of the sixth and seventh orders also flew back one after another.

They chose some treasures in the world of the heavens, all of which are very valuable, at least they are all worth tens of millions of points.

"Southern Region, Wuji Mountain, 50th Grade Treasure Land, 2500 square kilometers, with a base price of [*] million value points."

Shen Wansan registered Wang Lin.

Wang Lin raised his brows, he could still accept the price.So.

Chapter [*]: Treasures of all grades, six-grade magic land

"Nine-Rank Treasure Land? Is this land still classified?"

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