Holding his auction number, Wang Lin paused slightly and looked at Shen Wansan and asked.

As the question came out, everyone around looked at Shen Wansan, wanting to hear his explanation.

Shen Wansan glanced at the surroundings lightly, then looked at Wang Lin and said with a smile: "Of course, everything has its own level, the Heavenly Paradise, or the Spiritual Mountains and Great Rivers in the world, all have their grades, you This ninth-grade treasure land is the lowest-grade treasure land of all, but it is much better than those with no rank, but there is still some gap with other high-grade treasure land. The current treasure land is divided into nine grades from low to high. Rank, Rank [*] is the lowest, Rank [*] is the highest."

"Tier 25 to rank 00? Rank [*] is the lowest. The reserve price for the auction of rank [*] treasures requires [*] million value points. How many value points are needed for rank [*] treasure?"

Wang Lin couldn't help muttering to himself.

That would probably be a number that Wang Lin could not imagine.

"Tier [*] treasure land? I don't know either. The best treasure lands have been sealed by the city lord, and I don't plan to open it for auction now. After the world is promoted again, it may be opened. Now develop the highest rank. The treasure land should be the third-grade treasure land, the first-grade treasure land and the second-grade treasure land, now it is unnecessary to think about it.”

Shen Wansan spoke again.

Listening to Shen Wansan's words, Wang Lin was silent for a moment, without saying a word, he left with his number plate.

Now those high-grade treasures are still far away from him.

So he didn't ask any more questions.

After Wang Lin left, the powerhouses above the sixth rank of Zhutian City registered one after another. They wanted to know what rank the treasure land they had chosen was.

"Southern Region, Gutuo Lingshan, 150th Grade Treasure Land, 3500 square kilometers, with a base price of [*] million value points."

This piece of land was chosen by the Tathagata of the Westward Journey to Conquering Demons.

This Guduoling Mountain is very suitable for their Buddhism. Although the price sounds a little expensive, it is still within his acceptable range.

"Southern Region, Ancient Beast Soul Region, Ninth-Rank Treasure Land, 5000 square kilometers, with a base price of 6000 value points."

This treasure land was chosen by Tang Hao and Tang San in Douluo World. He originally thought that the price of this treasure land would be very high, but in the end he didn't expect it to only have 6000 million value points, not because 6000 million value points were not counted for them. What, but the size of their treasure land far exceeds the previous few people.

According to the scale of the land boundary, their land should be a sky-high price.

Such a price made the surrounding crowd feel a little curious, but they knew that the boundaries of the world of the heavens were calculated according to size.

"Why is the 5000-square-kilometer Jiupin Treasure Land only worth 6000 million points at the base price?"

Many people expressed great confusion.

Such doubts also appeared on the faces of Tang Hao and Tang San.

Shen Wansan, seeing their doubts, explained: "Actually, you don't need to feel strange, although this ancient beast soul area sounds relatively large, only such a large area can be called a ninth-grade treasure land. If you lose half of it, then this ancient beast soul area can’t be called a ninth-grade treasure land, so you should understand that although the land is large, the overall quality is not necessarily comparable to other ninth-grade treasure land.”

After hearing what Shen Wansan said, Tang Hao, Tang San, and the crowd around them understood.

The two left with the auction number.

Next, most of the sixth-order powerhouses chose the ninth-grade treasure land. Only the powerhouses in the world of stubbornness chose an eighth-grade treasure land, the land of the ancient gods, with an area of ​​120 square kilometers and an auction reserve price of 8000 million value points.

The piece of land they chose was an eighth-grade treasure land, which they didn't expect, but since it was an eighth-grade treasure land, they were quite satisfied.


After the registration of the sixth-order powerhouses was completed, the seventh-order powerhouses entered the venue, and the ones walking in the forefront were Feipeng and Zhonglou.

"Southern Region, Heavenly Pole Realm, Seven-Rank Treasure Land, covering an area of ​​800 square kilometers, with a base price of 1 million value points."

Feipeng and Zhonglou took the auction number expressionlessly and left.

The seventh-grade treasure land is enough for them. As for the auction reserve price of nearly [*] million value points, it is not very expensive for them, and it is completely within the range of their tolerance.

Although they didn't say anything, the surrounding crowd was amazed and said: "This seventh-grade treasure land has an auction value of hundreds of millions! I don't know what the price of a higher-grade treasure land will be...   …”

Under their expectations, Wutian slowly stepped forward and came to register in front of Shen Wansan.

Shen Wansan glanced at the map that Wutian handed over and frowned slightly, but there was nothing. From his expression, he obviously did not expect that Wutian would choose such a place.

"Southern Territory Boundary, Heavenly Demon Abyss, Grade 1 Demon Land, covering an area of ​​2 square kilometers, the auction reserve price is 8 million value points."

In the end, Shen Wansan couldn't help but glanced at Wutian and said, "You really choose this piece of magic land as your future residence? According to the city lord's mark, these sixth-grade magic land have certain dangers, although I don't think so. Talk about it, but I want you to think twice before making a decision."

Wutian nodded and said: "Mr. Shen, register, the monk has already chosen."

"Well, since you've already selected it, I won't say anything, this is your auction number."

Seeing Wutian's firm expression, Shen Wansan stopped persuading him.

After Wutian took over the auction number, he silently disappeared in place.

"Rank [*] Demon Land, I didn't expect anyone to choose Demon Land!"

Some people can't understand Wutian's decision, but some people said calmly: "Although Wutian used to be a Buddhist disciple and has always regarded himself as a Buddha, in the end, he still entered the devil's way and chose a piece of magic. It's not surprising."

Some people nodded in agreement.

Although Wutian insists on calling himself a Buddha, in the final analysis he is still a devil, so there is nothing wrong with this choice.

After Wutian left, the four masters such as Utred, the master of destruction, stepped forward, and at this time, Hongmeng also appeared in front of them silently.

They appeared in Hongmeng, and quickly came to Hongmeng to meet and said: "The controller."

Hongmeng waved his hand and said: "There are not so many rules here, you go to register first."

Previously, he and Daoyan went to the world of Fengshen to kill Sanqing, but he didn't know that the destruction master and others had chosen the treasure land of various levels. .

Chapter [*]: Registration is complete, the auction begins


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