Di Jiang said lightly.

"There are many strong people who rival the saints?"

This time, not only Di Jun was shocked, but even Dong Huang Taiyi, who was standing beside him, felt incredible.

"Is this true?!"

Di Jun said with some gaffe.

"Of course it's true, don't you think that our Zhutian City, which can be easily resurrected, doesn't have much power? In fact, the hidden power of Zhutian City is more than you and I imagined. If all those strong people enter the prehistoric world, it is really There is a big threat to the prehistoric world! Not to mention, there are even more terrifying Lord City Lords."

When Di Jiang spoke of those strong men, there was reverence on his face.

Looking at Di Jiang's admiring expression, Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun already believed his words.

"But having said that, if we want to stay in the prehistoric world for a long time, then we need some more powerful allies to be able to gain a foothold in the prehistoric world, otherwise, those saints and the way of heaven will definitely not allow us to continue to exist in the prehistoric world. In the prehistoric world, as long as we have more minds in the future, they will not be able to help us, even if there is a great danger, we can return to this city of the heavens at any time."

Di Jiang spoke again.

"Looking back on it now, you and I should have noticed that the protagonists of heaven and earth chosen by Tiandao are not either of our two clans. We are all victims of the times. In the end, Tiandao chose the human race that is well controlled."

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Di Jiang's remarks made Dong Huang Tai Yi Di Jun slightly moved, and Di Jun said with a moving expression: "What do you mean, entering the prehistoric world, we need to unite and fight against those saints together?!"

"The meaning is almost the same, but it's not enough to rely on the strength of those of us. We also need to summon some other powerful experts to do it."

Di Jiang said with a slight smile.

"Other powerful people, where to find them?"

"There are not many people in the prehistoric world who have made friends with our two clans, and if it is in this battle against the saints, they should not stand on our side, like before, they can ignore the existence of the saints and basically fall. Now, if they still exist in the world, they can still join forces, and now there is no other powerful helper."

... 0 0

Di Jun's eyes flickered slightly, and he seemed a little powerless to speak.

Hearing his words, Di Jiang smiled slightly and said, "Fell, haven't you fallen too? Why are you standing here now?"

Hearing these words, Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun were slammed into the head, sober in an instant, their eyes brightened slightly, and said, "What do you mean, resurrect those who were once strong?"

Di Jiang watched them come to their senses, smiled slightly, and did not speak.

"Hey, this method is good. Since both His Majesty and the Twelve Ancestors can be resurrected, then there should be no problem in resurrecting those ancient powerhouses. At that time, there were so many terrifying powerhouses. ."

The demon master Kunpeng frowned slightly.

"This method does work."

Both Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi agreed with this idea.

Think of the fallen powerhouses.

The first thing they can think of is that in the first robbery of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the ancestor dragon Yuanfeng, the first unicorn.

In addition, there is Ancestor Luo Hu who once fought with Daozu Hongjun. These people have extremely powerful combat power and have infinite potential.

If they can all be resurrected, then it is really possible for them to fight against those saints in the prehistoric world.So.

Chapter Five Hundred and Five: The Whereabouts of Chaos Clock

"It's just that resurrecting those powerhouses requires a lot of value points. We shouldn't have so many treasures on our body, so we can exchange value points to resurrect them."

The demon master Kunpeng said.

"It's simple. After we get enough protection in the future, we will exchange the value points." Hou Tu said lightly, "At that time, we can revive all of them, we don't need to revive them now, and in addition We can find their descendants in the prehistoric world, and believe that their descendants should and are willing to pay enough treasures to resurrect their ancestors."

"However, as far as I know, the descendants of their strong men have had a very bad life in the prehistoric world. It can be said that it is even worse than what happened to our two clans!"

"If we tell them this news, they should not refuse our request!"

The demon master Kunpeng said quietly by the side.

He has been dormant in the prehistoric world for a long time, and he has a very clear understanding of the living conditions of the various ethnic groups in the prehistoric world.

"This plan is not bad. As long as we can build a strong alliance, we will not be afraid of those saints at all. Even if Tiandao wants to move us, it is not so simple. I will see who is in charge of the prehistoric world. !"

In the end, Di Jun raised a special momentum and said coldly.

Now what he wants is no longer a ruler under the sage's rule, but a comparison with the sage!

"Well, this matter is settled, then we just need to wait quietly."

In the end, Di Jiang said lightly.

After speaking, he was about to turn and leave with the Twelve Ancestors. Looking at the backs of them leaving, Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun suddenly became a little complicated.

They didn't expect that they would come together with the Twelve Ancestral Witch to plan something.

At this time, the taste in their hearts is indescribable, and they were once enemies of life and death.

"Big brother, do we really want to come together with their witch clan in the end?"

Dong Huangtai spoke to Di Jun through voice transmission.

"Right now, we can only do this. Let's talk about things in the future. At least for now, it is powerful for us to unite. The prehistoric world is no longer ours, and we don't need to fight with them, because we have all lost the prehistoric world. The sky and the earth of the world, now we and them are just poor people who have escaped from the prehistoric world, let's put aside the previous grievances for a while, and now we should concentrate on fighting against those hypocritical saints!"

Di Jun replied earnestly, saying that in the end he was full of resentment towards the saints.

Dong Huangtai didn't say anything as soon as he heard this.

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