"Your Majesty, this is the Hetu Luoshu that I kept for you after you died in battle."

When Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun were transmitting the sound, the demon master Kunpeng handed over the Hetu Luoshu he collected back then to Di Jun.

Di Jun looked at the familiar Hetu Luoshu in front of him, and said to the demon master Kunpeng: "I didn't expect that after I died, the Hetu Luoshu was collected by you. Fortunately, you took it away. It would be a little troublesome to get into the hands of other saints."

"Does my Chaos Clock know the whereabouts?"

Donghuang Taiyi said with an expression on the side.

"East Emperor Bell, after His Majesty's death, he didn't know his whereabouts. Many people went out to look for it and couldn't find it. They didn't know where it went, or whether it was taken away by a saint. After all, His Majesty's Eastern Emperor Bell was taken away. But one of the Four Great Treasures."

The demon master Kunpeng replied.

"I don't know where you are? After so many years, have you been unable to find any clues?"

Dong Huangtai asked again and again.

The demon master Kunpeng shook his head and said: "There are currently two theories in the prehistoric world, the reason why the Chaos Bell is unknown, one is that the sage took the Chaos Bell away and stayed in the teaching to suppress the luck, the second theory It is the Chaos Clock that automatically returns to Chaos after His Majesty's death, and no one can find it."

Listening to the words of the demon master Kunpeng, Donghuang Taiyi's brows furrowed tightly. Chaos Bell is his strong support. It would be fine if he returned to Chaos. After all, Chaos Bell has his imprint, and he only needs to return to Honghuang. The world should be able to feel the location of the Chaos Clock. What he is most afraid of is that the Chaos Clock falls into the hands of other saints, and it will be very troublesome to get it back.

"Wait until we return to the prehistoric world to inquire about this matter. If it is in the hands of a certain saint, we will find a way to get it back."

Di Jun said quietly by the side.

"Snatch it back? In the sage's snatch, brother, you really dare to think..."

Donghuang Taiyi said with a bit of bitterness on his face.

"Why not? Didn't you listen to Di Jiang just now? Zhutian City has some strong people who can rival the saints. If you can ask them for help, then it will be impossible."

Di Jun's mind is relatively meticulous, and some information can be captured very quickly.

"Even if there are such strong people in Zhutian City, why should they help us?"

Donghuang Taiyi still drooped his face.

"There is a way to do this. Both His Majesties can be resurrected. It should be possible to ask a saint-level powerhouse to make a move, but you need to pay enough value points."

The demon master Kunpeng said from the side.

"is it okay?"

Donghuang Taiyi said with some disbelief. In his impression, saint-level powerhouses should be relatively detached. If their interests and cause and effect were not involved, they should not have taken it lightly.


Wang Dadong came over at some point, looked at Di Jun and Dong Huangtai and others with a smile and said.

Di Jun and Dong Huangtai looked at Wang Dadong, and at a glance, they realized that Wang Dadong was also a quasi-saint-level powerhouse.

"Wang Dadong, I know you two, you are the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi of the demon clan and the emperor of the heavens."

Wang Dadong said with some familiar 2.1 openings.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Wang actually knows about us. Is Fellow Daoist Wang also a monk in Honghuang?"

Di Jun asked Wang Dadong.

Wang Dadong shook his head and said: "No, I come from another big world. The reason why I know the two is because there are stories about the prehistoric world in our world, among which there are two demon emperors."

Wang Dadong didn't have any taboos, and said bluntly.

"Does your world have a story about the prehistoric world?"

Di Jun and Dong Huangtai were startled.

"But we have never heard of the existence of other big worlds in the prehistoric world. How did you hear about it?"

After a while, Emperor Jun and Emperor Dong became interested in the world where Wang Dadong lives. .

Chapter [*]: The way to enter the prehistoric world

"I don't know the specifics. It's just that stories like that have been circulating in our world. Now I thought that the prehistoric world was just a big fictional world. I didn't expect it to actually exist, which is really surprising."

Wang Dadong said with a smile.

"Oh? There have always been stories of the prehistoric world. This is very strange. Logically speaking, our two worlds are not connected at all. How can things in the prehistoric world spread."

Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun and the demon master Kunpeng all felt deeply puzzled.

Wang Dadong raised his eyebrows and said: "There may be a supreme powerhouse who can travel through various worlds and bring the story of the prehistoric world to the worlds."

"A supreme powerhouse who can travel through all big worlds? Does such a powerhouse exist?"

Donghuang Taiyi couldn't help but said.

"Yes, we met such a strong person not long ago, and we collectively call such a strong person a ninth-order strong person."

Wang Dadong spoke again.

"Ninth-order powerhouse? Is this a powerhouse beyond the realm of saints?"

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun were like two curious babies, constantly asking questions.

Wang 29 Dadong saw that the two of them seemed to have a lot of things that they didn't know yet. He smiled lightly at several people and said, "It's not convenient to talk for a long time here, let's find a place to talk slowly and carefully, about Zhutian City. I can tell you everything."

"Okay, then there is Daoist Laowang."

"You're welcome, the three of you please."

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