Wang Dadong was quite polite.

The three followed Wang Dadong into the chrysanthemum and went downstairs.


Watching all this in the white night on the roof of the heavens.

"People from the prehistoric world keep entering, and it seems that it is time to enter the prehistoric world to see."

Bai Ye said softly to himself.

"The prehistoric world is not very easy to enter."

At this time, Xiao Bai's cold mechanical voice suddenly came.

"Oh? Why can't you get in?"

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

This is the first time Xiaobai has said such words.

"Because the prehistoric world is quite special, to be precise, the prehistoric world is not a simple world, so it cannot be viewed as a simple big world."

"Not a simple big world? How can you say that?"

Bai Ye suddenly said curiously.

Isn't this prehistoric world the prehistoric world he knew?

"The prehistoric world is just a big world transformed by Pangu, but the city owner should also know that Pangu is just a chaotic devil in the chaos, and the endless chaos that Pangu exists in is also a super-large world. In the existence of the Great Dao, there are still some chaotic demon gods sleeping or bred, some of them should be comparable to Pangu, but they have not yet been conceived, or have not awakened for countless years."

Xiaobai explained patiently.

"Endless chaotic world? That is to say, if you enter the prehistoric world, then you will be connected to the endless chaotic world?"

Bai Ye keenly captured the relationship.

"The city owner understands that."

Xiaobai replied lightly.

"Then when you enter the prehistoric world, you will be noticed by the prehistoric world, and the heavens will be aware of it, then the Chaos Dao should also know that there are creatures from other worlds entering, and I don't know how they will react."

Bai Ye frowned slightly and said.

At present, he still doesn't know what rank Chaos Avenue is. According to calculations, Chaos Avenue is at least ninth-order or higher, because Pangu is a ninth-order powerhouse. Since Chaos Avenue can breed Pangu, even if Pangu and Chaos Avenue exist Level, then Chaos Avenue is also ninth order, and it is the top ninth order level!

"No one can tell how they will react, so it is advisable to be cautious if you want to enter the prehistoric world."

Xiaobai responded again.

"So, it's best not to enter this prehistoric world?"

"It can't be said that, if you want to enter the prehistoric world, there is still a way, but you need to disguise it, and you can enter the prehistoric world in a special place."

Xiaobai then said.

"Oh? In what way?"

Bai Ye's expression changed slightly and he said.

"That is to separate out a part of the soul and reincarnate into the prehistoric world. As long as it is an indigenous creature in the prehistoric world, the Dao of Heaven and the Great Dao will not be aware of it. In that case, there will be no trouble. With the current level of the city of the heavens, the Dao of the Desolation and Desolation can be suppressed, but The Chaos Avenue cannot be suppressed, so it is necessary to disguise it like this."

Xiaobai replied lightly.

Bai Ye rested his chin with his hand, pondered slightly, and nodded after a moment: "This method is not bad, but after this reincarnation, will the strength be greatly reduced?"

Bai Ye asked the key question.

"This city lord doesn't need to worry, as long as he chooses the right place to be born, he can transmit his original strength without being discovered."

Xiaobai said lightly.

"Oh? Where were you born?"

Bai Ye then asked.

"The prehistoric world and the edge of chaos."

Xiaobai then said.

"Oh? Is there anything special about that place?"

Bai Ye asked again.

"I just scanned a group of Chaos Demon Gods 300 that are about to be conceived. The strong ones are very powerful, and the weak ones are only the fifth or sixth rank. The weak Chaos Demon Gods may be swallowed up at any time. Their annihilation is as fundamental as the Mayflies are born and die in general, and no one cares about them."

"Fortunately, they don't know how many thousands of years they will wake up from consciousness, and Zhutian City can erase all their consciousness, and then the souls of the strong people in Zhutian City can enter their bodies, so that even if the strength is terrifying, it will not matter. There will be doubts."

Xiaobai explained.

"This idea is not bad. It seems that you have already thought of a countermeasure in an instant."

Bai Ye said with a smile.

"As a city artifact spirit, this is just a trivial matter. When the city owner enters the prehistoric world, it is enough to notify in advance."

Xiaobai opened his mouth mechanically.

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