"From what you said, I am somewhat looking forward to entering the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world, the chaotic world. I don't know what kind of terrifying creatures there are in this chaotic world."

Bai Ye said with a stunned expression at the end.

"This, the city owner will know when he enters it. If you inform too much in advance, it will not have much meaning."

Xiaobai said lightly.

"Haha, you're right. It's better to keep some things a little mysterious, so as to have the excitement of exploration."

Bai Ye suddenly laughed. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Seven: All the Powerhouses of the Tower of the Heavens are out of the gate

"But then again, entering the prehistoric world as a chaotic devil is quite new. I don't know how so many chaotic devils will enter the primordial world, the so-called sages of the primordial world and the way of heaven will react."

Bai Ye seemed to remember something funny, and the corner of his mouth grinned slightly.

"It depends on how the city lord plays, but no matter how you play, there will be no danger. After all, entering the prehistoric world is only a part of the soul, even if it is lost, it is nothing, but I have a feeling that if the city lord leads Zhutian City When the strong enter the prehistoric world, the pattern of the prehistoric world should undergo huge changes."

Xiaobai's voice sounded slowly.

"A huge change?"

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly.

He suddenly thought of so many mythical characters in the prehistoric world, but he had some fun thoughts. As for what he would play, he had no specific plan yet.


"I also want to see what the current prehistoric world is like. It is said that there are ants under the saints. This seems to be an unchanging law in the online world. I would like to challenge this unchanging law. The world has been stable for too long, and it is always not good, and it is time to add some flavoring to them, otherwise, their lives will still be quite boring."

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Bai Ye's mouth.

"When does the city lord plan to enter the prehistoric world?"

Seeing Bai Ye's interest, Xiao Bai asked.

"Not in a hurry, wait until all the powerhouses in the Zhutian Tower are out of the customs, and then we will enter the prehistoric world to play."

Bai Ye said with a faint smile.

"This prehistoric world should be more fun than the previous world, so there should be many people interested."

Seeing Bai Ye say this, Xiaobai didn't say anything.


At this time, most of the people who practiced in the All-Heaven Pagoda have left the customs one after another, and even most of the seventh-order powerhouses who originally entered have come out.

Time passed slowly, day by day.

It seems that time is not passing in Zhutian City, and I don't know how long it has passed. Ninety percent of the people came out of the Zhutian Tower on the same day.

Most of them are sixth-order and seventh-order powerhouses. Fifth-order powerhouses have almost come out a long time ago. The original half-step sixth-order powerhouses have basically stepped into the seventh-order realm.

For example, Journey to the West, Conquer the Demons Tathagata, Immortal Rebellion Wang Lin, Xiao Xuan, Tang Hao, and Madam Wang, the stubborn covenant, and others.

The sixth-order peak has also stepped into the half-step seventh-order realm, such as Sun Wukong, Tang Sanzang, Dou Po Xiao Yan, Douluo Tang San... and others.

Feipeng, Zhonglou, Wutian, who were originally in the seventh-order realm, and the three emperors of the mythical world, Nuwa, Chiyou, and Xingtian, were all one step closer to the realm of strength.

As for Ye Fan, the Ruthless Great Emperor, and the Beginningless Great Emperor, Duan De, they have stepped into the half-step eighth-order realm, which is a higher level. The one who has stepped into this realm is Shi Hao's master Meng Tianzheng.

And those who were originally in the half-step eighth-order realm, Liu Shen, Shi Yi, and Xiao Shishi, all stepped into the eighth-order realm.

Their talents are very strong.

Liushen has the highest realm of strength among them. If he hadn't had a very serious injury, he could have successfully stepped into the eighth-order realm after staying in the All-Heaven Tower for an hour and a half, just to use the All-Heaven Tower. The power completely repaired the dark wounds in the body.

Solid foundation.

Only with a solid foundation can we go further in the future.

As they exited the customs, Zhutian City became extremely lively.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch and Emperor Donghuang Taiyi Jun, who came downstairs in Ju, felt that so many strong men appeared together, and they were all secretly surprised.

Although they knew that there were a lot of powerhouses in Zhutian City, when they saw the incomparably powerful powerhouses walking out of the All-Heaven Tower, they still felt a little incredible.

After all, this kind of thing is relatively new to them, and they haven't seen many other worlds except the prehistoric world.

Under Wang Dadong's advice, they knew that these powerhouses came from other big worlds in the heavens and the world.

This gave them a new understanding of the entire universe.

Originally, they all thought that Chaos and the great god Pangu were the origin of everything, but they did not expect that there are powerful big worlds in other dimensions.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, do these powerhouses really come from other big worlds?"

In the end, Donghuang Taiyi said something unbelievable.

Because he felt a few breaths that were stronger than them, and some powerhouses had similar breaths to them. This is a feeling that can only be experienced in the prehistoric world.

Looking at their surprised appearance, Wang Dadong slowly drank a cup of tea and said, "Of course, it is difficult for a big world to have so many strong men, and the truly terrifying strong men have not yet come out."

"¨"And there are more powerful powerhouses?"

Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun and the demon master Kunpeng's pupils shrank slightly.

"Haha, you don't have to make such a fuss about your fellow Daoists. Among the heavens and the world, there are always some top-notch characters, and it's not surprising that there are even terrifying powerhouses."

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