Wang Dadong raised the teacup in his hand to clink with everyone.

Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun, and the demon master Kunpeng were a little stunned. If there were really more powerful people who didn't appear, they couldn't imagine how strong Zhu Tiancheng's heritage was.

Such strength may be much stronger than the strength of the prehistoric world.

Just as they were talking, the eighth-order powerhouses in the All-Heaven Tower also slowly walked out of the All-Heaven Tower.

Their realm of strength has not changed much, because when they reach their realm, it is too difficult to break through. It is impossible for them to make a breakthrough in their realm of strength by just one practice.

Even if the Pagoda of the Heavens is a first-class cultivation holy place, it is difficult for them to break through in a short time.

However, even if there is no breakthrough, their cultivation gains this time are not small. On the basis of the original, their strength realm is more consolidated, their breath is more vigorous, and they have gained a lot of insights. Now they need an opportunity to break through.

In fact, they were able to leave the customs before, but there was nothing to do after they left, so they chose to continue their meditation in the All-Heaven Tower.

Until their mental power was almost exhausted, they chose to leave the customs and get pregnant.

Cultivation in the All-Heaven Tower requires a lot of mental power. The higher the level, the greater the mental power consumed. This is also proportional to the gain and the effort.

As the eighth-order powerhouses exited the border, all the powerhouses in Zhutian City looked towards them.

After all, now they are all the most powerful beings in Zhutian City, and they are very attractive. .

Chapter five hundred and eight: Emperor Jun, who does not want to be sanctified

"The eighth-tier powerhouses have all gone out, and it seems that the trip to the Great Wilderness is coming soon."

Wang Dadong, who was downstairs in the chrysanthemum, looked at the eighth-order powerhouses lined up in a row and said lightly.

"Are they the top group of powerhouses in Zhutian City? Sure enough, they are extraordinary. Although they can't see their specific realm of strength, they all have the atmosphere of saints."

Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun and the demon master Kunpeng stared at all the eighth-order powerhouses downstairs and said in shock.

They saw more than a dozen saint-level powerhouses at a glance, which made them feel very shocked.

"Yes, a dozen of them are the strongest combat power in Zhutian City at present, plus the three previous powerhouses who have just broken through the eighth-order, Zhutiancheng now has eighteen eighth-order powerhouses, such a force How does it compare to the prehistoric world?"

Wang Dadong looked at Di Jun and Dong Huangtai and others and said with a smile.

"Although I don't know the situation in the prehistoric world, I feel that such a powerful force should not be comparable to the prehistoric world."

Di Jun pondered for a moment and said.

The reason why he hesitated for a moment was because he didn't know anything about the situation in the prehistoric world.

After countless years have passed, he doesn't know whether the cultivation realm of those saints has improved, and there is still the 303 master of Hongjun Dao. This is because he must be in harmony with the existence of heaven, and his realm of strength should be terrifyingly strong.

Therefore, Di Jun is not very good at saying the specific strength of the current prehistoric world, but judging from the current strength of Zhutian City, the prehistoric world should be invincible.

Because there are eighteen strong saints, such an amazing force should be three times the number of saints in the prehistoric world.

If these powerhouses enter the prehistoric world, he really doesn't know whether the prehistoric world can withstand it.

Even if those saints are in the prehistoric world, relying on the prehistoric way of heaven, they have a natural advantage, but they cannot stand three times the number.

"Haha, everyone is out now. I believe that the Lord of the City will announce that he has entered the prehistoric world soon. Speaking of which, I still feel very curious about the prehistoric world. If I can go in and travel, it should be very good. "

Wang Dadong suddenly laughed.

"The prehistoric world is dangerous and full of calculations. If you stay for a long time, it is not a good place, but it is a place full of challenges. It is a world suitable for strong people and ambitious people. If Zhu Lianzhen has all the If all the boxes enter the prehistoric world, then the prehistoric world will cause a very huge shock, and by then I am afraid that the heavens will become chaotic, and in this chaotic world, I am afraid that one or two saints will be born."

Di Jun frowned slightly and said, this is the guess in his heart.

If there is a huge change in the prehistoric world, there should be one or two or even a few saints who were born in response to the disaster.

"A saint is born? I am afraid that it is only possible for you to be the strongest in the world. Brother Donghuang, brother Dijun and brother Kunpeng, your current strength is in the half-step eighth-order realm, and there should be opportunities. You are far from saints. Realm should also be a step away, stepping into the realm of saints should be very hopeful."

Wang Dadong lightly drank a cup of tea and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, we are all races that have been eliminated by the way of heaven. We may not be able to achieve the position of saints in the prehistoric world in this life. Maybe in Zhutian City, we can become saints in the prehistoric world. We thought about it before, and then we gradually felt It's already impossible, those high-ranking saints won't allow us to join their ranks, and we don't have the purple qi of Hongmeng, so we won't be recognized by heaven."

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly laughed.

"Oh? Not even in the chaos of heaven?"

Wang Dadong continued to open his mouth curiously.

"It is possible, but the hope is extremely small. After all, we have already died in the prehistoric world, and there is no possibility of becoming a saint in terms of fate."

Donghuang Taiyi said helplessly.

"Oh? Can't you just die in battle? You've already died in battle, and your fate is no longer bound by the prehistoric world. Doesn't it seem like there is a better chance? Fate is impermanent, and even the prehistoric world should not be able to calculate the way to capture you. Destiny, I feel that your chances of sanctification are much greater.”

Wang Dadong then said.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Di Jun and the East Emperor fell silent for a while.

Wang Dadong, it makes some sense to say this. They have never looked at problems from his perspective.

But they just felt that there was some truth to it, and they didn't take it seriously.

Because they know how difficult it is to be sanctified. They used to work very hard to pursue the position of saints. It was not until the end that they woke up. The position of saints has already been determined. Sanctification is basically impossible.

And they are not so persistent and eager for the position of saints now. They become saints in the prehistoric world, which should become an obstacle to their growth in the future. The saints in the prehistoric world are puppets under the heaven. If they want complete freedom, they have basically been is impossible.

In Zhutian City, as long as they work hard, they can also reach the realm of saints, and there is some hope that they can surpass the realm of saints in the future. The prospects for development in Zhutian City are unlimited.

Now even if a fool is allowed to choose, they will not go to the prehistoric world to fight for the position of a saint.

"Whether it's holy or not, it doesn't matter to us now. Before we changed it, we would still have very deep obsessions. Now we are resurrected again, born in this city of the heavens, and I feel that the potential here is greater than that of the prehistoric world. There are too many, why do we lose the big because of the small, and put the cart before the horse. If we enter the prehistoric world this time, we just hope that the monsters in the prehistoric world can live better and not be enslaved by those saints. A beast with no dignity living in the world, if possible, I will seek justice from those saints in the prehistoric world."

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