Di Jun said slowly from the side.

When Wang Dadong saw what Di Jun said, he didn't speak any more.

He knew that Di Jun's choice was also a wise person's choice. Everyone wanted to go to a high place and would no longer be attached to a high place.

Achieving the status of a saint in the prehistoric world, although he can dominate all living beings, he is only in a corner. Although the prehistoric world is very powerful, he cannot see the sights of the heavens and the world, and if he speaks unpleasantly, he is a frog at the bottom of a well. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Nine: Prepare to Enter the Great World

On the main street of Zhutian City, more than a dozen eighth-order powerhouses did not leave, but stood in front of the Zhutian Tower.

This time, the reason why they went out so neatly together is that the time limit for their cultivation has come, and the second reason is because Bai Ye summoned them out.

Therefore, they all stood in front of the Zhutian Tower and waited. They knew that Bai Ye must have something very important to call them out this time.

So they all stood in place and waited for Bai Ye's orders.

One of their actions has also attracted the attention of many people.

Why are all the eighth-order powerhouses standing in front of Zhutianlou, not moving, as if waiting for something.

Just when they felt doubts, Bai Ye's figure slowly stepped out from the building of the heavens.

"Lord City Lord!"

More than a dozen eighth-order powerhouses bowed to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's eyes fell on them and nodded.

"The Lord of the City has come out!"

"The Lord of the City must have something important to do at this time. Let's all go out to see-see."

After Bai Ye appeared, all the Zhutian City powerhouses who were downstairs and in every corner gathered at the Zhutian Downstairs for the first time.

Even Wang Dadong, Dong Huangtai Yidi Jun, the demon master Kunpeng, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches all put down their teacups and came downstairs to the heavens.

Although Donghuang Taiyi Emperor Jun and the demon master Kunpeng had never seen Bai Ye, they all knew from Wang Dadong's sky that Bai Ye was the city lord of Zhutian City.

Lord of Zhutian City!

This identity is very amazing. The realm of strength and identity of a person who can be the city master of Zhutian City is not what they can imagine.

Therefore, all of them did not dare to be slighted or changed, because they had seen all the powerhouses and were extremely respectful to Bai Ye, including more than a dozen eighth-order powerhouses.

Bai Ye saw that all the powerhouses had gathered together, glanced at every powerhouse present, and nodded slightly.

"This time for you to gather, I believe that many people should guess that there is something important, and this matter should not be a secret, that is, this time Zhutian City has been promoted and connected to a more powerful world, and this world is the prehistoric world. , This prehistoric world is much stronger than any world we have come into contact with before, and there should be a lot of super powerhouses in it, so if you enter the prehistoric world this time, it will be a little different from the past."

Bai Ye's tone was calm, and he said lightly.

"It's different from the past? Could it be that there are some changes in this so-called prehistoric world this time?"

Standing at the forefront, Luo Hu, who is also the most powerful person in Zhutian City, looked at Bai Ye and asked with some puzzlement.

"Yes, in the past, we could directly open the world channel and enter other big worlds, but this time it is a little different. This prehistoric world is not as simple as you think, it is not a simple eighth-order world, which may also There is only a ninth-order world connected, so this time entering the prehistoric world will be a little different, we need to be careful this time, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble."

Bai Ye spoke again.

"Connected to the ninth-order world? This is the first time I have heard of such a world state."

There are many eighth-order powerhouses present who feel puzzled.

"Lord City Lord, then how will we enter this eighth-order world this time?"

At this moment, Luo Feng slowly stepped forward and asked Bai Ye respectfully.

Listening to Bai Ye say that this eighth-order world is closely connected to a ninth-order world, which is no trivial matter. Although the eighth-order world is only one level away from the ninth-order world, the gap in one level will lead to a huge difference. distance.

In the eighth-order world, they still don't know what kind of terrifying powerhouses I have bred, but in the ninth-order world, they will definitely give birth to powerhouses that they all feel fearful of.

In addition, they still don't know what the ninth-order world looks like. I heard that ninth-order powerhouses can break the existence of multi-dimensional universes.

They can traverse between the great worlds at will, without any restraint, such a strong person is completely beyond their existence.

The ninth-order world should be able to breed such a strong man. If they encounter such a strong man, then they still don't know how to deal with it, or how to deal with it.

Bai Ye also seemed to see the worry in their hearts, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "This time entering this prehistoric world will be very special, but it will not let people's bodies directly enter the prehistoric world, you only need to share Send out a part of the soul, and with the help of the city of the heavens, you can seize the powerful creatures over there. Even if something happens, there will be no great danger. At most, you will only lose a part of the soul. Zhutian City can easily help you make up for it, but you need to pay additional value points to buy it.”

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"Separating a part of the soul and seizing the powerful creatures on the other side, this kind of gameplay seems to be the first time."

Wang Dadong whispered lightly under the Zhutianlou.

He came to Zhutian City relatively early, and it was the first time for the City Lord to handle such a cautious approach. It is conceivable that the world over there is so dangerous, and the City Lord needs to do this.

... 0 ...

"Donghuang, Dijun brother, is your prehistoric world still linked to a ninth-order world?"

Wang Dadong looked at Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun curiously and asked.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun looked dazed, shook their heads slowly and said: "We don't know, I have not heard of a stronger world outside the prehistoric world after being in the prehistoric world for so long."

In their cognition, it seems that only the prehistoric world exists. If there are other more powerful worlds, they should have known about it long ago.

"You don't know? So what kind of world is this ninth-order world that the Lord of the City is talking about?"

Wang Dadong frowned tightly, his face full of doubts.

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