"My question is very simple, that is the question of strength. The city lord Fang Cai said that we need to divide our souls to enter the big world this time, so we just divide our souls to enter the big world of the eighth-order and even the ninth-order. , the strength will be very limited, will the strength be inferior to those aboriginal powerhouses?"

This question of Shi Hao was also considered a very critical issue.

This is the concern of all eighth-order powerhouses.

If they entered the big world, they would not have any worries. They believed that with their current strength of 2.1, even if they entered the ninth-order world, they would not be afraid of anything.

But they were still a little worried when they only entered a separate soul.

In comparison, the strength that a split soul can exert is very limited. In such a big world, they should not be able to stand on the top. If they can't stand at the top, then their gains will be very limited.

As a result, it is very disadvantageous for them.

They believed that the city lord Bai Ye should have a solution, but Bai Ye never said it, so they had no confidence in their hearts.

That's why Shi Hao asked such a question.

After Bai Ye listened to the question, he smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about this, I will find a body that matches you in that world, your strength will not be weakened much at all, and it will not even have any impact. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirteen: Observation of the White Night

Wild world.

Emperor Jundong Huangtaiyi and the Twelve Ancestors appeared in a barren land, and they did not appear in the sky with much fanfare.

They are worried about being noticed by someone with a heart.

After all, there are still a lot of great powers in the prehistoric world.

They also don't dare to put their perception too far, because they don't want to cause any trouble.

If they were in the past, they would never have done this, because in the past, they were all fearless existences.

Even in the face of saints, they would straighten their backs, but this time it was different, this prehistoric world was no longer their world.

As people who died, they came back to life. Such a thing is unimaginable in the prehistoric world.

In order not to attract the attention of those saints and Heavenly Dao, they also need to be careful.

"Di Jiang, now we are on the same boat. The grievances between us in the past can be put aside for the time being. Now we should have a common goal. We need to work together in this prehistoric world."

Di Jun suddenly looked at Di Jiang and the other twelve ancestors and said.

Di Jiang frowned slightly and did not speak, saying that he was acquiescing in the relationship between them.

"do you have any plans?"

After a moment of silence, Di Jiang looked at Di Jun and said.

"Plan, there is no plan for Zhou Xiang. Now we have two goals. One is to collect enough treasures and go to Zhutian City to exchange enough value points to resurrect the top powerhouses who have died. In this case, we will We can form a powerful alliance, and when the Lord of the City arrives, we can disrupt this prehistoric world, and even if we cannot make this prehistoric world change the world, we cannot let our clansmen be at the bottom of the prehistoric world."

Di Jun's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a trace of light in the depths of his pupils.

Di Jiang also nodded after hearing this: "Then what is the second goal ¨.?"

"The second goal is to thoroughly understand the details of the prehistoric world and see what the saints are planning. If they have any plans, then we will disrupt their so-called plans. I just want them not to Comfortable! They are planning to abandon my demon clan and your witch clan behind their backs, so we can't make them comfortable anymore!"

At the end, Di Jun's eyes froze.

At this moment, the domineering power of the Heavenly Emperor of the Monster Race was undoubtedly revealed.

Dare to directly oppose the sage of the Great Desolation, this is why the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Race, who was once fearless, had such courage.

"How about this idea of ​​mine, what are your objections?"

Di Jun looked directly at the Twelve Ancestors and said.

"No, this is also in line with our intentions. This world once abandoned us. Of course, we can't make them comfortable when we come back this time. The big deal is that we fail in the end. It is possible to attack and defend, but there is nothing to be afraid of.”

In the end, Di Jiang said lightly.

"Just now, where do we need to start?"

Di Jiang then asked.

"This is quite simple. After we briefly touch the current situation in the prehistoric world, we will make specific plans."

Di Jun spoke again.

"By the way, Kunpeng, you have been in the prehistoric world. You should have a better understanding of the current situation in the prehistoric world. Where are we now, and what forces are there?"

Di Jun turned to the demon master Kunpeng and said.

The demon master Kunpeng said with a smile: "Now we are in the realm of Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is a wild and desolate land, and there are traces of human beings. There is a kingdom of gods less than ten thousand miles away from us. It is a well-known place in Dongsheng Divine Continent, where hundreds of immortals gather and a group of gods live, it is a kingdom of gods with mixed races, we can go there temporarily, and no one should notice it.”

"Oh? There's a place like this. Will there be our old friends there?"

Di Jun then asked a question.

"There shouldn't be. There is a newly born kingdom of God, and there shouldn't be any old-fashioned immortals living there. Even if there are, we can directly obliterate them, so that no news will leak out."

The demon master Kunpeng said casually.

"Haha, what Kunpeng said is quite right. There are many immortals and gods there, but they are the targets of our harvest. If there are really old guys sitting there, with our current strength, killing them is simply a piece of cake."

On the side, Dong Huangtai said with a hearty smile.

What he said was not a big deal. With their current lineup, even if they encountered a saint, they were not afraid at all.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch plus the two demon emperors, they are truly worthy of their power.

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