"¨"Okay, then let's go there first. If the place is suitable, we can turn it into a base, and gather all the demons and witches in the prehistoric world. In this way, we We will soon be able to gain a firm foothold in the prehistoric world, and when the Lord of the City comes, we will no longer need to worry about anything."

Di Jun said lightly, and immediately made a decision.

"Di Jiang, what do you think?"

Di Jun turned to look at Di Jiang and the other twelve ancestor witches and asked.

"Since you've made your decision, and we don't have a better place, let's go together."

Di Jiang said without any objection.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Di Jun stared into the distance and said.

Saying that, they stood up together, turned into a dozen streamers, and flew into the distance.

They deliberately restrained their aura, and none of the great powers of the Great Desolation within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles could detect their aura.

However, when the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Emperor Jundong Huang Taiyi appeared in the prehistoric world, several saints living in the thirty-third heaven seemed to have a sense of spear.

Sanqingpan sat on the high cloud bed and all opened his eyes. Since the completion of the consecration, Sanqingzun has all moved to the [*]rd Heaven according to the decree of the ancestors of Hongjun, and does not ask about world affairs and does not participate in the prehistoric times. any strife in the world.

All things in the world are handed over to the disciples under the door. They completely shut down the six senses and focus on understanding the way of heaven, in order to follow in the footsteps of their masters and reach the realm of saints in the way of heaven.

Since all their saints have all withdrawn from the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world has been developing in an orderly manner, and there has never been such a big fight. When these saints retreated, it was endless years, and no one came to disturb them. The clouds are light and the wind is light, and there is nothing to worry about. .

Chapter five hundred and sixteen: robbery, extortion

In the prehistoric world, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, Di Jun and others came to the kingdom of God thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye.

There is a fairy tale here, and there are natural barriers.

Ordinary mortals can't get here at all, it is a kingdom of gods that ordinary mortals in the world can't reach.

This kingdom of gods has left many legends in the world. It is said that if you enter this kingdom of gods, you will be able to obtain the law of longevity, you can be immortal, and you can cultivate to become immortals.

It is the dream place of many people.

Only some extraordinary people and immortals can enter into the kingdom of God.

Ordinary people simply cannot reach it.

But this kingdom of gods, which the world can only see, is too easy for the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Di Jun and others to enter this kingdom of gods.

They almost ignored all natural barriers and descended directly into the kingdom of God.

As soon as they entered the kingdom of God, it was a completely different world, with immortal music arrays, spiritual mist lingering, and each and every spiritual platform and pavilion, which looked very delicate and majestic.

Comparable to a side of heaven.

If you look around, you can see a fairy goddess fascinated by it. Many fairy goddesses show their chests and backs, and their postures are very unrestrained.

It doesn't look like a fairy in people's imagination at all.

"Is this the so-called kingdom of God?"

Looking at the extravagant scene in front of him, Di Jun frowned slightly and said.

"These immortals, have they started to rot away after a long time in peace?"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the scene in front of him and said coldly.

He also saw their demon clan being kept in the stables as mounts from not far away. With just this simple glance, he knew how miserable the demon clan's life was in today's prehistoric world.

"I've never been to this place before, and I'm also very surprised by the scene inside."

The demon master Kunpeng replied.

None of the people present seemed to have noticed their arrival, and all were immersed in joy.

"It seems that the prehistoric world has been quiet for too long, and some immortals have slowly fallen."

Di Jiang looked at such a scene from the side, and said calmly.

"Degenerate? This fellow Daoist, how can you say that? We are just enjoying ourselves. The days outside are rather depressing, and there are not many places to be at ease. Didn't you come here for this? "

At this time, an old man with a crane-haired face and a young face walked slowly towards Dijiang and said drunkenly.

"I don't think the immortal essence in you is too pure. You shouldn't be practicing orthodox immortal methods, right? And I observed that most of the immortals here are loose immortals. Is there no one to restrain you now?"

Di Jiang glanced lightly at the drunk old man and said.

"Constraints? The prehistoric world is very peaceful now. We scattered immortals don't need to hide in remote corners and not be born. It is rare to encounter such an era. Of course, we should come out appropriately and enjoy ourselves. After all, cultivation is also very depressing. Originally, we were the bottom of the world. Now that the human race has appeared, we are no longer the lowest existence. Although the prehistoric world is now controlled by the human race, all this is an illusion of peace, and their human race is also a life. At the bottom, we immortals are still above them."

The drunk old man then spoke up.

He didn't realize at this moment that the strength of the dozen or so powerhouses in front of him was far superior to him.

"I originally thought what kind of prosperity would this place be, but it was just a place of corruption. It seems that this prehistoric world has really changed a lot."

Di Jiang didn't seem to hear the words of the drunk old man in front of him, and said coldly.

"This fellow Daoist, listening to you, it seems that you are not satisfied with the current state of the prehistoric world. Isn't this state very good? You and I, the insignificant immortals and gods, don't have to suffer calamities and can enjoy life recklessly. Happy things, do you still miss those turbulent lives in the past? Thinking of those years, I feel what kind of fear, Lich hegemony, if you are not careful, you will end up dying, I have been hiding in the dojo for endless years , I only succeeded in my cultivation and came out to be happy and happy. This kind of life is much better than the previous prehistoric world. I hope that the prehistoric world can continue to be peaceful like this. , they were massacred, or used as our mounts. In the past, we didn't dare to think about dying, but now we can do it easily, do you think it's happy or not? Now those demon beasts are no longer there. Can't turn around."

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The old man held a wine gourd in his hand and chatted while drinking, feeling quite relaxed, but at this time he did not feel that the eyes of Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi and others had completely cooled down.

"You gods of loose immortals have completely lost their minds to go up, erosion has corroded your hearts, and it is superfluous to stay in this world."

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