After simply disposing of Erlangshen and Sun Wukong, Dong Huangtai said to the hundreds of immortals and gods present: "You obediently hand over all the treasures on your body, I will not embarrass you, but you want to go out. If you don’t, it’s not enough right now, and you can leave only after the people from the teachings and Buddhism have sent the treasures.”

East 310 Huangtai did not make things too difficult for the immortals present, but asked them to hand over their treasures, and did not ask their friends to send treasures.

Because he can see that most of these people are loose immortals, and they should not have any background. Even if they have some friends, how many friends can hand over their treasures for their friends.

His main goal is to explain teachings and Buddhism.

On these loose immortals, too much oil and water cannot be fried.

So he didn't deliberately make things difficult.

All the immortals present were hesitant to hand over their treasures, but when they saw Dong Huangtai's cold eyes, they suddenly felt a burst of fear.

Fang Caidong Huang Taiyi shot and killed a few Taiyi Jinxian, but it was very straightforward, and those people were still disciples of the teaching, and he killed them all without blinking an eye.

If they don't obey him, then their fate may be the same as the previous Taiyi Jinxian who taught them.

Although treasures are very important, they can still give up treasures compared to their lives. As long as there is life, treasures can still be obtained in the future.

Then, without any hesitation, they handed over all the treasures on their bodies. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Second: Interpretation and Buddhism

Looking at the actions of Donghuang Taiyi and the others in the white night of Zhutianlou, he was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect the demon emperor and the twelve ancestors to do such a thing.

This is quite fresh.

But Bai Ye also knew why they did this.

Bai Ye knew all their plans.

Now Donghuang Taiyi and the others directly want to pry food from the mouths of the teachings and Western Buddhism, and a series of turmoil will follow.

Although they will not be in any danger for the time being, but at this time, it is time for their Zhutian City powerhouses to end.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour has arrived.

Bai Ye slowly walked out of the Zhutian Tower and came to the sky above Zhutian City. As soon as he appeared, almost all the powerhouses noticed it at the first time.

"The Lord of the City has come out!"

Everyone gathered towards the Zhutianlou, and the eighth-order powerhouses in the Juju downstairs appeared in front of Bai Ye for the first time.

They stood there quietly waiting for Bai Ye's arrangement.

"Lord City Lord, is it time to set off?"

In the crowd, someone asked Bai Ye respectfully.

Some of them were obviously impatient.

At this moment, everyone looked up at Bai Ye, who smiled slightly and said, "Yes, it's time to set off."

As he said that, he waved his hand, and a huge pond appeared in the sky, standing quietly in the void, and there was an esoteric breath in it.

All of them felt a sense of comfort from their souls, and they even felt that their spiritual power had increased a little.

Such a huge pond makes everyone feel very surprised.

Someone couldn't help but asked: "Lord City Lord... What kind of treasure is this? Do we need to use this treasure when we enter that world this time?"

All of them are sensitive people, and they quickly thought of the relationship between this treasure and the big world they entered.

"Yes, to enter the prehistoric world, you need to use this treasure. This treasure is the reincarnation pool. When you enter it, you can quickly separate a part of your soul and soak it in it, you can constantly repair your missing souls. , so you need to enter this reincarnation pool first when you enter the prehistoric world."

Bai Ye said with a faint smile.

"Oh? I didn't expect such a treasure, so we really need to see it."

Without any hesitation, all the strong men flew towards the huge reincarnation pool in the void. The reincarnation pool didn't look very big, but the space inside was extremely vast, and everyone took up more than a hundred feet of space.

They all chose a piece of land one by one and sat down on the spot.

Entering this reincarnation pool, they all felt refreshed and ferocious. Their spiritual power and soul seemed to be soaked in a hot spring, very comfortable.

"This Reincarnation Pond is really amazing. It can have an effect on my soul. I really don't know what kind of treasure this Reincarnation Pond is."

The eighth-tier powerhouse occupied a good area, Luo Feng couldn't help but said.

"No fuss, this is the treasure of Lord City Lord. For example, can you see what kind of treasure it is in the Tower of the Heavens?"

Shi Hao smiled softly beside him.

Luo Feng smiled helplessly, and then said: "I used to think I was so detached, but now compared with Lord City Lord, I really know what it means to be truly detached, by the way, a treasure can do it. Let us be amazed, such a transcendent state is really not comparable to us."

"Haha, compared to the master, I don't know if we can hope to reach the level of strength as the master in our lifetime, but it's always not wrong to follow the master. In this world outside the world, I don't know how many unimaginable horrors there are. Powerhouse, without the leadership of the Lord of the City, it would be very difficult for us to climb to a higher realm."

Daoyan laughed when he heard Luo Feng's emotion.

"Of course we can't compare with the Lord City Lord. As long as we can always follow the Lord City Lord's pace, it's not bad. In the world we entered this time, I don't know if there will be a ninth-order powerhouse."

Rahu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up.

Here, his realm of strength is the highest, and his realm has reached the limit of the eighth-order peak, and he can see that he has stepped into the half-step ninth-order realm.

If he can meet a ninth-order powerhouse, then he still hopes to see what is different about the ninth-order powerhouse. Maybe he can find a breakthrough opportunity from the ninth-order powerhouse.

"Ninth-order powerhouse."

Listening to this term, the eighth-order powerhouses present frowned slightly, and their expressions were quite dignified.

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