They all know that the ninth-order powerhouses are fundamentally different from them. The ninth-order powerhouses can break the shackles of the heavens and the world with their own power, and can appear in any realm of the heavens and the world at will.

It is a real strong person who is free and easy. They ask themselves, compared with such a strong person, they are still far inferior.

However, the ninth order is the realm they yearn for. As long as they can step into the ninth order realm, it can be said that it is a completely different world. They can say that they are free from the shackles of the heavens and the world and feel at ease. Such a realm is Everyone's dream.

But having said that, if they were to encounter a ninth-order powerhouse now, they would still feel a little guilty in the absence of the Lord of the City, because they did not know how strong the ninth-order powerhouse was. It's not that it has the strength to kill them in seconds.

If they encounter a moody ninth-order powerhouse, they are out of luck.

But fortunately, the Lord of the City will go with them to the unknown world of the eighth and ninth order, and they all have a sense of security in their hearts.

Because they know that Bai Ye is there, even if they encounter a ninth-order powerhouse, they are the ones who deal with it calmly. In their hearts, Bai Ye is invincible!

While they were talking, Bai Ye suddenly entered the middle of the reincarnation pool.

Bai Ye doesn't need to sit in the reincarnation pool to separate his soul. Under the power of Zhutian City, part of his soul can be easily separated and can be replenished very quickly.

He entered the reincarnation pool this time to lead them into the prehistoric world together.

After Bai Ye entered the reincarnation pool, everyone was quiet.

Bai Ye opened his mouth to them and said, "¨" Now you are calm and concentrated, and separate a part of your soul, and then I will lead your soul to leave the city of heaven and enter the prehistoric world.".

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seven: Obediently Hand Over the Treasure

Hearing this, everyone closed their eyes and began to concentrate.

Separation of souls is a relatively painful thing, but in the reincarnation pool, this kind of pain will be minimized.

The higher the strength, the easier it is to separate the soul, the lower the strength, the more difficult it is to separate the soul, and the time it takes is slightly longer.

But not too long.

It only takes a quarter of an hour. With the help of the Reincarnation Pond, every Zhutian City powerhouse present has successfully separated their souls.

At this time, all the powerhouses closed their eyes and sat cross-legged on the spot, and a trace of sweat appeared on the faces of some people. It can be noticed that it was more painful for them to separate their souls, but they were still there. within the acceptable range.

At this time, above their heads, there are groups of light groups, and in these light groups, the appearance of their respective powerhouses is reflected.

This is a part of the soul separated by every strong person present. Bai Ye looked at these souls and smiled, and at this moment, a phantom slowly came out of his body, and his appearance was exactly the same as his.

This is the split soul separated by Bai Ye.

After Bai Ye separated his soul, he exited the reincarnation pool and returned to the All-Heaven Tower, seemingly unaffected by it.

In the reincarnation pool, Bai Ye's split soul led thousands of strong men and disappeared into the reincarnation pool out of thin air, leaving this world like 310 Buddhas in an instant.

When they reappeared, they arrived at a place of chaos, and they were boundless at a glance!It was foggy.

People can't see the whole picture of this world.

Vaguely, they could feel that the overwhelming pressure on the top of their heads seemed to come from the power of the Great Dao. This is the endless world of chaos!

"This place is chaotic, and it feels like the edge cannot be detected. Is this the eighth-order world? The pressure on the top of the head is very strong, is it the way of heaven?"

On the side, the soul light clusters of the eighth-order seventh-order powerhouses have all turned into phantoms, staying in the endless chaos.

The rest of the powerhouses do not have the ability to turn into phantoms, and they all maintain the state of the soul light group. After all, they are only a small part of the soul.

It is very good that a small number of divided souls of ordinary powerhouses can retain at least some intelligence.

As for normal manifestation, ordinary powerhouses are far from being able to do it, especially in this endless chaotic world.

Naturally, there is a force suppressing them.

Bai Ye glanced at them lightly and said, "This is not the eighth-order world, but the ninth-order world. It's just where we are now, on the edge of the ninth-order world."

"The ninth-order world? This is the ninth-order world? This is a little different from what we have known before. There is a chaotic atmosphere around it, like a world in the most primitive state."

Luo Feng said in surprise.

"I really didn't expect that the ninth-order world is like this. If the ninth-order world in my imagination is a bit different."

On the side, Xiao Shihuang spoke indifferently.

He has always been taciturn, and even he opened his mouth at this time, which means that no one thought that it would be like this for the ninth-order world in front of him.

"This is just the edge of the world. It's really deep, and even the core area, no one knows. Maybe in the core area of ​​the ninth-order world, there are scenery that we didn't expect."

Bai Ye said lightly, but he didn't say much.

Under the leadership of Bai Ye, they slowly flew a distance forward.

They can see that there are many Chaos Demon Gods in the endless chaos, but they have no life at this time, or the breath is very weak, and it seems that they will perish at any time.

This is a trace of vitality that Zhutian City deliberately left behind, so that Chaos Grand Dao will not notice it.

Zhutian City erased all the consciousness of these Chaos Demon Gods, leaving only a trace of vitality. As long as the strong people in Zhutian City entered the bodies of these Chaos Demon Gods, they could completely take away their bodies.

These chaotic demon gods are strong or weak, and it is very easy to judge from the breath on the surface.

"These Chaos Demon Gods are the bodies I prepared for you. As long as you enter their bodies, you can take them away and turn them into use."

Bai Ye opened his mouth to all the powerhouses present.

"This is the body that the Lord of the City has prepared for us. I didn't expect it to be the most original Chaos Demon God. It seems that their state is still in the process of being conceived. The body of such a creature is inherently powerful. If you can take them away, We will all get very big benefits and can make up for our lack of strength before."

There was a ray of light in Luo Hu's eyes, looking at these Chaos Demon Gods in front of him, he said excitedly.

He could feel that there were several Chaos Demon Gods with extremely powerful breath, and one of them was very similar to the Dao Law he cultivated.

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