If he can enter the master, maybe his ability to comprehend the Law of the Great Dao will be improved to a higher level. After all, these Chaos Demon Gods were all nurtured in the ninth-order world, and the power of the Law of the Great Dao that they come with should be esoteric. Incomparable.

If he can understand it, then he should step into the ninth-order realm in half a step, and it should be a lot faster, and it may even be done overnight.

The other dozen or so eighth-order powerhouses looked at the Chaos Demon God in front of them, and they all felt very satisfied.

There are tens of thousands of Chaos Demon Gods within a range of hundreds of millions of miles. Among them, there are strong and weak auras, which can meet the requirements of the powerhouses in Zhutian City.

Finally, when the powerhouses of Zhutian City wanted to take over the bodies of these Chaos Demon Gods, Bai Ye specially reminded: "Although there are many choices, don't choose Chaos Demon Gods that exceed your own strength, otherwise, you may not be able to integrate the body, It is very difficult for me, Jiayi, to get up. At that time, I will just be thankless and waste time. It is best to choose a Chaos Demon God with similar strength and realm. Let’s start, Zhutian City has a very limited time to block this world’s avenue, and it must not be discovered by it, otherwise it will be very troublesome.”

Bai Ye's eyes swept over all the powerhouses present and said.


All the eighth-order seventh-order powerhouses present said, and although the rest of the soul light clusters could not speak, they all jumped a bit, indicating that they knew.

"Well, let's start, the speed is getting better and better."

Bai Ye finally spoke. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty First: The Primordial Heavenly Venerate Summons Disciples

"Since the Lord of the City has already made arrangements, then we have no doubts."

A smile appeared on Shi Hao's face, and he said.


Bai Ye nodded slightly.

"Do you have any questions?"

Bai Ye looked at every strong man in the crowd again and asked.

At this time, Di Jun looked a little hesitant, but in the end he couldn't hold back, he slowly stepped forward and respectfully clasped his fists towards Bai Ye and said, "Lord City Lord, some of us originally belonged to the prehistoric world, can we directly Entering the prehistoric world?"

The biggest reason why Di Jun asked this question was that he wanted to enter the prehistoric world with his true face, and neither of them wanted to change his face.

They want to tell everyone in the prehistoric world in a dignified manner that Emperor Jun is back!

"You want to enter the prehistoric world with your body?"

Bai Ye turned his head slightly to look at Di Jun and said.

At this time, the other strong men also looked at Di Jun one after another.

They didn't expect that the man in front of them was actually a strong man who was going to enter the prehistoric world this time, which made them a little curious. 29


Di Jun replied firmly.

"We also want to enter the prehistoric world with the main body, and hope that the Lord of the City will be fulfilled."

At this time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches also stood up, and it was Di Jiang who stood at the front and spoke out.

He also has the same thoughts as Di Jun.

Bai Ye frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then said to Di Jun, Di Jiang and others: "Okay, since you all have a decision in your heart, then I can't decide for you, you can enter Honghuang with the attitude of your body. In the world, but the consequences of which need to be borne by yourself, if you have any conflict with the top powerhouses in the prehistoric world after entering the prehistoric world, Zhutian City will not necessarily help you, you must consider this clearly."

"We know this, we won't cause too much trouble in that world, and even if there is any trouble, we won't bother Lord City Lord."

Di Jun said firmly again.

"Well, all of you have registered in Zhutian City, and you are considered to be people in Zhutian City. If you encounter any danger, you can return to Zhutian City at any time, and there should be no danger to your life."

Bai Ye nodded.

"Also, when you enter my prehistoric world in advance, you can inquire about the situation ahead of time to see how the top powerhouses in the prehistoric world will react. It's a very incredible thing, you should be the focus of their attention, we can see how they react to you, and then we can enter the prehistoric world again."

Bai Ye seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then added a sentence.

Because he doesn't know much about the prehistoric world now, if the prehistoric world is just a simple eighth-order world, he would not be so cautious, but Xiaobai said that the prehistoric world is closely linked to the ninth-order world, the chaotic world. Then some of these things may not be so simple.

If Di Jun and the Twelve Ancestors can enter the prehistoric world in advance, they can see the changes in the prehistoric world.

Will there be a powerhouse in the dark, who has never shown his face, and he is not very clear about the prehistoric world.


"We can inquire about the situation in the prehistoric world for the Lord of the City."

Di Jun spoke again.

"Well, let's go, this is a ray of energy from the city of the heavens, it can temporarily block the aura on your body, and it will not be immediately calculated by some people. It is also convenient for you to act."

With a wave of Bai Ye's hand, the radiance of the heavens disappeared into Di Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

After the radiance of the heavens entered their bodies, the breath on their bodies underwent some wonderful changes.

It became a little ethereal, and they sensed each other's breath, which was difficult to capture.

The wonderful changes made them, secretly amazed.

With the cover of the brilliance of the heavens, it is much more convenient for them to do some things.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for the gift."

Emperor Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestors thanked Bai Ye.

"Well, you don't have to be so polite. This is your entry into the prehistoric world, and it can be regarded as inquiring about news for us. These energies of the heavens are nothing."

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