Bai Ye said with a shallow smile on his face.

Emperor Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches respectfully listened to Bai Ye's lectures at the bottom of the Zhutian Tower.

"Okay, since you've all made up your mind, then you can enter the prehistoric world."

In the end, Bai Ye didn't have anything else to say, and spoke directly to a dozen people.


After Di Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches bid farewell to Bai Ye and the others, they walked straight out of Zhutian City without any delay.

All of them have the identity cards of Zhutian City. They only need to meditate on the prehistoric world to sense the existence of the prehistoric world, and their figures disappear in Zhutian City in an instant.

after watching them leave.

Bai Ye said to the Zhutian City powerhouse: "Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said, you go to Shen Wansan to register 307, and when they have any news, then we can enter the prehistoric world. "

After speaking, Bai Ye slowly disappeared in place and entered the top floor of Zhutianlou.

After seeing Bai Ye disappear, all the powerhouses in Zhutian Downstairs discussed briefly for a while, and then came to Shen Wansan to register.

The value points they paid to enter the prehistoric world this time were also different according to their strength levels, and the value points they needed to pay were also different.

It is consistent with the value points that need to be paid for entering other big worlds in the past few times.

It's not very expensive, it's all within the scope of their acceptance, this time into the prehistoric world, all the powerhouses in Zhutiancheng are very intentional.

They have never seen the eighth-order world, and all the powerhouses have a strong curiosity in their hearts.

In particular, this eighth-order world is not an ordinary eighth-order world. It is likely to be connected to the ninth-order world. Everyone wants to go in and experience such a big world.

Even if they didn't gain anything after going in, they regarded it as an eye-opener, and they were very willing.

Among them, the eighth-order powerhouses have very strong expectations in their hearts. They know that entering the unknown world this time, they may encounter creatures stronger than them, which makes them very curious and looking forward to it! .

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty First: The Primordial Heavenly Venerate Summons Disciples

In Daluotian, the residence of the original Tianzun in the Yuqing Palace, the boy on the side saw the original Tianzun on the cloud bed wake up, and hurriedly stepped forward to pay his respects.

"Master is awake."

The original Tianzun glanced at the boy who was kneeling on the ground lightly and said, "What is going on in the prehistoric world today?"

The boy replied doubtfully: "Now the Three Realms are under the control of the Heavenly Court, everything is fairly peaceful, and nothing major has happened."


There was a hint of suspicion between the original Tianzun eyebrows.

For a moment, he clearly felt an unknown uneasiness. Could it be that he felt wrong?

"Master, do you have anything to order now that you are awake now?"

The boy continued to speak.

He served in the original Tianzun, and he didn't know how many years he had been around. He knew that when the original Tianzun woke up, something would happen.

"There is nothing special. You ask your disciples to pay more attention to the things in the prehistoric world recently. If there is anything special, you can report it."

The original Tianzun said.

"Yes, sir."

The boy got up and said goodbye to the original Tianzun, exited the hall, and passed on the decree of the original Tianzun.

When the original Tianzun woke up, the Taoist Tianzun Laozi and Tongtian Building on the other side also had the same feeling. 307

But they didn't pay too much attention.

However, let the disciples under the sect pay attention to the movements of the prehistoric world. After all, as saints, their hearts suddenly throb, and they seem to be foreshadowing something.

Although they can't calculate anything at the moment, they still haven't ignored it at will.

After they simply dealt with this matter, they immersed themselves in cultivation again.

Now they are not involved in the affairs of the prehistoric world, and the only thing they can do is to comprehend the way of heaven.

Therefore, this time, the twelve ancestor witches, Di Jun and others entered the prehistoric world, and did not let the high-ranking saints notice.

The energy of the heavens given to them by Bai Ye is still very useful, completely covering up all the auras on them, including all cause and effect.

So even the sages on the top were unaware of their presence.


In the white night above the heavens, through the spatial distance, I watched all this.

He always pays attention to the movements of the Twelve Ancestors, Di Jun and others.

"It seems that the saints in the prehistoric world have sensed it, but they have not been able to really perceive their existence. It seems that some methods are still very useful, but they are still unable to detect the movement of the chaotic world."

There is a picture in front of Bai Ye, which is the picture of the Twelve Ancestral Witch and the entire prehistoric world. When the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Di Jun entered the prehistoric world, he was always paying attention.

Everything was in his expectation. The Twelve Ancestral Witch, Di Jun and others had the protection of the energy of the heavens bestowed by him, and no one noticed their existence.

Even the Heavenly Dao of the Great Desolate World is no different.

What he is worried about now is not the saints of the prehistoric world, he is more concerned about whether there will be terrifying creatures in the chaotic world, appearing in the prehistoric world, or, in other words, staring at the entire prehistoric world in the dark, just like he is now.

For the ninth-order world, he absolutely cannot be careless.

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