"This kid does have some potential. At that time, I hope that the senior brother can tune it up. It can be regarded as his good fortune."

The real Yuding is quite modest.

"Haha, Junior Brother Yu Ding, let's not say so many polite words, your strength is also top-notch among our senior brothers, I can teach you what that precious apprentice, with your training, Yang Jian will be successful in the future. Great tool."

Guangchengzi smiled heartily.

However, just when the real person Yu Ding was polite again, suddenly, a jade plaque on his waist shone slightly.

The chess piece in Master Yuding's hand paused slightly and stopped in mid-air.

"Yang Jian's message, just said this kid, this kid will come to the sound transmission."

The real Yuding smiled slightly, but he did not shy away from it, and the voice from the jade talisman around his waist slowly came out.

"Master, I was kidnapped. The address is in the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou. The other party asked you to bring two innate spiritual treasures..."

Hearing this, Immortal Yu Ding's smile solidified and gradually became more solemn.

"Kidnapped?! And two innate spiritual treasures to redeem people?!"

Master Yuding never expected that such information would come from Yang Jian!

Even the face of Guangchengzi on the opposite side turned a little surprised. For so many years in the prehistoric world, I have never heard of any force that dared to call their attention!

And also the extortion on the surface!

"Who could have done this!"

Guangchengzi's face also turned a little serious and said.

"In the sound transmission, there is no clear explanation, but if you can kidnap Yang Jian, then the strength of the other party is far above Yang Jian, and he should not be an ordinary person."

The real person Yuding said with a slight indifference.

"There are not too many people in the prehistoric world who can easily suppress Yang Jian in terms of strength, and the most important thing is that the other party actually hit the head of our teaching, presumably the other party's identity background is not simple, jade Junior Brother Ding, it seems that we are going to meet this person who dares to challenge us to explain the teachings."

A gleam of light flashed in Guangchengzi's eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly evoked a sneer.

The real Yuding nodded.

With that said, the two slowly disappeared in place, heading towards the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Divine Continent.

On the Lingshan Mountain in Xiniu Hezhou, Sakyamuni was also surprised and puzzled that someone stretched his hand over their Buddhist head.

He tried to figure out who was behind the scenes, but he couldn't figure out any clues, which made him even more puzzled.

"Buddha, what should I do about this matter? I don't know who my disciple has provoked. He actually wanted two innate spiritual treasures to redeem people. Could it be someone from Xuanmen?"

Under the Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, Tang Xuanzang, who has been named Tantan Gongde Buddha after his journey to the west, opened his mouth to the Tathagata Buddha who radiated golden light on his seat.

He was the first person to get the news. The letter from Sun Wukong's voice transmission for help was given to Tang Xuanzang, and then Tang Xuanzang reported the matter to the Tathagata Buddha.

Following his report, the entire Daleiyin Temple was full of discussions.

They are all guessing who the sage dares to go to the Eastern Land in their Buddhist sect. After thinking about it, they only think of the three religions in the Eastern Land Xuanmen.

Only the disciples of the Xuanmen Sanqingmen can do this and detain their Buddhist disciples. Otherwise, no force would dare to confront their Buddhism like this.

"¨"There are no clues about this matter, so don't make random guesses. I will handle this matter myself. I haven't left Lingshan for a long time. I wonder if the outside world has changed."

Tathagata Buddha stared at the direction of Dongsheng Shenzhou with a pair of eyes, and said thoughtfully.

He is also a little uncertain about this matter, and he does not know which force will do this.

"Buddha wants to go to rescue Wukong in person? I'm afraid this won't make it..."

Tang Xuanzang spoke to His Highness.

"There is no need to say more about this matter. If you can easily suppress Wukong, it shows that the opponent's strength is not bad, and he should have reached the realm of quasi-sage. Otherwise, they would not dare to hit me. Buddhism's idea, since the other party is precious as a quasi-sage, Then it would be no condescension for me in person."

The voice of Tathagata Buddha echoed throughout the Daleiyin Temple.

All the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats, seeing that the Tathagata Buddha has made up his mind, they stopped talking.

"Master Guanyin, Bodhisattva Manjushri, Xuanzang, go with this seat, and the affairs on Lingshan will be temporarily handed over to Maitreya Buddha."

"As ordered."

Then the Buddha and several Bodhisattvas walked out of the Daleiyin Temple, stepping on the colorful auspicious clouds and heading towards the distant Dongsheng Shenzhou. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty-One: The Angry Primal Heavenly Venerate

"Since you know it, then you should know that it is absolutely impossible to do anything in this life. Although several Daoist friends seem to be very powerful, they still need to be measured."

The drunk old man saw that the faces of the people in front of him gradually calmed down, and he said with a sneer.

Although he felt that these dozen people should have some background, no matter what the background is, they must abide by the rules here.

This Divine Kingdom has the background of many sage disciples. In this prehistoric world, how many people have the courage to find sage disciples unhappy.

Although those saints have retired now and don't care about the world, but the saints are the saints, and almost no one dares to provoke them. Even if the saints don't care at all, the power of the saints is also very huge. Absolute top power.

Even if Heavenly Court wants to manage this matter, it needs to be weighed, let alone others.

So after explaining it by himself, the drunk old man became a little more confident.

However, what he didn't know was that although they were a little jealous of Yuanshi Tianzun, they had always been dismissive of his disciples.

Even the twelve golden immortals under the sect of Chan sect, they will not see it, let alone the three generations of disciples under the sect of Chan sect.

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