"Hmph, weigh yourselves? To kill you, a little loose immortal, do I need to think too much?!"

As soon as Tai Huangtai saw a drunken Loose Immortal, he dared to be presumptuous in front of them, he was instantly furious, the sun essence in his hand, like a raptor, went directly towards the old man.

The drunk old man, feeling the great danger, was instantly stunned, looking at Dong Huang Taiyi's face with an unbelievable look, he wanted to run away, but he did not expect Dong Huang Taiyi to actually dare to do it.

Out of an instinctive reaction, to use supernatural powers, it is necessary to leave here quickly.

But under Dong Huang Taiyi's subordinates, how could he be allowed to escape.

Just when he wanted to escape, almost instantly, the flames touched him, and the drunk old man let out a scream that cut through the sky, and was instantly burned into fly ash by the flames.

Although this Loose Immortal has the cultivation of Xuan Immortal, but in the hands of Dong Huang Taiyi, he still can't last for a moment.

After this loose immortal died, it immediately attracted the attention of the entire Divine Kingdom.

"What, someone actually killed people in the kingdom of God, what is their origin, and they ignore the rules in the kingdom of God so much."

"They all look very face-to-face. I don't know if it's the first time they were born and came to the kingdom of God."

After Sanxian was killed, all the immortals and gods in the whole country sensed it, and the bursts of Xianle suddenly stopped.

Everyone is looking at this seriously.

Seeing that they all looked towards here, Dong Huang Taiyi snorted coldly: "Whoever has the final say here, get out of here immediately!"

Donghuang Taiyi's voice was very grand, covering every corner of the kingdom of God.

At this time, several powerful Daluo Jinxian who were sleeping in the kingdom of God suddenly woke up.

"Who dares to make such a noise in my kingdom of God!"

An angry shout sounded, and several powerful breaths came to the front of Dong Huangtai and others in a blink of an eye.

The leader is the three-eyed Erlang God, the hairy Monkey King, and several unknown disciples of the teaching.

Dong Huangtai glanced at Erlang Shen, but did not pay too much attention, but looked at Sun Wukong on the side.

"Monster clan, as a demon clan, how did you get along with Chan Jiao's disciples?"

Donghuang Taiyi frowned slightly and said to Sun Wukong.

"Monster clan? My old grandson is now a Buddhist disciple, and he has already given up his identity as a demon clan. In the prehistoric world, the demon clan are all demons and heretics, and they can't achieve a positive result at all. Now they can be regarded as gods and Buddhas. "

Sun Wukong said calmly.

Now that he has finished taking the Western Classics, he has been conferred the title of Fighting Saint Buddha by Tathagata Buddha, and now his mind has changed a lot.

"The demon clan is a demon heresy? It cannot be cultivated to a positive result. Now, has the demon clan been degraded to this extent in this world?"

At this moment, the eyes of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun were completely cold.

"The demon clan had a very noble status in the ancient heaven era, but the world has changed, and now this world is no longer the world of the demon clan. The demon clan is cruel by nature, and has no way of correcting the law. It needs careful teaching to be able to return to the right path. Some The unrepentant demon clan can only be a scourge, and staying in this world can only be a disaster..."

At this time, an interpreter disciple said coldly.

"I don't think your breath is an orthodox immortal way. Could it be that you people are all monsters? If this is the case, then we can only kill you all here!"

Hearing this sentence, the Twelve Ancestral Witch's face was very calm, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth, they were waiting to watch the show.

These ignorant people have no idea what existence is standing in front of them.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi's face was gloomy, and he laughed in anger: "Haha, kill us? Just rely on you ants, you dare to kill in front of this seat?! Since you regard me as a demon clan. Evil demons heresy, then today, I will let you know what the real demon clan is!"

Donghuang Taiyi had no unnecessary nonsense, and two golden flames burst out from his eyes, instantly engulfing several disciples of Taiyi Jinxian.

They wanted to subconsciously resist with the magic weapon in their hands, but any magic weapon was vulnerable in front of two terrifying golden flames, and instantly melted into molten iron. The screams, like the drunken Loose Immortal before, were instantly burned into fly ash.

Even Erlang 2.1 God and Sun Wukong didn't have time to react.

"Four Taiyi Jinxian powerhouses were killed in an instant. What are these people's origins? How can they be so terrifying."

The immortals and gods who were watching in the distance were stunned to see all this.

They stood there dumbfounded.

At this time, Erlang Shen and Sun Wukong couldn't even try to do it. They were oppressed by a powerful breath, and it was very difficult for their bodies to even move.

They were horrified.

At this time, they have already cultivated into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. Although they have only entered this realm, they are still a Da Luo Jinxian. They are well-known powerhouses in the prehistoric world, but the breath of a strong man on the opposite side can suppress them and they cannot move. .

At this point, they probably understood what kind of terrifying powerhouse the other group was! .

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two: The Saints Advent

"Everything is indescribable, but what I can tell you is that this should not be a sign, you need to do more preparations."

Ancestor Hongjun once again said some incomprehensible words.

"Indescribable, Daozu, we don't understand this, what kind of preparations do we need to make?"

Daoist Zhunti's expression changed, and he spoke quietly from the side.

"Since it's not a good sign, it will definitely be a disaster. If it's a disaster, you should know what you need to prepare, and I won't be able to say more about the rest. You can do it yourself."

After saying these words, the figure of the ancestor Hongjun slowly disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Ancestor Hongjun leaving, the six saints present looked at each other in dismay, and they still couldn't fully understand what Ancestor Hongjun meant.

"What does Daozu mean by these words? Is there an immeasurable calamity about to happen? It's still a long way off in terms of time. Is this immeasurable calamity ahead of schedule?"

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