The Daoist receptionist had a solemn expression, and he spoke in an unsure manner.

"Brother Daoist may have thought too much. Master has said before that this may be just a false alarm. The birth of a demon god in chaos requires the permission of the Dao. Generally, it is no longer possible for a chaos demon to be born, even if there is a chance, it is very It's small, it's a little troublesome to be born with one or two Chaos Demon Gods, but we can still handle it. That's why Master is so calm. In this matter, I don't think we need to worry too much, just do our part. The internal affairs should be able to easily cope with the past.”

The original Tianzun smiled lightly on the side.

There is some truth to what he said.

It also eased the dignified atmosphere of the scene.

"Brother Yuandao, what you said is very true, now that we are saints in the prehistoric world, even if there is any catastrophe, we can still cope with the past. After all, as long as the prehistoric world is not destroyed, then we saints will not perish. We really don't need to worry too much."

Zhun Ti spoke in approval.

After the original Tianzun and Daoist Zhunti said so, the rest of the four saints also became more relaxed.

"The two fellow Daoists said it well, but since the Taoist ancestors said that this may be a catastrophe, it will definitely pose a great threat to the prehistoric world. I wonder if a few fellow daoists are interested in going to the chaotic world to check the chaos. source?"

Empress Nuwa, who had been silent at this time, suddenly spoke up.

"This is a good idea. If we can look at the source of the chaos, and if the chaos has not yet formed, we can eliminate it in the bud!"

The white-haired old man took over the words and said.

"In this endless chaos, there are many dangers. Dao Ancestor once said that it is not easy to get involved in it..."

When it comes to entering the world of endless chaos, the Taoist Receiver suddenly spoke up at this time, with a hesitant expression on his face.

However, before he could finish speaking, the Tongtian Sect Master, who looked like a young man, said indifferently: "It's just to get involved in the edge area. The teacher said that we won't let us go deep into it and explore the edge of the chaotic world. With our current strength, we still don't have it. What's the problem, and I feel that the calamity in it is the chaotic demon gods that are still in the process of being conceived on the edge of the chaotic world. We just need to see which chaotic demon god is about to be born, and we can kill it in the early stages. ."

"Friend Tongtian is right, we don't need to go deep into the chaotic world, we just need to explore the edge of the chaotic world."

Empress Nuwa continued.

"Well, since you all agreed, let's go to this chaotic world for a walk."

Seeing that the attitudes of the other saints were clear, the Daoist Receiver agreed, and he couldn't back down, so he agreed.

"Okay, then let's go in."

Finally, Lao Tzu opened his mouth and said, holding a cane, and slowly walked towards the chaotic world ahead, and the rest of the saints entered the endless chaotic world side by side with him.

In the endless chaotic world, all the eighth-order powerhouses sensed all this.

At this time, they are now merging with the body of the Chaos Demon God, and they cannot exert their combat power at all. If those saints enter them and take action against them, then their situation will be a little bad.

At this time, they all said to the incomparably large Chaos Demon God who was in the center of them all: "Lord City Lord, some strong people are coming towards us, what should we do now?"

The one who spoke was Luo Feng, and the Chaos Demon God who stood in the center of them all with the most terrifying aura was Bai Ye...  

The body of the Chaos Demon God Bai Ye chose was the Chaos Demon God with the strongest aura among them all.

At this time, Bai Ye opened his eyes slightly and glanced at them through the sound transmission: "Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with them, you can feel at ease integrating the body of this Chaos Demon God."

Hearing Bai Ye's reply, they all felt at ease and merged with the body of the Chaos Demon God with peace of mind.

They know Bai Ye's methods. Since Bai Ye said so, they have no doubts, and they have entered the state one after another, and quickly merged with the body of the Chaos Demon God.

In fact, at this time, Bai Ye has almost merged with the body of this Chaos Demon God. If the saints of the prehistoric world enter here, he can still deal with it.

Although he can't exert all the strength of the Chaos Demon God he has merged with, he can still easily do it by scaring them away.

In the endless chaos, the six prehistoric saints are very careful and slow, because they know that in this endless chaos world, they cannot be careless.

If they accidentally fall into a natural magic circle, it will be very difficult for them to break free. 2.1

And they also heard Daozu Hongjun said before that there are some dangerous substances in this chaotic world that can make their saints fall, so they are extra cautious at this time, it can be said that they are advancing step by step.

That's why I was hesitant to enter the world of endless chaos when I received the Daoist before.

Even if the sage of the Great Desolation enters the endless chaos world, he must be cautious, and he will fall into a dangerous situation with a single step.

At this time, they were still some distance away from where Bai Ye and others were.

However, when these saints were exploring the chaotic world, something happened in the prehistoric world.

In the Divine Country of Dongsheng Shenzhou, Donghuang Taiyi and others forced Erlangshen and Sun Wukong and others to ask the teacher for help, and asked them to take out the innate spiritual treasure to redeem people. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two: The Saints Advent

Such a sturdy behavior, the prehistoric world is what a group like them can do.

After all, what they are extorting and extorting are the two top forces in the prehistoric world, Chan and Buddhism!

It can be said that these two forces are the most powerful at the moment. If they oppose these two top forces, there is basically no way to survive in the prehistoric world.

However, the Twelve Ancestors, Dong Huang Taiyi and Emperor Jun are not afraid. They have a back-up and a retreat, and they are not afraid of the two top forces in the prehistoric world.

In addition to the two major forces of extortion and extortion, Emperor Jun and Dong Huangtai ordered the demon master Kunpeng to go to various places in the prehistoric world and gather all the powerful demon clans into this kingdom of gods.

This is also one of the purposes of their coming to the prehistoric world. They want to gather all the forces together to fight against the top two forces in the prehistoric world. Even if a saint is born, they are not afraid!

Zhu Jiuyin and Gonggong among the twelve ancestors also went to 29 places in the prehistoric world, gathered the rest of the witches, and brought them all into this divine kingdom.

They are now ready to go big.

However, their behavior is very incomprehensible to outsiders.

At this time, all the immortals and gods in the kingdom of God are guessing their purpose. Of course, they do not know the purpose and identity of Donghuang Taiyi.

Otherwise, their worldview will be completely subverted.

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