"You say, are they crazy, or do they have an incomprehensible grievance with Chanjiao and Buddhism?"

The immortals and gods present whispered to each other.

"I don't know, but looking at their appearance is not small, and they can easily subdue Erlang Zhenjun and defeat the Buddha, it means that their strength has almost reached the quasi-sage level, even if they have not reached the quasi-sage level, at least they have the strength of the peak of Da Luo Jinxian. , such a group of strong people is really not easy to provoke."

"Even if they are very strong, but they provoke the two most powerful forces in the world of Buddhism and Buddhism, they will not end well. Don't they know that there are saints behind these two forces? , or do they think that the saint has not been born for so many years, and has not asked about the world?"

"Hey, let's not talk about this. If it provokes their unhappiness, I will be the first to be unlucky. We don't have a strong background. If they are unhappy, we will be killed if we are killed, no Someone will discuss for us, and we can only hope that when the time comes, people who explain the teachings and Buddhism will be able to rescue us together."

Donghuang Taiyi and others didn't care about the discussions of the gods in the kingdom of God. They didn't pay attention to these insignificant gods at all.

How could Shenlong care about the words of some ants?

At this time, their attention was not on them at all, but they felt the energy fluctuations from the sky.

This subtle fluctuation can only be perceived when they reach their realm.

"The fluctuation just now is very shocking. It should come from outside the prehistoric world. I wonder if the Lord of the City has begun to come?"

In a luxurious palace, a dozen people gathered around a table, looking at the beautiful and pleasant scenery outside, Di Jun gently drank a cup of fairy brew and said lightly.

"Maybe it is, now only the city lords can cause such fluctuations. I originally thought that the city lords and the others would come directly to the prehistoric world. It seems that the city lords chose to come in the endless chaos outside the prehistoric world."

Di Jiang also took a big gulp from the jug, wiped the corner of his mouth and said.

"How do you know that the place where Lord City Lord came is endless chaos?"

Dong Huangtai glanced at Di Jiang lightly and said.

What they perceive is that the energy fluctuates outside the sky, but it is not certain that it is in the endless chaos.

Di Jiang glanced at Donghuang Taiyi and said with a chuckle: "I'm just guessing, the city lord said before that to enter the prehistoric world in the state of dividing the soul, and entering the prehistoric world by dividing the soul, you need some powerful bodies. The carrier for his soul is the carrier that can withstand so many powerhouses in Zhutian City, and only the Chaos Demon God in the endless chaotic world. Father Pangu killed so many Chaos Demon God before the opening of the sky, and it is possible to have some powerful bodies. For them to drive, if I were the Lord of the City, I would also choose to do so."

Di Jiang told his guess.

His guess made Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi feel a little reasonable.

"If this is the case, then it will be interesting. When the Lord of the City, they enter the prehistoric world in the form of the Chaos Demon God. I wonder what expressions those prehistoric saints have, will they feel very frightened? "

Di Jun drank a cup of immortal brew again and smiled softly.

"I think it will be very exciting."

The corner of Dong Huangtai's mouth evoked a wicked smile and said.

"What kind of expressions they will have, I don't know, but this time the pattern of the prehistoric world will undergo major changes, that's for sure, those prehistoric saints have existed for too long, I don't know if their fate will be fundamental this time. The change."

Di Jiang stared at the distance and said calmly.

"I hope to pull those hypocritical saints off their horses! Let the monster clan in the prehistoric world become stronger again, and I don't care much about the other 310 things."

Dong Huangtai opened his mouth and said.

"However, I don't want to fight for hegemony again. There is no eternal glory in this world, as long as others can't be bullied and humiliated to survive."

Finally, Dong Huang Taiyi added a sentence.

After experiencing all kinds of things, he also opened his eyes. There are many strong people who are stronger than them in the heavens and the world, and their vision is also open. Without absolute strength, all battles are vain.

As long as someone stronger than them appears, everything they have built can be disintegrated.

Sometimes it is also a precious vision to keep the demon clan alive and strong.

"Haha, your thoughts are the same as mine, but I don't know what the result of our efforts will be this time. If those saints are really pulled off their horses, everything is possible."

Di Jiang suddenly smiled boldly.

"We will succeed, as long as we can use the power of Lord City Lord."

Dong Huangtai held a wine glass in his hand, glanced at Di Jiang, then stared into the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly and said.

Of course, with their strength, it is not enough. They must rely on the power of Zhutian City to achieve their desires. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two: The Saints Advent

Just when the six saints left the endless chaos to find the ancestors of Hongjun, there was a war brewing in the prehistoric world.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestors in the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou were drinking leisurely and having fun.

There was no sign of worry on their expressions, and they seemed to be in the slightest dread of the teachings and Buddhists who were about to come to the door.

This kind of performance made the Erlangshen Yang Jian and Sun Wukong feel very puzzled as prisoners.

They really can't figure it out, what kind of confidence do these people have to calmly face the two top strengths in the prehistoric world of Chanjiao and Buddhism? !

Erlang Shen Yang Jian and Sun Wukong, who were tied to two pillars respectively, were full of doubts, and their faces were full of incomprehensible expressions.

In fact, they are unlucky enough. They originally came to this Dongsheng Shenzhou Divine Kingdom to have fun, but they didn't expect to be tied up by a group of people who suddenly arrived and didn't know the details!

This left them a little confused.

Their faces were also a little bit unbearable, no matter what, they were all prominent figures in the prehistoric world, and they belonged to the rising stars. I didn't expect to be targeted like this.

They don't know now whether these people are coming for them or the forces behind them.

"Monkey, where are these people sacred? Why are you not afraid of your teacher and mine, so blatantly kidnapped us, and let our teacher use the innate spiritual treasure to redeem people, what does this mean?"

Yang Jian couldn't figure it out, looked at Sun Wukong who was tied beside him and said.

Sun Wukong's eyes rolled around in a circle, and he couldn't understand this matter even if he wanted to break the monkey's brain.

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