"I don't know, but I'll be able to find out soon. When the people from your teacher's sect arrive, we will look at it. It is estimated that they can do this. Compared with their amazing abilities, there seems to be a lot hidden in this flood. You and I don't even know the Mighty One."

Sun Wukong raised his eyes slightly and said lightly.

Seeing that he really said that, Yang Jian frowned slightly and fell silent.

"It seems that this prehistoric world has been quiet for too long, and maybe another big drama is about to appear."

In the end, Yang Jian stared at the direction of Dong Huang Taiyi and the others and spoke quietly.

"It's good to have a big show to watch. Over the years, my grandson's idleness has almost grown lice. Last time, my grandson didn't catch up with the great catastrophe. If there is any war, my old grandson must participate in it. "

Sun Wukong, who was on the side, opened his mouth a little too much.

Yang Jian shook his head and glanced at the stubborn Sun Wukong, shook his head helplessly, and said: "You monkey, you have become a Buddha, but your nature has not changed at all, you have not experienced that catastrophe, you will not Knowing how cruel the catastrophe is, if I can, I don't want to experience it again."

"After living such a leisurely and boring life, my grandson might as well die in battle. Such a peaceful life is not interesting at all. The golden hoops in my grandson's ears are about to rust."

Sun Wukong spoke again.

As a monkey, he was a little restless, but it was fine for a while, but if the stable days lasted for a long time, he would be a little irritable.

He has also experienced the days of Journey to the West and becoming a Buddha. He has restrained some of his nature. If it was placed before, he would have to be free to make trouble in the heavenly palace again.

Yang Jian looked at Sun Wukong, who was not afraid of the sky and not afraid of the earth, shook his head slightly and didn't speak any more.

As time passed, Donghuang Taiyi, who was tasting wine, suddenly opened his eyes slightly, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "The guests we are waiting for are here."

When his voice fell, two immortal lights descended from the sky and directly floated above the kingdom of God.

The Twelve Ancestors looked up slightly, and all the breaths on their bodies gathered up at this time.

They didn't move at all at this time, still sitting in their original seats, enjoying the dishes and wines.

These two immortal lights are Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren who came from Yuxu Palace.

At this time, their eyes swept across the entire kingdom of God, and they found Yang Jian and Sun Wukong, as well as the twelve ancestor witches and Emperor Jun Dong Huang Taiyi, but their eyes only swept across Dong Huang Taiyi and the others. Nothing unusual was found.

They did not discover the true identity of Donghuang Taiyi and the others, and they did not even sense the realm of strength in them.

This is also thanks to the cover that Bai Ye bestowed on Dong Huang Taiyi and his heavenly energy.

At this time, the immortals and gods on the ground sensed the arrival of Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren, and many of them recognized them...  

"Meet the two High Immortals."

The immortals and gods saluted Guangchengzi and Yuding.

Guangchengzi and Master Yuding glanced at them, and said indifferently, "No need to be too polite, I don't know who trapped my nephew Yang Jian here. I don't know which fellow Daoist is. I wonder if I can come out and see you?"

Guangchengzi's words came out lightly, and his tone sounded very approachable.

"It's Shizun and Shibo here."

Although Yang Jian's cultivation base was sealed, at this moment he also heard Guangchengzi's voice.

"Master, we are here."

Yang Jian shouted.

Guangchengzi and Master Yuding heard Yang Jian's voice, Master Yuding waved his sleeves, and the ropes on Yang Jian and Sun Wukong suddenly disappeared.

Yang Jian and Sun Wukong were overjoyed, and the two of them came to their side under the influence of the real mana of Yuding.

"Yang Jian pays respects to Master, Master."

"I have seen two immortals."

Yang Jian and Sun Wukong greeted the real person Yuding and Guangchengzi.

Guangchengzi and Master Yuding nodded slowly. Guangchengzi looked at Sun Wukong and said, "I didn't expect you, the monkey, to be trapped here. Do you know who trapped you here?"

Yang Jian and Sun Wukong shook their heads and said, "I don't know."

"They are there, I don't know if Shizun Shibo recognizes them or not."

Saying that, Yang Jian pointed in one direction.

When Guangchengzi and Jade Dingzhenzheng wanted to follow Yang Jian's gesture, a group of strong men came from the kingdom of God at this time.

The sky rumbled.

Everyone looked up at the sky.

They all felt an incomparably strong demonic aura coming.

"How come there are so many monsters coming all of a sudden!"

Immortal Yuding's eyes were gleaming. He looked at the dense fog that covered the sky. There were many demon clans, and among them, the strength was very good.

"Guangchengzi, Master Yuding, I didn't expect you two to come to teach the Twelve Golden Immortals."

A cold voice sounded, and the demon master Kunpeng came out of the dense fog in the sky, and looked at Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren coldly. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two: The Saints Advent

"Demon Master Kunpeng!"

Seeing the appearance of the demon master Kunpeng, the expressions of Guangchengzi and Master Yuding suddenly changed.

They still know the prestige of the demon master Kunpeng. Long before the Lich War, the demon master Kunpeng was a well-known and powerful man in the prehistoric world!

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