His strength is definitely above the two of them!

He didn't expect to encounter this monster of the monster clan in the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Demon Master Kunpeng? Could it be that you are talking about the Celestial Demon Master in the Lich War, Kunpeng?"

Yang Jian looked at his master without moving, and said.

"That's right, it's him, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Immortal Yu Ding responded.

"Since you have come, you must have brought two innate spiritual treasures to redeem people?"

The demon master Kunpeng didn't care about their conversation, looked at Guangchengzi and Master Yuding coldly and said.

"It turned out that it was your demon clan who trapped my disciple in this kingdom of gods. I thought it was sacred. It turned out that you were causing trouble."

Immortal Yuding spoke to the demon master Kunpeng without being humble or arrogant.

29 Now that he knew the mastermind behind the scenes, he was a little less scared, because he knew very well the situation of the demon clan in the prehistoric world.

With the current strength of the demon clan, it is impossible to compete with them, and he also felt that the demon master Kunpeng could not do anything to them.

As the righteous immortals of the teaching, they naturally have a sense of superiority to the demon clan, because in their opinion, the demon clan are just some flat-haired beasts, and they can't be compared with them at all.

This is also in the great catastrophe of the conferred gods, the most miserable is the interception of the sect master of Tongtian, because the master of Tongtian has a teaching and no distinction, although there are many disciples, but most of them are ghosts and monsters, so they are sent by Chanjiao and Renjiao. There are many people on the list of gods.

For the discrimination against the demon clan, their teaching is top-down.

"Oh? It seems that you look down on our demon clan?"

The demon master Kunpeng saw that Yu Ding's real voice was rather strange, and even had no fear, which made him want to kill.

"Demon Master Kunpeng, although you became famous before us, I still hope you don't form a cause and effect with our explanation, because this cause and effect cannot be afforded by the current situation of your demon clan!"

Zhenren Yuding stared at the demon master Kunpeng calmly and said.

He seemed to expect that the demon master Kunpeng would not dare to attack them.

"Demon Master, this Master Yuding is too arrogant, should we teach him a lesson?"

At this time, several powerful demon clan standing behind the demon master Kunpeng spoke to the demon master Kunpeng.

They are all powerful demon clans dormant in the prehistoric world, and they are completely disregarding their demon clan when they speak in such a tone of Master Yu Ding.

The demon master Kunpeng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, if they can't take out two innate spiritual treasures today, they don't want to go out from here!"

"Do you still want to trap us here together?"

Master Yuding looked at the demon master Kunpeng again and said.

"Humph, do you think that you have spent so much effort to lure you in so that you can take your disciples out in front of us like this?"

The demon master Kunpeng said coldly to Master Yuding.

"You demon clan really want to oppose my teaching? Are you not afraid of the consequences that you can't bear?"

Yu Ding Zhenren's tone also cooled down at this time, and there was a strong sense of threat in his words.

"You don't need to say more about this. If we can do this, we will naturally know your background. There is no need to say more about this, because it is useless to say more."

The demon master Kunpeng spoke again.

When he spoke like this, it was a complete statement of his attitude.


Real Master Yuding and Guangchengzi didn't expect that the demon master Kunpeng really had the guts to tear his face with them.

"Okay, today I'm going to see how you trapped us!"

Immortal Yuding didn't have any nonsense at this time. He held an empty hand, and an immortal sword emitting an icy cold air appeared in his hand, and the whine of the dragon could be faintly heard.

The demon master Kunpeng looked at the immortal sword in the hands of the real person Yu Ding, and his eyes flashed with a ray of light: "The Dragon Sword, this is a good innate spiritual treasure."

"Humph, don't you want the innate spiritual treasure, come and get it if you have the ability!"

Master Yuding glanced coldly at the demon master Kunpeng and said.

"You don't think that there is an innate spiritual treasure that is the opponent of this seat, right? You two are just quasi-sage primary powerhouses, and I have reached the quasi-sage pinnacle state now, even if the two of you shoot together, it will not be This seat's opponent!"

The demon master Kunpeng said coldly to Master Yuding.

"Is it your opponent? You can only know if you try it. I have never encountered any opponents in this Heaven-shattering Seal. Now it is useful to deal with you, a quasi-sacred peak powerhouse!"

At this time, Guangchengzi, who was on the side, opened his mouth slowly, and a square treasure seal appeared in his hand, exuding a very heavy aura!

The Heaven-shattering Seal in his hand was the Heaven-shattering Seal that had a splendid reputation during the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods!

It is said that nothing is indestructible. It is a high-grade congenital spiritual treasure refined by the original Tianzun from a piece of Buzhou Mountain that was knocked down by Gonggong. It has vast and unpredictable power.

The demon master Kunpeng looked a little envious of the Heaven-shattering Seal in Guangchengzi's hand. After all, he still didn't have a decent treasure on his body.

Especially the high-grade congenital treasures like the 313 Seal of the Earth, he doesn’t count on the congenital treasures, because he can’t get the congenital treasures at all. All the innate treasures in the prehistoric world are all in the hands of those saints. impossible to get.

Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses can only capture innate spiritual treasures.

"Tiantianyin, it's a really good treasure, but today, whether it's the Dragon Slaying Sword or the Heavenly Reversal Seal, don't think about being able to take it out today!"

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