His voice was very cold, and even when facing Buddhism and Chanism at the same time, he did not have the slightest fear.

"Oh? Kunpeng benefactor, do you want to embarrass my Buddhism?"

Shakyamuni looked at the demon master Kunpeng with neither sadness nor joy and said.

"Is it difficult or not, I won't say it, you are also very clear, some words, I don't need to say more, the treasures are left, and people will take them away."

The demon master Kunpeng glanced at Shakyamuni indifferently and said.

"Facing Chan Jiao and my Buddhism at the same time, I'm afraid you monsters are still not enough."

Before Shakyamuni could speak, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva on the side spoke quietly.

They are all powerful people and have powerful magic weapons. If they really do it, although they can't help the demon master Kunpeng, but the demon master Kunpeng wants to keep them, it is not so Easy.

"Haha, my demon clan has no weight? I didn't expect that countless years have passed, and my demon clan has no weight in your eyes."

The demon master Kunpeng didn't make a sound, and the East Emperor Taiyi on the ground slowly stepped into the air, and as his figure appeared, the eyes of Sakyamuni and Guangcheng Ziyu Ding were widened.

"Demon Emperor...East Emperor Taiyi!"

They never imagined that Emperor Donghuang was still alive!

At this time, a group of demon powerhouses behind the demon master Kunpeng watched Donghuang Taiyi appear, their eyes became scorching hot, and their expressions became excited.

"Demon Emperor! Kunpeng, you really didn't lie to us, our Demon Emperor is still alive!"

A famous demon powerhouse looked at the figure of Donghuang Taiyi, and their bodies were shaking with excitement. They were once soldiers of the ancient heaven. When they saw the demon emperor, their emotions could not be restrained.

"Meet the Demon King!"

One by one, they knelt down and bowed to Dong Huangtai. At this moment, they seemed to see hope!

With Donghuang Taiyi here, their demon clan can definitely rise again in the wild!

At this time, Shakyamuni and Guangchengzi Yuding Zhenren looked at Donghuang Taiyi like a wooden man, and stood there blankly.

They never thought that Donghuang Taiyi would appear in front of them anyway.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the powerful monsters and said indifferently: "Everyone get up, there is no need to be more polite here. After this matter is resolved, we will slowly reminisce."

All the demon clans stood up when they heard the sound, and looked at Dong Huang Taiyi with burning eyes, and their eyes were full of admiration.

"How, how are you thinking, do you want to keep the treasure?"

At this time, Dong Huangtaiyi carried his hands on his back and said to Sakyamuni, Guangchengzi and the real person Yuding.

His voice was not very loud, but when it reached their ears, it was like thunder, which made them wake up instantly.

Shakyamuni recovered his expression, and said to Dong Huangtaiyi: "¨"I didn't expect the famous demon emperor Donghuangtaiyi in ancient times to still exist in the world. It is a blessing to be able to meet today. These are two things. The congenital spiritual treasure can be regarded as a redemption."

Shakyamuni was very happy. With a wave of his hand, two innate spiritual treasures flew out of his hands and fell into the hands of Dong Huang Taiyi. Dong Huangtai took a look and put them away.

"Can we take people away now?"

Shakyamuni said immediately.

Dong Huangtai smiled slightly and said, "Please."

Seeing the release of Dong Huangtai, Sakyamuni took Sun Wukong and several Bodhisattvas away and disappeared into this kingdom of gods.

After seeing Sakyamuni leave, Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren showed helpless expressions on their faces.

In the current situation, even if they don't hand over the treasures, they can't do it. With the ability of the two of them, they can't fight against Emperor Taiyi at all. They are very clear about this.

"How about you? Haven't you thought about it yet?"

Dong Huangtai turned to look at Guangchengzi and the real person Yuding and said.

Guangchengzi and Master Yuding looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and said: "I didn't expect the ancient demon emperor, Donghuang Taiyi suddenly appeared in the prehistoric world, and he would actually do such a thing. Today, our brothers and sisters are two. If you can’t fight against you, it’s a confession, but in the future, I just don’t know how your demon clan will bear the karma of today.”

Having said that, Guangchengzi and Master Yuding each took out an innate spiritual treasure and handed it over to the East Emperor Taiyi. As the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, their background is still deep, and they have more than one innate spirit on their bodies. precious. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two: The Saints Advent

"You don't need to worry about this."

After Dong Huangtai accepted the treasure, he said something cold.

Guangchengzi and Master Yuding frowned slightly, but they didn't say anything more in the face of this fierce and famous ancient demon emperor.

"Then we will say goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Dong Huangtai simply waved his hand, and the powerful monsters gave way, and Guangchengzi and the real person Yuding took Yang Jian and left the kingdom of God quickly.

Looking at their distant figures, the powerful monsters were thoughtful.

At this time, the immortals and gods on the ground were terrified and inexplicable. They did not expect that the person who trapped them here and extorted their treasures was actually the ancient demon emperor, Dong Huang Taiyi.

They never imagined that the person who had died in the ancient legend would appear in front of their eyes, which subverted their cognition a bit.

At this time, they all kowtowed to the East Huangtai, daring not to show any disrespect.

They still respect this ancient demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi very much.

"I'm waiting to meet His Majesty the Demon Emperor."

The immortals and gods shouted to Donghuang Taiyi.

Dong Huangtai glanced at them and said loudly, "You can all go now."

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