The immortals and gods heard Dong Huang Taiyi let them go, got up hurriedly, and thanked Dong Huang Taiyi: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Demon Emperor."

After that, all the immortals and gods fled and left the kingdom of God.

In the face of so many monsters, their hearts are still empty, and they don't even dare to ask for mounts. After all, these mounts are all the monsters in the wild world.

Among them, the powerful demon clan and the demon emperor treated the demon clan as mounts, weren't they courting death? !

So they all ran on clouds.

Seeing that all the immortals and gods were gone, Donghuang Taiyi and all the demon powerhouses returned to the ground. When the demon powerhouses saw the demon emperor Tiandijun, they were excited again.

Although Kunpeng said before that the Demon Emperor Donghuang Taiyi and the Heavenly Emperor Dijun were all resurrected, they still didn't believe it. Now that they saw them, the joy of the demon powerhouses was indescribable.

However, when they saw the Twelve Ancestral Witch, their faces were stunned, and their hostility soon showed.

But after some explanation, they calmed down.

Only then did they realize that their demon clan and the witch clan were already standing on the same front.

Although they didn't know how the Demon Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch were resurrected, they understood that with their resurrection, this prehistoric world was destined to not be able to be peaceful.


On the way to leave Dongsheng Shenzhou, Sun Wukong was a little ignorant to explain why Jiamani was so happy to hand over two innate spiritual treasures.

Even if the opponent is an ancient demon emperor, he shouldn't show weakness like this.

Those are two innate spiritual treasures!There are not many such treasures in the entire prehistoric world, not even him.

It takes a lot of determination and courage to be able to take out two innate spiritual treasures at once.

Sun Wukong was originally a monkey, so he couldn't hold back his curiosity, and finally he couldn't help but ask Sakyamuni: "Buddha, why did you hand over two innate spiritual treasures so happily? If we fight them desperately, There should be a chance to escape, right?"

The other Bodhisattvas were also curious about his question, but due to the majesty of Sakyamuni, they did not ask.

At this time, Sun Wukong threw this question out, and they all looked at the majestic Sakyamuni with no expression.

Shakyamuni glanced at Sun Wukong lightly and said, "Have a chance to escape? Do you think we have a chance to escape?"

"Isn't there a chance? With the Buddha's method, if we join forces to explain and teach the two immortals, even if we lose the match, can't we escape?"

Sun Wukong asked again.

A smile suddenly appeared on Shakyamuni's face and he said, "You monkey, the question is too simple, let's not talk about how powerful Donghuang Taiyi and the demon master Kunpeng are, do you think that the demon clan only has Are they two mighty ones?"

"What does the Buddha mean, are there other monsters with great powers present?"

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes and said.

"You monkey, it seems that you know very little about the ancient heaven, but you should know that there are two masters in the ancient heaven, one is Donghuang Taiyi, and the other you should have heard of."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's eyes suddenly widened, and he hurriedly blurted out: "What does the Buddha mean, the ancient Heavenly Court Monster Race Heavenly Emperor Jun is also present?"

Sakyamuni saw Sun Wukong's shocked expression, with a smile on his face and no words.

Avalokitesvara, Manjushri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva on the side were thoughtful.

"East Huangtaiben is a person who should have died long ago. Today, he suddenly appeared, which surprised us. If he didn't die, then the other Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Race, Emperor Jun, should also be alive and at the scene. "

Master Guanyin spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong understood why Tathagata Buddha was so happy to hand over two innate spiritual treasures.

Facing the two emperors of the two demon races at the same time, only saints can take people away from them.

"Are those two innate spiritual treasures just given to them for nothing?"

On second thought, Sun Wukong felt a little unhappy in his heart. He was kidnapped and blackmailed two innate spiritual treasures. The Buddha did not feel distressed, but he felt a little unfair.

"The two innate spiritual treasures are only deposited with them first, and they will come back soon."

Shakyamuni spoke indifferently.

"Oh? How do you say this? With their abilities, it should be very difficult for us to recapture them, right? Unless the saints come out, they can let them hand over the treasures? But now that the saints are no longer born, we can still Is there any possible way?"

Sun Wukong said.

Sakyamuni smiled indifferently: "Now that such a thing has happened in the prehistoric world, the saints should be very interested. The two emperors of the ancient demon race appeared and made such a move, presumably the saints should not know it yet. , they suddenly appeared, I am afraid it will not be so quiet, the monsters have been enslaved for so many years, presumably they will take revenge on the prehistoric world, and I am afraid it will be another catastrophe, as long as they create enough chaos. , then the saints will pay attention, and even end the game in person, as long as the saints end, then they will not have any good results, and the treasures they have collected will naturally return to their original owners."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he understood Shakyamuni's plan. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two: The Saints Advent

Shakyamuni's words made Sun Wukong enlightened.

Now he is quite clear, why the Tathagata Buddha is so happy to hand over the two innate spiritual treasures, it turns out that he has already thought about the next thing.

Sun Wukong called Gao Ming directly.

The appearance of the ancient demon emperor is bound to attract the attention of the saints.

As long as the saints end, there is no problem that cannot be solved. The treasures deposited on the monsters will still return to their hands.

Therefore, Shakyamuni was very happy at the beginning, without any sluggishness, it turned out that he had thought about it.

After being released by Shakyamuni, Sun Wukong and others felt much better, and left Dongsheng Shenzhou with a smile and a relaxed mood.


On the other side of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

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