"Then what His Majesty the Demon Emperor means, our demon clan can only dominate one side?"

A monster strongman stood up and said.

Obviously they don't want to be satisfied with dominating one side. Over the years, they have suffered too much anger. If they don't take back the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the anger that has been in their hearts for a long time will be hard to calm down.

"Don't think about the protagonist of heaven and earth, it's almost impossible, even if we have a few saints in the demon clan, it is impossible to reverse the trend of heaven. What's wrong with dominating one side? Why cling to the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth."

Dong Huangtai said coldly.

His eyes swept across the bodies of the powerful monsters.

His attitude has been very clear. Seeing Donghuang Taiyi's statement, the demon powerhouses present have no objection.

"We all follow His Majesty's will."

At this time, the powerful monsters also began to express their opinions.

Donghuang Taiyi's prestige among the demon clan is still very high.

Since Donghuang Taiyi has already stated his position, they will not fight for anything, but they are just a little disappointed in their hearts. After all, Donghuang Taiyi used to be very domineering and can look at the entire prehistoric world.

Compared with the current Donghuang Taiyi, they do have a sense of loss in their hearts.

Although Donghuang Taiyi has many objective reasons, many demon powerhouses simply do not think rationally.

"Okay, since you have all come here and are willing to listen to my orders, then we will choose a region as the place where our demon clan lives. Do you have any suggestions?"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the powerful monsters again and said.

"We don't have any good proposals, and everything is subject to His Majesty's decision."

At this time, the demon master Kunpeng suddenly said.

He knew that Dong Huang Taiyi said so, and he must have made a decision in his heart, so they didn't need to mention some more troublesome places.

At that time, it may not end well. After all, many of the demon clan powerhouses present do not have a big pattern. If they are asked to make suggestions, it will only be a good place. Where to choose, they will not care about any practical factors at all.

He was the first to stand up to stop them from speaking.

After all, his status is there, I believe that if he speaks, other powerful monsters will not speak again.

Donghuang Taiyi glanced at the demon master Kunpeng and nodded, and said, "Since none of you have any suggestions, then take this kingdom of God as the center, and expand five million miles in all directions, such a large living place, It should be enough for our demon clan to inhabit."


The demon master Kunpeng said respectfully.

The reason why Donghuang Taiyi made such a choice is because there are not many powerful forces in this place, and there will not be too many disputes in choosing this place.

Even if the saints know about it, they shouldn't be too embarrassed.

After all, as long as they don't threaten the overall situation of the entire prehistoric world, those saints should turn a blind eye.

Even if those saints want to target them, they will not have any fear, because they can attack and retreat, and they have a big backer.

If they really want to fight with those saints, they can make the whole prehistoric world never peaceful.

"Well, I won't say more, just go. If there is any difficulty or danger, feel free to message me."

Donghuang Taiyi didn't intend to continue speaking, he waved his sleeves slightly and said.

"As ordered!"

Under the order of Donghuang Taiyi, a group of demons flew towards the kingdom of God under the leadership of the demon master Kunpeng. They wanted to clear out all the people and immortals in a radius of five million miles and draw their demons. tribe's territory.


When the demon clan made these actions, the six saints outside the prehistoric world came to the Zixiao Palace.

As if knowing that they would come, the gate of Zixiao Palace opened automatically, and a boy walked out.

"Several saints, please come in. Daozu is in the main hall. You only have time for a stick of incense. After one stick of incense, Daozu will merge into the Tao of Heaven again, and then several saints will have no chance to see Daozu."

The boy spoke to the six saints.

The six saints heard the sound and their expressions changed. Under the leadership of the boy, the six came to the main hall of Zixiao Palace.

In the hall, Daozu Hongjun sat on the cloud bed, and when he saw the arrival of the Six Saints, he slowly opened his eyes...  

"How is it, what is the result of this investigation of Chaos?"

Daozu Hongjun quietly looked at the six saints in front of him and said.

He seems to be ignorant of everything in Chaos.

Lao Tzu slowly stepped forward and said respectfully to Ancestor Hongjun: "Report to Master, the results of our investigation this time are not trivial. The tens of thousands of Chaos Demon Gods that were originally bred in Chaos, there are already thousands of Chaos. The demon gods have begun to awaken, and they seem to have complete consciousness. If they are all conceived, it will be an unimaginable disaster for our prehistoric world. I wonder if Master has any magic tricks. Can this disaster be stopped?"

Listening to Lao Tzu's report, Ancestor Hongjun's brows moved slightly, and his expression was a little moved, and said: "Oh? Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods have awakened their complete consciousness? This is something that has never happened before. Generally speaking, the Dao should be I won't let these many Chaos Demon Gods awaken their consciousness."

"Master, we also perceive that there is a powerful Chaos Demon God who seems to be born at any time, and the breath of that Chaos Demon God is extremely powerful, and it should be above our Six Saints. If he is born, I am afraid we will also have some Couldn't resist."

At this time, the original Tianzun also slowly stood up and said.

"May be born at any time? Is it because the prehistoric world is too peaceful, and 2.1 will experience another catastrophe? Or is it a catastrophe from the chaotic world."

Ancestor Hongjun frowned slightly.

He can calculate the catastrophe of the prehistoric world, but he cannot calculate the catastrophe from the chaotic world and the Great Dao.

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