Although the endless chaos and the prehistoric world should have been one, the Dao of Heaven and the prehistoric world are under the avenue and the endless chaos after all. Very vague indeed.

"The catastrophe of the chaotic world?"

Hearing the words of Daozu Hongjun, the six saints present became nervous.

Since their birth, it seems that they have not experienced catastrophe from chaos, which makes them feel an inexplicable sense of unease. .

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat

"How can Daozu be rescued?"

Daoist Receiver stepped forward and respectfully asked Daozu Hongjun.

"There is no way to prevent and rescue. The endless chaos world and the prehistoric world are essentially two different categories. Even if I have almost completely merged with the heaven, I still can't penetrate the power of heaven into the endless chaos. ."

Daozu Hongjun spoke slowly.

"Is there no way for Daozu to solve this catastrophe, so isn't our prehistoric world doomed?"

Nu Wa's delicate and beautiful face showed worry and said.

The other five saints also had sad faces.

This was the first time they felt the deep pressure.

"Actually, there is a solution. Only those chaotic demon gods are born, walk out of endless chaos, and enter the prehistoric world. I can suppress him. You don't need to worry too much about this. No matter how powerful the chaotic demon god is, it will not exceed In the realm of heaven, all catastrophe is still under control."

Hongjun Daozu said with a calm expression on his face.

His words made the faces of the six saints present show hope, and they all looked up at Daozu Hongjun.

"Master means, as long as the Chaos Demon God comes out, can you suppress it?"

Tongtian Sect Master's expression changed slightly and said.

"Well, I believe that the power of heaven is enough to suppress them. You need to pay more attention to the movements in the chaos. If there is any trouble, you can make some preparations early."

Daozu Hongjun spoke again.


The six saints respectfully bow their heads.

At this time, the figure of Daozu Hongjun had disappeared on the cloud bed. When the Six Saints saw the figure of Daozu Hongjun disappeared, they also withdrew from Zixiao Palace.

After receiving the reply from the old Taoist ancestor Hongjun, they also had some confidence in their hearts at this time, but they did not completely relax.

After all, so many chaotic demon gods may be born, and they dare not take it lightly. Even with Hongjun Daozu as their backing, they still cannot completely settle down.

"What shall we do next?"

After exiting Zixiao Palace, the Daoist Receiver continued to speak.

"Now we need to leave two people to pay attention to the movements of this chaotic world in order to cope with future changes. I wonder which two fellow Daoists would like to stay and observe?"

At this time, the old man spoke slowly.

"Let me stay. There is nothing to do in the prehistoric world now, and I don't have much insight into cultivation. I want to see if these Chaos Demon Gods can be born."

At this time, the Master of Tongtian Sect stood up and said.

"Are there any fellow Daoists willing to stay?"

Lao Tzu glanced at the Tongtian Sect Master and then looked at the Second Saint of the West and Nuwa.

What he meant was very obvious. One of their Xuanmen was willing to stay, and the Second Saint of the West and Nuwa should also stay.

The Daoist Receiver and the Daoist Zhunti, Nuwa, understood the meaning of this, but Nuwa was only single, and if there was anything in the prehistoric world that she needed to deal with, she seemed to be unable to leave.

After all, the Chaos Demon God was born and she didn't know how many years she was born, so she was a little hesitant.

Fortunately, at this time, the Taoist Zhunti stood up and said: "Since Taoist Tongtian is so happy, then I have to stand up for one of the two Western sages. I will accompany Taoist Tongtian here. What's the situation, we I will notify all Daoists as soon as possible.”

"Okay, since that's the case, then it's troublesome for the two of you, and we also need to return to the prehistoric world to make arrangements."

The original Tianzun said with a smile.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoists."

The Daoist quasi opened his mouth again.

"Well, I won't say more about that, let's stop now, let me know if there is any news."

The old man nodded slightly.

After speaking, several people left this void one after another, and the Tongtian sect master and Zhunti Daoist went to the edge of chaos.

And Laozi, the original Tianzun, Nuwa and the Daoist Receiver returned to the prehistoric world.

When the original Tianzun returned to the Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace, he called his disciples to the main hall of the Yuxu Palace, and he had something to arrange.

The disciples of Yuxu Sect heard the call and came to the main hall of Yuxu Palace.

Eight of the twelve golden immortals came, and four of them were recruited before and after the Conferred God War, and Zhunti Daoists were transferred to Western religions.

Hundreds of other disciples came, including Antarctic Xianweng, such a master of interpretation.

"See Master!"

The disciples of the teachings bowed to the original Tianzun.

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