Primordial Heavenly Venerate sat high on the cloud bed, looked at the disciples, nodded slightly and said, "Sit down, I have called you here this time, because there is an important thing to tell you."

When all the disciples heard the words, they all sat on the futon in turn, and the first row was eight of the twelve famous golden immortals under Chan Jiao and the Antarctic Immortal Weng.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng is also an extremely qualified existence under the sect of Chanjiao. In terms of strength and status, he is no worse than the Twelve Golden Immortals.

In the Conferred God War, he also made a lot of efforts, and in the teaching process, his prestige and status are still there.

"Before I say this, do you have anything to say? Is the prehistoric world still peaceful during this time?"

The original Tianzun asked the disciple below.

Seeing the question from the original Tianzun, the disciples looked at each other in dismay. They did not discover that anything important happened in the prehistoric world.

However, the expressions of Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren were different because they had just experienced something incredible.

They wanted to find a chance to report to the original Tianzun. Since the master had already asked at this time, Guang Chengzi, who was sitting at the top of the first row, stood slowly and respectfully said to the original Tianzun: "Master, the disciple is Some have found it, but this matter is a bit bizarre, and the disciples are a little unsure."

"Oh? What's the matter? You can't see through it."

The original Tianzun's eyes fell on Guangchengzi.

"Reporting to Master, it is today that Junior Brother Yu Ding and I met a powerful person who had passed away, and he extorted two innate spiritual treasures."

Guangchengzi answered briefly.

As soon as he said these words, everyone present was in an uproar. What they were surprised was not the deceased Almighty that Guangchengzi met, but the fact that Guangchengzi and Master Yuding were blackmailed for two innate spiritual treasures. an incredible thing.

His exit made the original Tianzun quite surprised, and he immediately asked: "Which of the deceased powerful people? It should be a great person to be able to take two innate spiritual treasures from you and Yu Ding. Such a character should be a mighty person second only to a saint, which reminds me of some people.".

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat

"Let's say it directly, I want to see which one of the great powers of the Great Desolation is resurrected."

The original Tianzun said directly.

"Ancient Heavenly Court Demon Sovereign, East Sovereign Taiyi!"

Guangchengzi said quietly.

As soon as he said these words, there was an uproar again.

"Tonghuang Taiyi! Senior Brother Guangchengzi, are you kidding me? Donghuang Taiyi has been resurrected? How is this possible?"

Yun Zhongzi, who was sitting not far from him, said in disbelief.

It is a well-known fact that Donghuang Taiyi fell in the ancient lich war, how come he was resurrected now.

Not only he couldn't believe it, but the other disciples also had expressions of disbelief.

"Yeah, Senior Brother, did you make a mistake? How could this Donghuang Taiyi be resurrected again? If he didn't die, was he cheating death? Then what was the purpose of his doing this?"

The red sperm sitting in the front row also spoke.

Guang Chengzi turned his head slightly and glanced at the two of them, and said lightly, "Junior Brother Yu Ding and I couldn't believe it at first, but they can still remember the domineering aura on him, and his strength The realm is far higher than me and Junior Brother Yuding, this is absolutely not wrong, I am sure that the one I met with Junior Brother Yuding is the ancient Heavenly Court Demon Emperor Donghuang Taiyi, and Junior Brother Yuding should be able to testify to this."

"Senior brothers, what the senior brothers said is the truth. It is indeed the East Emperor Taiyi that the two of us met today. If you don't believe it, we can meet together in the future."

At this time, Master Yuding also slowly stood up and said.

Seeing what they said, all the disciples of the Anjiao at the scene were a little skeptical, and they still knew about Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren.

All are loyal people.

And in front of many brothers and masters, the two of them still won't lie.

It's just that they can't believe the information that Guangchengzi and Yuding Daoist said. Donghuang Taiyi is resurrected again, which is a thing that is enough to shake the entire prehistoric world.

Suddenly, there was a voice of discussion in the hall.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was sitting on the cloud bed, was pinching his fingers to calculate, but in any case, he could not calculate the fate of Donghuang Taiyi. According to his calculation, Donghuang Taiyi no longer exists, and he is not in the prehistoric world. among.

But his two disciples said that they had seen Donghuang Taiyi, which made him feel a little strange.

At this time, he unconsciously frowned slightly.

He didn't know if his two disciples had identified the wrong person, or if there was something strange about this Donghuang Taiyi. It stands to reason that the saints of them knew that Donghuang Taiyi fell.

And it's all confirmed.

Even if Donghuang Taiyi kept a trace of his soul reincarnated and reincarnated again, it would be impossible to surpass the cultivation level of Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren so quickly.

After all, the Yun Zhongzi under his sect was the reincarnation of Hong Yun, the great master of the prehistoric era, and now it is only worthy of a holy level of cultivation.

The time when Hongyun fell was much earlier than that of Dong Huangtai.

Even if Donghuang Taiyi is talented, it is impossible to cultivate so fast and quickly reach the peak of his previous life.

The original Tianzun didn't think much about looking at Guangchengzi again and said: "This matter is indeed quite strange, and the teacher can't calculate the fate of the East Emperor Taiyi. Are you sure you are looking at the East Emperor Taiyi? Besides? Who else is with him?"

"Isn't the master able to calculate the fate of this Donghuang Taiyi?"

Guangchengzi and all the disciples of the interpretation were quite horrified, and even the sages could not calculate the fate of a person?

So is this East Emperor Taiyi real?

"Well, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing. You are not admitting the wrong person."

The original Tianzun said without shyness.

Guangchengzi frowned slightly. After the original Tianzun said this, he also doubted whether he had admitted the wrong person, but it was not right to think about it. In the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou, he had seen many people with his own eyes. The monsters come and gather.

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