And they all called the man the demon emperor, so there should be no mistake.

Guangchengzi thought about it for a while and said to the original Tianzun again: "Respected Master, there I and Junior Brother Yuding also met Kunpeng, the demon master of the ancient heaven, and all the demon powerhouses were respected. We met. Donghuang Taiyi is a demon emperor, it should not be wrong."

The original Tianzun had some doubts when he heard what Guangchengzi said.

"If this is the case, then what you may have encountered is Taiyi Donghuang. This is his destiny. It is not possible to calculate the trajectory of his destiny. This is a bit strange. I won't talk about this for now. Go investigate again, come back and report to me again, this time I want to announce an important thing, you have to write it down carefully."

The original Tianzun did not bother for the time being, and ended this topic.

Although Donghuang Taiyi's resurrection is strange and unimaginable everywhere, compared with what he encountered in the endless chaos, it is also a small matter.

After all, even if all the powerhouses in the entire ancient heaven are resurrected, it is still a trivial matter, because the saints are all ants, and they can easily control the scene, but the chaos demon gods in the chaos make them all the saints above. Feel very worried.

This is also the one thing that makes all their saints pay the most attention.


The disciples of the teachings, respectfully answer.

The original Tianzun watched all the disciples quiet down, and then slowly said: "This matter is related to endless chaos, as for what it is, you don't need to know for the time being, if there is nothing necessary in the future period of time. If you do, don't go to the Flood World, so as not to invite unwarranted disasters, this is a very important matter, you must keep it firmly in mind, otherwise, if there is any disaster, the teacher will not be able to keep you lucky. ."

Listening to the words of the original Tianzun, all the disciples of the interpretation are all tight, they have never seen such a serious face of the original Tianzun.

"It has something to do with the endless chaos, is the prehistoric world about to usher in another catastrophe?"

Guang Chengzi said in a daze.

"Well, it can be said that this catastrophe is difficult for anyone to predict. I don't know when it will happen, and I don't know what the results will be, but the best way is to try not to go outside to pick up the cause and effect, otherwise, the consequences will be Unexpectedly, well, there are so many things, you can arrange the next things yourself."

With that said, the figure of the original Tianzun disappeared on the cloud bed of Yuxu Palace, and he returned to the [*]rd layer of heaven. .

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat

Chanjiao and all the strong Buddhists headed for the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou in a mighty manner.

At this time, in the territory of Dongsheng Shenzhou, many immortals and gods fled, and they were all expelled from within five million miles of Dongsheng Shenzhou by the powerful monsters.

The demon clan was originally bloodthirsty by nature, but this time, they didn't slaughter, just expel those immortals, which was explained by Donghuang Taiyi.

Because Donghuang Taiyi didn't want to leave any hatred with the ordinary immortals of Honghuang.

After all, it is not good to have cause and effect with too many people, and it has a great impact on the luck of the demon clan.

But despite this, the expelled immortals still have some resentment towards the demon clan. After all, forcing them to leave their cultivation cave, no-one will be willing.

It's just that under the threat of the powerful monsters, they can only leave helplessly.

They heard the news of the resurrection of Donghuang Taiyi. The reason why the demon clan has such a big movement may be the reason of Donghuang Taiyi.

It turns out that the demon clan is still relatively low-key, and they dare not be too arrogant.

Now that he is so blatant, he must have a big backer.

However, they did not dare to be angry or speak out. For so many powerful monsters, they were not able to resist. After all, most of them were in the realm of Heavenly Immortal and Xuanxian. Compared with the demon clan, they are not enough to watch at all.

"The monster race is rampant again. I wonder if any major forces have noticed it here."

A group of immortals left their original cave, and said helplessly.

"I heard that there are not Guangchengzi and Jade Ding Zhenren who explain the teachings, and Sakyamuni from Buddhism and several Bodhisattvas have come here, even they have no way to deal with the demon clan, we can only Accepted."

Another old fairy with white hair and beard spoke up.

It was expected to be full of helplessness.

"Hey, is there no major force to rule this monster clan now? I heard that Chanjiao and Buddhism have suffered a big loss today. Both sects have taken out two innate spiritual treasures as redemption things. It seems that it is true. It is the ancient Heavenly Court Demon Emperor, and the East Emperor Taiyi has been resurrected."

"Even if it is Emperor Taiyi of the East, there is no reason to be afraid of Chan Sect and Buddhism, right? These two sects are masters like clouds, and both have saints sitting in battle. I believe they should not let it go."

"So you're saying that the sectarian and Buddhist masters will come again?"

"Of course, let's not talk about the matter of face, even if it is aimed at treasures, they should come again. Those are innate spiritual treasures, rare treasures in the wild, and there are still two, even the most powerful people can't arbitrarily. Abandoned, if I can own a treasure like this, my cultivation will definitely be able to reach another level or two."

An immortal who looked like a middle-aged rough man said firmly.

"There is some truth to what you say. I really hope that these masters will come soon, maybe we can take back our cave."

A thin and dark Taoist opened his mouth and said.

"Don't worry, he will come, we just need to wait here in peace."

The middle-aged rough man immortal spoke again.

A group of immortals and gods present at the scene agreed with his remarks, and they settled down on the spot and waited with peace of mind.


Not too long after time passed, I saw a purple air in the sky coming from the east, and a Buddha light coming from the west.

Such a movement alarmed them, and they all looked up with surprises on their faces.

"It's such a powerful aura fluctuation. It seems that the powerhouses of Chanjiao and Buddhism have arrived. This time it seems that there is a good show to watch. They must be well prepared this time. It seems that the monsters are going to be unlucky."

A group of immortals and gods in the ground raised their heads to discuss.

"Should we follow along and take a look?"

Seeing that the powerhouses of teaching and Buddhism were about to enter the core area of ​​the Divine Kingdom in Dongsheng Shenzhou, a Taoist could not restrain his excitement and said.

"I think it's better to take a look first. The current situation cannot be determined yet, and it may be very dangerous. We will make a choice when things come to an end."

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