An older Xuanxian said.

The immortals and gods felt that it was reasonable, and nodded one after another, but did not follow into the restricted area of ​​[*] million miles drawn by the demon clan.

They can only use supernatural powers and watch the situation within the kingdom of God from a distance.


When entering the realm of the kingdom of God, the strong man of Buddhism met the strong man of Chan, and they both smiled knowingly.

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"I didn't expect you to come too. I thought Brother Shakyamuni would come in person."

Guangchengzi looked at the Deng Deng Buddha leading the group of Buddhist powerhouses and said.

"As the current Buddhist headmaster, the Tathagata has many things to deal with, and we can take care of such things for us."

Burning Lamp Buddha opened his mouth to Guangchengzi with his hands folded.

"I didn't expect that the eight Jinxians who explained the teachings and the Daoist Brother Antarctic fairy Weng would all come to deal with the mere monster clan. Why should this be so, and mobilize the people. This time you are teaching the teachings. It can be said that you are all elites."

Burning Deng Buddha glanced at the strong men behind Guangchengzi and said.

The corner of Guangchengzi's mouth slightly evoked a smile and said: "You Buddhists are relatively simple, three quasi-sage-level powerhouses, with a group of great Luojinxian Luohan, do you think that with such strength, you can deal with Donghuang Taiyi and the demon clan? Daoist Brother Ran Deng, you must be underestimating the demon clan too much."


"The demon clan are now just dogs with broken spines in the prehistoric world. There are not many strong people to deal with them. Even if the East Emperor Taiyi is resurrected, what will happen now? It's hard to say who wins and who is stronger now.

Burning Lamp Buddha said coldly.

His words were rather arrogant, even if Guangchengzi had gathered nine quasi-saint-level powerhouses, he would not dare to say such a thing.

He doubted whether Shakyamuni had told him the truth.

At that time, when they faced Donghuang Taiyi, they had no idea of ​​resisting, and their strength was far superior to them.

Guangchengzi frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but before he could say it, a figure slowly walked out of the kingdom of God not far away.

Everyone felt an extremely dangerous aura.

"Hehe, do all cats and dogs want to try with me now?"

It was Donghuang Taiyi who came out. The Deng Deng Buddha felt the extremely powerful breath on Donghuang Taiyi, and his body shivered unconsciously.

The breath emanating from Donghuang Taiyi in front of him was far beyond his imagination. He seemed to see the ancient demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi who once ruled the heavenly court again.

At this time, he found that Dong Huangtai's cold eyes looked towards him, as if emitting a cold killing intent.So.

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat

"Congratulations to send Master."

All the disciples of Chanjiao stood up and respectfully opened their mouths to the cloud bed in front of them.

"Brothers, the master has already left, please leave each other."

The boy standing by the side slowly stepped forward and said.

Guangchengzi and the other disciples nodded.

Then they walked out of the hall one by one.

"I didn't expect that so many things are happening in the prehistoric world today. It's really unpredictable. It seems that we need to retreat for a long time again."

Some of the interpretive disciples opened their mouths.

The words of the original Tianzun were still kept in their hearts one by one.

They don't want to get involved in any catastrophe.

All of them had experienced the cruelty of the last Conferred God Tribulation.

However, after walking out of the main hall of Yuxu Palace, Guangchengzi and Master Yuding were pulled aside by the other Jinxians.

"Senior brother, do we want to go to the East Emperor Taiyi, he extorted two innate spiritual treasures from the big brother, we can't just forget about it, otherwise, if this matter spreads, it will be let Others think that our teaching is afraid of his demon clan."

It was red sperm that spoke.

Guang Chengzi glanced at 317 Chi Jing and said, "With the strength of our fellow apprentices, it may be difficult to seek justice."

"What's the difficulty? Now the demon clan is not as strong as before, and our strength is not as good as before. Only our eight golden immortals, plus the Antarctic immortals, I am afraid that even Donghuang Taiyi will be afraid of us."

The red sperm spoke in disapproval.

"Yeah, Senior Brother, if we let them go like this this time, then our prestige in the world of red light will be greatly reduced. Besides, didn't Master say it, let's check it out, We can use this opportunity to hand over the two innate spiritual treasures from their family, even if the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Court, Dong Huangtai, is alive, we will not have anything to be afraid of."

The Taiyi real person on the side opened his mouth and said.

When Guangchengzi saw that his fellow apprentices and brothers were so displeased, he couldn't back down any longer.

"Okay, since the brothers and sisters are willing to take a trip, then we will go to meet the ancient demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi."

Guangchengzi said cheerfully.

Seeing that Guangchengzi agreed, the expressions of joy appeared on the faces of Jinxian. Now that they have all stepped into the realm of quasi-saints, they still don't believe it, and they can't help Donghuang Taiyi.

Saying that, Chanjiao Bajinxian and Antarctic Immortal Weng rode colorful clouds towards the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou.


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