"These [-] Sea God Orbs of Sea Ding are about to be sacrificed to the extreme by him. This power is really terrifying. If ordinary quasi-saint level powerhouses are hit, I am afraid they will be seriously injured."

Beside Chi Jing, with a dignified expression on his face, he stared at the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls in the air and said, with a hint of fear on his face.

"It seems that there is some competition now. I don't know how Donghuang Taiyi can deal with it."

Several of the interpreters did not expect that the Deng Deng Buddha had already practiced the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads to such a degree that they were about to turn into twenty-four complete worlds.

This is something extraordinary.

However, when Dong Huangtai faced the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls of the Burning Lamp Buddha, his face did not fluctuate at all. He squeezed 29 punches with one hand without any hesitation, and slammed directly at the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls. A bright light burst out.

As if his fist could shake the universe!When Donghuang Taiyi collided with the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads, the entire world was shaking violently at this moment.

The huge energy fluctuations continued to spread around.

Donghuang Taiyi relied on his own strength to smash the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls that had been sacrificed to the extreme. Endless mana poured out, and the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Orbs swayed. The trend of dispersal.

At this time, the face of Buddha Burning Lamp showed horror, but he did not expect the strength of Donghuang Taiyi to be so terrifying.

Without using any magic weapon, he could suppress him and twenty-four Sea Ding Divine Beads with the strength of his fleshly body. Such strength is definitely far above him.

He now estimates that the other party's realm should have reached the peak realm of quasi-saint.

At this time, he felt that it was basically impossible to defeat Donghuang Taiyi by relying on their Buddhist powers.

At this time, he turned to look at Chanjiao Guangchengzi and the others and said, "Fellow Daoists, are you just sitting there and watching? Isn't the purpose of your visit today to get back the two innate spiritual treasures that you lost? Well, if my Buddhism is defeated, it will be more difficult to defeat him with the power of your teachings!"

The Buddha Burning Lamp asked for help from the mighty people who taught the teachings.

Just when he was distracted, Donghuang Taiyi didn't give him a chance to breathe. He raised his fist again and continuously bombarded the Buddha. Every time the fist fell, it was like a strike from the sky. The Buddha was only able to use twenty-four Seagod Pearl Defense.

The other Great Sun Tathagata and Medicine Master Liuli Buddha also wanted to sneak attack Donghuang Taiyi at this moment, but at this time, many figures came out of the kingdom of God.

One by one, the killing intent was transpiring, and the first one that rushed out was a figure of a Dapeng covering the sky and the sun. He directly killed the Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Liuli Buddha.

The rest of the group of figures were killed towards the Buddhist Arhat.


The aura of the huge Dapeng figure in the sky is very ferocious and powerful, and every shot is earth-shattering. The Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Liuli Buddha used all their strength to defend it, just because they were passively beaten. .

"Demon Master Kunpeng!"

In the distance, Deng Deng Buddha, Guang Chengzi and others recognized the huge Dapeng figure in the sky.

The demon master Kunpeng is also a half-step eighth-order powerhouse, in the realm of the peak quasi-sacred realm. For ordinary quasi-sage realm powerhouses, such a powerhouse is absolutely terrifying.

If they don't have powerful innate spiritual treasures on their bodies, they will be easily killed. This means that ordinary quasi-saint-level powerhouses can provoke powerhouses higher than their own strength by relying on powerful magic weapons.

Seeing the appearance of the demon master Kunpeng, Guangchengzi and others no longer hesitated. If they don't make a move, I am afraid that the entire Buddhist master will be wiped out by the demon clan!

Although the life and death of the powerful people of Buddhism is nothing to them, but after all, they are standing on the same position this time, if they all die here, then their strength will be less.

They explained that it is still a little difficult for the strong to face the strong monster alone.

And at this time, they found that Burning Lamp Buddha was almost unable to support the fierce offensive of Donghuang Taiyi.

The twenty-four Sea Ding Divine Pearls swayed as if they would collapse at any time.

"Fellow Daoist Burning Lamp, don't worry, we will help you."

Just as Burning Lamp Buddha was being beaten and retreated, Guangchengzi raised his hand with a heaven-shattering seal and smashed it towards Donghuangtai, and the other eight sectarians offered magic weapons to attack Donghuangtai with all their might.

Donghuang Taiyi narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at so many innate spiritual treasures in the void.

At this time, facing so many innate spiritual treasure attacks, he not only did not retreat, but there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Since you smashed all the treasures out, then I'm welcome."

"Humph, at this time, you still want to hit our treasures. I don't think you can see the current situation at all! Take a blow from us and then talk about it!"

Guangchengzi said coldly.

However, just as the nine innate spiritual treasures with monstrous power were smashing towards Dong Huangtai, a picture of the river 317 as vast as a sea of ​​stars suddenly appeared in the sky, blocking all the innate spiritual treasures.

And all are caught in it, weakening their connection with their masters.

With the sudden appearance of Hetu, the expressions of Guangchengzi and the great interpreters changed.

"He Tu was born! Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Jun has also been resurrected!"

At this time, Antarctica Xianweng's face changed and he said.

The rest of the almighty interpreters also had such guesses, and they clearly knew who the treasures of Hetu and Luoshu were.

"You still remember this Emperor."

At this moment, a tall figure slowly walked out from the darkness.

Looking at the familiar appearance and figure, the Buddha Burning Lamp and all the powerful people who taught the teachings were all stunned.

"Heavenly Emperor Dijun has also been resurrected! How is this possible! None of the demon emperors of the ancient heaven and the heavenly emperors have fallen. What the hell is going on? Could it be that only the ancestral witches of the witch clan fell in the last Lich War? !"

Nanji Xianweng and others muttered to themselves in disbelief.

"Oh, aren't you surprised? But what surprises you is still to come. I won't worry about your arrival today, but all the treasures on your body must be kept."

Standing in the void, Di Jun looked down at Chan Jiao and Burning Lamp Buddha and others. .

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat

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