As in the realm of Emperor Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun, they should not offend the saint for a congenital spiritual treasure.

But if it wasn't for the treasure, then why did they kill the lantern Buddha?

This is where they can't figure it out.

"This monster is too domineering. I can vaguely feel that there will be a big earthquake in the prehistoric world soon."

An old man-like fairy murmured.

"The Western religion has killed a high-status Buddha. I am afraid that the sage of the Western religion will come down in person soon, and maybe Yuanshi Tianzun will also come. After all, they have suffered a big loss this time in explaining the teaching. Nine Innate Spirit Treasures, this is a huge loss, and it is unbearable for any force."

"Should we leave here? If not, I'm afraid this place will become a place of war. If we stay here, I'm afraid it will be affected, and then it will be a disaster."

Some immortals said worriedly.

"Well, it's better for us to stay away. If we are targeted by those monsters, we won't have any good fruit to eat. Now the monsters have become very elusive. Wait until everything calms down. , let's come back~"

A middle-aged fairy proposed - Dao.

His proposal was approved by everyone. When such a thing happened, they all had a deep sense of fear in the hearts of the demon clan.

They can kill both the Burning Lamp Buddha, so killing them is as simple as stepping on an ant.

They simply communicated for a moment, and then unanimously decided to leave here and leave the place of war soon after.

After simply packing up, they left.


On the way out of Dongsheng Shenzhou, Guangchengzi's face was extremely gloomy!

He came to Dongsheng Shenzhou twice and thought he could solve the problem, but in the end he lost the innate spiritual treasure, which made him feel very angry and aggrieved.

But he has nowhere to vent!

The same humiliation he experienced twice a day and in the same place gave him an indescribable anger.

At this time, the real Yuding had the same mood as him.

"Senior brother, what should we do now? I lost my treasure this time, and I don't know how to tell my master when I return to Yuxu Palace."

At this time, the red sperm spoke to the gloomy Guangchengzi.

The second-generation elite disciples of Chanjiao were all confiscated treasures.

It was the first time they had encountered such a thing.

Even in the last Conferred God War, they had never been so embarrassed.

What happened this time is a shame for each of them.

"What else can be done now, it can only be returned truthfully, and this matter can only be solved by the master himself."

Guangchengzi was in a very bad mood at this time, and responded coldly.

Seeing Guangchengzi speak like this, the almighty interpreters present fell silent.

"I didn't expect Di Jun to be resurrected. It really has a subversive understanding. Was the last Lich war a child's play? The two commanders of the demon clan did not fall! And the witch clan lost nine ancestors. Witch, what the hell is going on in this ancient lich war!"

Guangchengzi was silent for a moment, then spoke coldly again.

As for the last Lich War, they had never seen it with their own eyes. In order to avoid the catastrophe, they did not appear in retreat at all.

Di Jun and Dong Huangtai fell, they just heard that they didn't know much about the last Lich War.

He also felt that there were a lot of tricks in it.

The specific situation may only be known to the saints.

"The fallen people are all resurrected. I don't know what is going on. Maybe the master can answer us. This time the demon clan has become extraordinary. It seems that they are not worried about forming a relationship with us and Buddhism. Cause and effect, I don't know what abacus they are playing."

At this moment, Antarctica Xianweng said thoughtfully and slowly.

"This matter is a bit strange. In the wild world, the only one who can offend my teaching and Buddhism so unscrupulously is this monster. Could it be that they are planning something in secret?"

Cloud Neutron said lightly.

"This is incomprehensible, but let's go back and ask Shizun, maybe Shizun and his old man can understand everything about it."

The gloomy-faced Master Yuding said.

"Well, go back and ask the teacher to respect you!"

Saying that, they drove the auspicious clouds towards the Yuxu Palace with all their strength.

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At this time, the Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Lazuli Buddha on the other side had difficulty in calming down their minds along the way.

The fall of Burning Lamp Buddha made their hearts unable to calm down for a long time.

The fall of the Burning Lamp Buddha is a very important event for Western religions. They were severely slapped by the demon clan.

They were basically speechless along the way, and hurried towards Xiniu Hezhou. They hoped to report this matter to the saint as soon as possible!

However, before they could return to the Lingshan Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu, the Daoist Receptionist in the Thirty-Three Heaven above Lingshan sensed it.

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