"The lamp has fallen!"

At this moment, Daoist Jie Yin sat cross-legged on the towering cloud bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a look of disbelief on his face.

He pointed and calculated, and calculated that the place where the Deng Deng Buddha fell was in Dongsheng Shenzhou, but he could not calculate the specific.

It seemed to be shielded by a special breath.

At this point he frowned slightly.

"How did the lamp fall?"

After thinking for a while, he said loudly, "Shakyamuni, come up and see me!"

With a wave of his hand, the Tathagata Buddha, who was sitting cross-legged on the throne of Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, sensed something, and disappeared in place in an instant, arriving at the thirty-third level.

"Meet the saint!"

Shakyamuni folded his hands and bowed respectfully to the Taoist.

"No need to be more polite. I called you up this time to ask you where Ran Deng has been recently, and does he have a grudge against anyone?"

The Daoist receptionist asked the Tathagata Buddha directly.

Shakyamuni was stunned when asked by the Daoist Receiver, as if he didn't know why the Daoist Receiver suddenly asked about the Buddha.

But he still answered truthfully: "Long Deng Buddha recently went to Dongsheng Shenzhou with the Great Sun Tathagata Medicine Master Liuli Buddha to ask for two innate spiritual treasures back."

"Dongsheng Shenzhou, it really is Dongsheng Shenzhou!"

The Daoist Receiver frowned slightly and said softly.

"Could it be that something happened to Buddha Burning Lamp?"

Sakyamuni saw that the face of the Daoist was a little wrong, and then he asked.So.

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat

The Daoist Receiver glanced at Shakyamuni and said, "The lamp has fallen. You know the reason for this. What happened to the two innate spiritual treasures you mentioned earlier?"

"Burning Lamp Buddha has fallen?"

There was a look of surprise on Shakyamuni's face.

He knew that Ran Deng and the other three would definitely suffer a big loss when they went to Dongsheng Shenzhou, but he didn't expect Ran Deng Buddha to fall?

There is no doubt that he knew who did it, and Dong Huang Taiyi really dared to kill the Buddha!

This is a big surprise.

Donghuang Taiyi really dared to do this!

"Well, I have sensed it just now, the life breath of the lamp has completely disappeared from the prehistoric world. I don't know who was so bold to kill the lamp! The people who can kill the lamp in the prehistoric world should Not much! Who has the courage to forge such a big cause and effect with my Western teaching."

The Daoist Receiver still does not understand who killed the Deng Deng Buddha.

When Shakyamuni saw the gloomy face of Daoist Yingyin, he straightened his face and said, "This disciple knows who killed the Buddha Burning Lamp."

"who is it?"

The receptionist looked directly at Sakyamuni and said.


Shakyamuni simply said these two words.

"Monster clan? What's wrong with your demon clan's strength now? You might be able to kill Ran Deng. Kunpeng, the most powerful demon master in the demon clan, has been born after the last Lich War. His strength It is indeed above Ran Deng, but if you give him 100 courage, he will not dare to kill Ran Deng, he should know very well that Ran Deng is a person taught by me in the West!"

The receptionist said quietly.

He believed that the demon clan did not have the strength to kill Ran Deng, and even if there were some strong people who had the strength, they did not dare to attack.

However, Shakyamuni continued: "The disciple is not talking about the demon master Kunpeng, but the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi of the ancient heavenly court demon clan!"

"East Emperor Taiyi? Impossible, Dong Huang Taiyi has fallen in the last war between the two Lich clans, and it is impossible to appear in this world."

The receptionist directly denies the Dao.

When he said this, he seemed to suddenly realize something, frowned slightly and looked at the calm Shakyamuni and said, "You said it was done by the Emperor Dong, did you find something? "

The receptionist felt that Shakyamuni suddenly mentioned Donghuang Taiyi, which should not be an accidental guess.

Shakyamuni nodded and replied respectfully, "The reason why the disciple said this is because he had been to Dongsheng Divine Continent not long ago and met Donghuang Taiyi. At that time, the disciple also felt very incredible. However, upon careful observation of the disciple, it is certain that the East Emperor Taiyi still exists in this prehistoric world."

Immediately afterwards, Shakyamuni saw that he had told the entire process of going to Dongsheng Shenzhou.

After hearing the whole incident, the Taoist Receiver had a complicated look on his face.

"According to what you said, Donghuang Taiyi is indeed not dead, and he extorted two innate spiritual treasures from you. It seems that the burning lamp is very likely to fall into his hands."

After listening to the Tathagata finish all the passages, a ray of light flashed in the eyes of the Daoist Receiver.

"I didn't expect Donghuang Taiyi to still not die. This is really surprising. I don't know if he got what kind of good fortune, escaped the last robbery, and has been dormant in the prehistoric world. If he was born, if he really didn't die, then with his nature, it wouldn't be surprising to kill Ran Deng, but if he killed Ran Deng, he slapped me in the face of the Western Church, and I have to find him personally for this matter! "

The Daoist Receiver is not a broad-minded person. If there is any cause and effect, he must repay the other party.

Just as they were talking about this, the Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Glazed Buddha returned to Lingshan. The moment they appeared in Lingshan, the Daoist Receiver informed them.

With a wave of his hand, the Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Lazuli Buddha came to the [*]rd Heaven and appeared in front of him.

The Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Liuli Buddha hurriedly bowed when they saw the Daoist Receiver, and said respectfully, "Meet the saint!"

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