The Daoist receptionist looked at them and said directly: "You went to Dongsheng Divine Continent this time. Tell me about the specific situation. I already know about the fall of the lantern. Apart from Donghuang Taiyi, do you have any more? See the other powerful people of the demon race."

The Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Liuli Buddha saw Sakyamuni standing beside them, and they knew that some of the information about the East Emperor Taiyi should have been said by Sakyamuni and the Daoist Receiver...  .....

Since the Receivers know some of the information, they don't need to go into details.

"In addition to Donghuang Taiyi, there is also the demon master Kunpeng... and the demon god emperor Jun!"

The Great Sun Tathagata folded his hands together and spoke directly to the Daoist Receiver.

"Di Jun! He's not dead either?!"

Hearing Di Jun's name, Daoist Receiver felt a little surprised this time.

"If it is a coincidence that Donghuang Taiyi is not dead, then Di Jun is not dead either, which makes no sense. It is impossible for the two leaders of the demon clan to not die in the ancient lich war!"

At this moment, the Daoist Receiver felt surprised and deeply puzzled.

He always felt that there was something unusual about it.

The two emperors of the demon race were born together, which was something that everyone could not have imagined.

After receiving a slight surprise, Daoist Reception quickly recovered.

After all, as an eternal saint, he has encountered all kinds of strange things. Even if the incident between Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun is a little strange, it is not enough to make him lose his temper.

"Tell me what happened to you this time, why did Emperor Taiyi kill Ran Deng!"

After the Daoist Receptionist calmed down, he then asked the Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Lazuli Buddha.

The Great Sun 2.1 Tathagata and the Medicine Master Glazed Buddha looked at each other, and the Great Sun Tathagata continued to say: "Because of the treasure, this time we and Burning Lamp Buddha originally went to Dongsheng Shenzhou to seek the return of the treasure from Donghuang Tai, and we also met The nine powerful people, including Guangchengzi, who explained the teachings, went for the same purpose as us, but Donghuang Taiyi was very domineering. Not only did he not return the treasures he had extorted before, he also threatened to keep all the treasures on us. , otherwise, he will kill us all in Dongsheng Shenzhou. At first we thought that these were all his bluffs, and the Buddha Burning Lamp confronted him and started to fight, but we did not expect that this Donghuang Taiyi really What’s wrong is lawlessness, they don’t take our Western religions seriously, they openly kill the Buddha who burns the lamp before our eyes, and take away the treasures on our bodies, Buddha, you have to decide for us!”.

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat


When the disciples saw that the original Tianzun was going to clean up Donghuang Taiyi Emperor Jun and other monsters in person, they all responded with excitement.

After a while, the original body of Tianzun came down.

"Let's go, today I want to see, what kind of confidence does the demon clan have, and dare to be presumptuous in front of my teaching."

The original Tianzun slowly stood up from the cloud bed, waved his sleeves, and everyone disappeared with him directly in the Yuxu Palace. The next moment, they came to the sky above the Divine Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The method of the saint is different, and the speed is unbelievable.

It was like a big move, and the stars moved with a wave, and the disciples were moved from Yuxu Palace to Dongsheng Divine Continent in an instant.

The saints came, and there were auspicious colors around them, and the surrounding heaven and earth became a little different. Immortal music bursts, Rui Cai Daodao, golden lotuses bloom in the void, and auspiciousness is endless.

All the creatures in the thousands of miles around sensed the fluctuation of the saint's descent.

"Auspicious omen from the sky, is this the arrival of a saint? Since the end of the last Conferred God War, there has never been a saint in the prehistoric world. This time, the saint's coming is probably for the sake of the demon clan, right?"

Some immortals suddenly woke up in the dark, all gathered together, raised their heads and looked at the auspicious scene thousands of miles away, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Besides the matter of the demon race, there should be no other things that can make the saint come."

A golden immortal used magical powers to transform the scene of the kingdom of God thousands of miles away. In the picture, they saw the scene of the original Tianzun and the disciples such as Chan Jiao, and everyone stared at the picture.

"It turned out that the original Tianzun came down."

"This time the saint came down in person, and I don't know how the monsters will end."

"Hey, it's not good for this monster clan to offend anyone, but it is the Chan Sect and the Western Sect. These two major forces have saints in charge. Their disciples have been bullied, can they not jump out, and I don't know the Eastern Emperor. What did Taiyi and Dijun think?"

"Well, we can't mix things between them. Let's watch it quietly. This time the demon clan shouldn't be too miserable. After all, the demon clan still has the support of the goddess Nuwa."

"I don't know, let's take a look. In the prehistoric world, there has been no good show for a long time. This time something like this happened, it was quite lively."

Everyone stared at the image transformed in the void again, wanting to see the next development.

When the original Tianzun arrived.

In the kingdom of God, Emperor Taiyi, Emperor Jun, and the twelve ancestors all sensed the arrival of the original Tianzun.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun looked at each other, then walked out of the kingdom of God and came outside. Originally, the Twelve Ancestral Witch wanted to follow, but Di Jun stopped him.

He thinks that the time for the Twelve Ancestral Witch to be exposed is not yet.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun followed behind them and a group of powerful monsters.

They looked up at the original Heavenly Venerate in the sky. There was no panic on their faces. Instead, they said quite calmly: "I didn't expect the saint to come in person.

Di Jun looked at the primordial Heavenly Venerate in the air and bowed slightly, but Dong Huangtai was a little reluctant to salute the Primordial Heavenly Venerate.

The original Tianzun looked at Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun, and there was a ray of light in his eyes. When he saw Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun still exist in this world, he still felt a little incredible.

"East Emperor Taiyi, Di Jun, I didn't expect you to still exist in this world. The deity thought you had fallen last time, but I didn't expect you to be able to deceive the heavens, shield the heavenly secrets, and escape the catastrophe. It seems that they still have something on them. The unknown secret, the deity is a little curious, how did you manage to be silent in the prehistoric world."

The original Tianzun did not rush to question Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun, but was curious about how Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun deceived everyone in the prehistoric world in the last Lich War.

A smile appeared on the corner of Di Jun's mouth. He seemed to know that the original Tianzun would ask this question, and said very indifferently: "This is a secret, I'm sorry to tell you, it's not that I don't want to tell it, it's that this secret can't be told, and I hope the saint can understand."

Di Jun didn't want to expose the affairs of Zhutian City now.

He wanted the original Tianzun to guess that the result was better.

Hearing his words, the original Tianzun narrowed his eyes slightly, and he didn't feel any surprise for such an answer.

On the contrary, he looked at Di Jun and Dong Huangtai with very calm expressions, and seemed to be very indifferent to his arrival, which was unexpected by the original Tianzun, and there was a slight fluctuation in his heart.

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