Looking at their calm faces, Yuan Tianzun felt a little disappointed in his heart. He didn't see any fear, panic, or even nervousness in the faces of Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun.

"¨"Why don't you fear me, you should know why I came down this time."

The original Tianzun saw that Di Jun was unwilling to tell the secrets of their existence in the prehistoric world, so it was inconvenient for him to ask more, so he changed the topic.

He seemed to have expected that Ding Dijun would not tell the secret, but this was also expected.

The reason why secrets are secrets is that they are not easily revealed.

But he is not in a hurry, he will know this secret sooner or later, but he has to catch the two of them first, and then they will be defeated.

"Fear? Why should we be afraid?"

Di Jun said with a slight smile.

He seemed to be pretending to be confused, and asked the original Tianzuntuo.

"Hey, Di Jun, don't pretend to be here. You and Dong Huangtai took away all our innate spiritual treasures. It's not like nothing happened."

At this time, Chi Jing spoke to Di Jun in a low voice.

With the support of the saint, he has a lot of confidence in his speech.

Hearing his words, Di Jun raised his eyebrows lazily, he didn't even look at Chi Jing, and pretended to be surprised: "Oh, so the saint came for this, but I thought we brothers did something. Good thing, the sage came here to give advice, I didn't expect the sage to come here for this trivial matter, if this is the case, the sage only needs to order one sentence, why do you need to make a special trip like this."

Di Jun's superficial attitude looks very good, but in fact his words are full of irony.

For Di Jun's attitude, the original Tianzun's eyes flashed a ray of light, but he didn't speak, his face was a little gloomy and he didn't know what he was thinking. .

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat

"Chan Jiao went to so many people, but they didn't stop them, but they took away their treasures one after another. It seems that the strength of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun have not declined in the slightest, but their strength has increased greatly. I have also been humiliated, and I am afraid that the original Tianzun can't sit still."

The receptionist spoke slowly.

"What does the saint mean?"

The Great Sun Tathagata stood respectfully below and said.

"Let's take a look at this first. Now the prehistoric world is not peaceful. The loss of this teaching is much more serious than that of our Western teaching. The original Tianzun can't sit still. Let's take a look at the specific situation first. Jun Neng has torn his face with Chan Jiao and my Western Sect, and always feels that there is an extraordinary force behind them to support them, otherwise, with the current situation of the demon clan, they would definitely not dare to do so."

The receptionist spoke again.

The reason why the Daoist Receiver didn't go directly to Dongsheng Shenzhou to find Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun's trouble was because he felt uneasy because he didn't wake up from a chaotic demon god in the previous chaos.

He always felt that what happened in the prehistoric world seemed to have something to do with the chaos demon gods in the chaos.

Because the time of these two events is very close, and there is a hint of strangeness.

So he seemed a little cautious at this time.

However, when he said these words, Dainichi Tathagata, Shakyamuni and others felt puzzled.

They are very aware of the temperament of the Daoist, and they are very protective of their shortcomings. If there is any cause and effect, he will definitely cut it without hesitation.

Especially with such a big loss.

The fall of the Burning Lamp Buddha was a great event for the Western religion. When Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun killed him, it was undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Western religion. No one could hold back such a humiliation.

Although they all felt very doubtful, they still did not dare to ask. Since Daoist Receptionist made such a decision, they could only do it.

"Okay, that's all for now. I'll keep an eye on the demon clan's affairs. When the time comes, I'll bring your treasures back to you. You all go down."

The receptionist didn't explain much, and spoke slowly.


Shakyamuni, the Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Lazuli Buddha bowed respectfully to the Daoist and then retreated.

After a few people left, the Daoist Receiver raised his head slightly and looked into the distance, and said lightly to himself, "Brother Yuandao, what will you do next?"


On the other side of Xiniu Hezhou, far away, in the Yuxu Palace, Guangchengzi and other nine powerful people have all returned.

When they returned, some disciples who were cultivating in Yuxu Palace gathered around.

The fact that Guangchengzi and Master Yuding were collected by Donghuang Taiyi for two innate spiritual treasures has spread all over the Yuxu Palace. Begging for treasure, I don't know what to do.

"Senior brother, you are back, is this trip going smoothly?"

Several disciples of the teachings respectfully bowed to Guangchengzi and the others, and then asked.

Guangchengzi glanced at them and did not answer, and went straight to the main hall of Yuxu Palace.

Seeing that Guangchengzi and the others were all cold-faced and didn't answer anything, several disciples of Chanjiao froze in place, not knowing why.

"Senior brother and others, all of them have gloomy faces. It seems that this trip will not get any benefits."

A middle-aged disciple of Chanjiao noticed the faces of Guangchengzi and the others, and said quietly.

After Guangchengzi and the others came to the main hall of Yuxu Palace, they said to the boy beside him, "I need to meet Master in an urgent matter."

The boy saw that Guangchengzi and others looked very bad, and they were in a hurry, and knew that something bad should happen.

He didn't ask any further, and said, "Brothers, please wait a moment."

At this time, walking to the table in the center of the hall, three pillars of incense were burned. As the three pillars of incense were ignited, the disciples of Chanjiao stood respectfully under the main hall, holding their breaths.

As the curling blue smoke disappeared into the void, it didn't take long for the phantom of the original Heavenly Venerate to descend.

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