Seeing the Primordial Heavenly Venerate descending, Guangchengzi respectfully opened his mouth to the Primordial Heavenly Venerate and said, "Meet the Master."

The original Tianzun sat on the cloud bed, opened his eyes slightly, looked at Guangchengzi and others and said, "I came back so soon, what is the result of this trip?"

Guangchengzi's expression moved slightly, and it seemed that it was a little difficult to speak, but in the end he took a step forward slowly and said, "Respected Master, this time we lost."

Hearing this sentence, a ray of light flashed in the eyes of the original Tianzun, and his voice was calm: "Failed? You nine people can't match the East Emperor Taiyi?"

"It's not that we can't match that East Emperor Taiyi, but Di Jun also appeared. The two of them joined forces, and we are not their opponents."

Guangchengzi then replied.

"Di Jun also appeared?"

The original calm face of the original Tianzun was slightly moved.

He rolled his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Yes, we didn't expect Emperor Jun to appear as well. It's like a dream. The original demon emperors who died have appeared one after another, which seems a bit unusual."

Guangchengzi replied.

"It seems that they want to completely tear their face with my teaching. When we go this time, all the innate spiritual treasures of our brothers and sisters have been taken away by 320, and there is no room left."

At this time, Antarctica Xianweng slowly stood up and said.

Hearing the terrifying rays of light in the eyes of the original Tianzun here, he said in a low voice: "All nine of you have been deprived of nine innate spiritual treasures?"

"Yes, if we don't hand over the innate spiritual treasure, they said we shouldn't want to leave Dongsheng Shenzhou. At that moment, I felt that they had real killing intent. They were brutally killed, and our strength was no match for them, so in the end we could only abandon the treasure and come back and report this matter to the master."

Immortal Yuding also spoke at this time.

Hearing that the original Tianzun was already a little angry, Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun did this, and they did not pay attention to their teaching at all.

"What a monster clan, to be so openly opposed to my teaching, if you don't teach you a painful lesson, you won't know who is in charge in this wild world!"

The original Tianzun said gloomily.

"This matter will be handed over to Master, and you will go to Dongsheng Shenzhou together with Master. This time I will see if they hand over the swallowed treasures. If they don't know the current affairs, then the deity will be Let their demon clan completely decline in the prehistoric world!".

Chapter five hundred and forty-four: disappearing out of thin air

Although Primordial Heavenly Venerate appeared calm, the disciple beside him couldn't help it at this time.

At this moment, a sneer appeared on Master Yuding's face, and he said coldly: "Hmph, this is a small matter? You really make a big matter small, and you have taken away eleven innate spiritual treasures from our senior brothers and sisters. Is such a thing a trivial matter?"

Facing the questioning of the real person Yu Ding, a trace of killing intent flashed in Dong Huangtai's eyes.

But it was Di Jun who was talking, and I saw Di Jun smiled again: "Isn't this a trivial matter, you are not as skilled as others, and we took away the treasures, which is quite a common thing in the prehistoric world, speaking of you among you With some people, we are considered peers. It’s not a trivial matter to lose in the comparison between peers. If I waited to lose, I would definitely not go to the Empress Nuwa to cry and ask her to come out and do justice. I didn’t expect you The skills are not as good as people, but they still have the face to ask the saint to come out."

Di Jun's remarks can be described as very ironic.

Angrily, the disciples clenched their teeth and pointed at him, trembling a little.

"You... I want to fight you for three hundred rounds!"

Immortal Yuding and several disciples of the teachings shouted at Di Jun one after another.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi looked at them and said coldly: "Okay, come here, as long as the saint doesn't take action, I can easily crush all of you!"

Donghuang Taiyi speaks without any sympathy.

"Don't be too arrogant, even if you die today, I will fight with you!"

Yu Ding Zhenren was furious and was about to rush out.

However, at this time, the original Tianzun suddenly said softly: "Enough, what kind of decency are you making so noisy."

Seeing the original Tianzun speak, all the disciples of the teachings calmed down.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun looked at the original Tianzun. In fact, they could feel that the original Tianzun's face was very ugly.

But this is also what they expected, because they did not speak politely, and they did not give any face to the original Tianzun.

"According to what you said, this time I came down, but it was a wrong choice? Do you want to say that the disciples I teach are all waste? The deity intervenes to bully the small?"

The original Tianzun stared coldly at Di Jun and Dong Huangtai and said.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun could feel the murderous intent emanating from the original Tianzun.

"We don't mean this, I hope the saint will not misunderstand."

Di Jun said immediately.

"Misunderstanding? Did I hear it wrong just now? You said those words."

The original Tianzun looked at Di Jun again and said.

"Actually, the deity doesn't want to care about you, it seems that the deity is a little too protective of the shortcomings. Well, this deity doesn't want to be too embarrassing for you, hand over all the innate spiritual treasures that you have collected, and the two of you follow me to the jade. The virtual palace has been thinking about it for [-] years, and this matter has been revealed, what do you think."

The original Tianzun then opened the mouth and said.

"Hand over all the innate spiritual treasures? Are you saying that the five innate spiritual treasures are even taught by the West?"

Di Jun didn't have any smile on his face at this time, and said coldly.

"I'm afraid we can agree, and the saints of Western religions won't agree, right?"

The original Tianzun's eyes flashed a cold light, his abacus was pierced by Di Jun, and his face became a little bad.

But soon his expression returned to normal.

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