"Hmph, you should be stubborn at this time! Let me suppress all of them!"

The original Tianzun snorted coldly and accelerated the speed of his palms falling. Almost everyone present felt that Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun and other powerful monsters had no way to escape.

But what surprised and horrified them was when the huge palm of the original Tianzun was about to touch them.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun both had strange smiles on their faces.

"Hey, bye everyone!"

Di Jun looked coldly at the original Tianzun and the Daoist Receiver said these words, and all the figures of him, Donghuang Taiyi and the powerhouses of the demon race disappeared in place without a sound.

The big hand of the original Tianzun grabbed an empty space.

Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.

"Disappeared? How is that possible?!"

Chan Jiao and other disciples looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief and said.

They looked around carefully, but they didn't find the figure of Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi, not even a powerful monster.

Such a result made them unbelievable.

At this time, the face of the original Tianzun was gloomy, and his eyes swept hundreds of millions of miles, but there was no trace of Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun.

The brows of the Taoist Receiver on the side were tightly wrinkled, and he turned to the original Tianzun and said, "How about the original Taoist brother, can you catch them?"

The original Tianzun was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head slowly and said: "No, I don't know what methods they used, but they let them run away silently!"

Hearing the words of the original Tianzun, the Taoist Receiver frowned deeper. He always felt that the sudden appearance of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun in the prehistoric world must not be simple.

I didn't expect them to have the means to escape in front of the saint!

No wonder they are unscrupulous enough to offend their Western religions and interpretations at the same time!

"In this way, their sudden appearance in the prehistoric world is not accidental. Being able to escape in the hands of the saints shows that they have exceptionally powerful means. Brother Primitive Daoist, you said that Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi suddenly appeared this time. Is it related to Chaos to appear in the prehistoric world to make trouble?"

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Receiving what the Taoist said, he opened his mouth and said.

When the original Tianzun heard what the Taoist said, he immediately frowned and began to think.

"I have also thought about this, but I still feel that it is impossible. Those Chaos Demon Gods have not descended into the prehistoric world at all. With Emperor Jundong Huang Taiyi's ability to be unable to go to Chaos, there should be nothing between them. Contact, if there is, then we have to take good precautions!"

The Primordial Heavenly Venerate spoke the sound to the Daoist.

... ...

The reason for using voice transmission is that they still don't want others to know about some things, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

The receptionist nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, since they have escaped, you can go into the kingdom of God and see what I have found."

Primordial Tianzun quickly adjusted his emotions and said to the disciples behind him.

Although the disciples of Chanjiao were still in the shock of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun disappearing out of thin air, they were all awakened by the words of the original Tianzun.

They entered the kingdom of God without any hesitation, but they entered the kingdom of God and swept several times, but found nothing.

At this time, there was not a single person in the kingdom of God.

This caused a deep sense of frustration in their hearts.

They came with the master this time and thought that Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun were doomed, but what they never imagined was that even if the saints came in person, there would be nothing they could do about Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun!

Even they were so idle that they didn't even catch a monster strong!At this time, all the disciples of Chan Jiao felt extremely mad in their hearts.

Among them, the most embarrassed are Guangchengzi and Yuding Zhenren. They came back three times without success, and twice lost two innate spiritual treasures.

At this point they felt a mouthful of blood to spurt out of their mouths.

As for why the twelve ancestors were not in the kingdom of God, after Di Jun and Dong Huangtai disappeared, they took out their Zhutian City ID cards and disappeared out of thin air back to Zhutian City.So.

Chapter five hundred and forty-fifth: return to the city of heaven

After searching to no avail, the disciples of Chanjiao came out in a hurry.

"How? What's going on?"

The original Tianzun sat cross-legged on the cloud bed in the void, looking at his disciples and asked.

Guangchengzi stepped forward helplessly, and replied respectfully, "Respected Master, in the Kingdom of God, people have gone to the empty building, there is no figure, and the slightest clue has not developed."

Hearing Guangchengzi's answer, the original Tianzun frowned slightly.

"It seems that they have been prepared for a long time. This time they can be so unscrupulous, it seems that they have a plan."

The receptionist spoke quietly beside him.

"Now I'm a little curious, what kind of adventure they got, and it has become so unpredictable."

The original Tianzun snorted coldly and said: "No matter what adventures and means they have, if I encounter them again next time, I will kill them as soon as possible, and then I will check their true spirits to know what they call them. the secret."

The Daoist Receiver glanced at the original Tianzun, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he did not speak. He knew that the original Tianzun was in a very bad mood at this time.

"Since the matter here is over, then there is no need for me to stay any longer. Brother Yuandao, I will take a step first. If there is any news about Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun, you can inform me at any time, and life can be primitive. Brother Daoist's strength."

The Daoist Receiver folded his hands towards the original Tianzun.

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