Primordial Tianzun glanced at Daoist Receptionist, nodded slightly, and said, "If I find anything, I will definitely notify Daoist Receptionist."

After receiving the answer from the original Tianzun, the Daoist received a smile on his face, nodded and said, "Then the poor monk is saying goodbye."

After speaking, the Daoist Receiver turned into a glow and disappeared in place.

After receiving and leading Daoist to leave, the original Tianzun said to his disciples: "Next, you must pay close attention to every move in the prehistoric world. If there is any news about Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun, please notify the teacher at any time."

Guangchengzi and the disciples of Chanjiao said solemnly, "Yes, Master!"

"Well, you don't have to go back to the Yuxu Palace with me. You stay in the prehistoric world and pay more attention to the things in the prehistoric world. If there is anything, the teacher will call you back to the mountain."

Immediately after, the original Tianzun said again.

"Yes! I will abide by the decree of the Master."

Guangchengzi and the others said respectfully.

The original Tianzun looked at his disciples, nodded, and then disappeared silently.

"Congratulations to send Master!"

After bidding farewell to the original Tianzun, Guangchengzi and several other disciples began to mutter.

"How did this Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun escape from the master's hands?! This method is too unbelievable."

The red sperm said in a puzzled way.

"This method doesn't even know about the master, how could we know that, don't think too much, our task now is to find them first, so that our treasures can come back."

Yun Zhongzi said quietly by the side.

"Yun Zhongzi is right. Right now we have to find out the whereabouts of Emperor Taiyi and Emperor Jun. The treasure is still a trivial matter. If this matter gets out, our teaching will probably become the laughing stock of the entire prehistoric world. No matter how you find them, let them get the punishment they deserve, and this matter is over."

Guangchengzi stood in the middle of the crowd and spoke slowly.

"Senior brother is right. I think we still have to act separately. The two of us are in a group to inquire about their whereabouts in the wild world. It is best that we can mobilize the disciples under the sect to find them together!"

Immortal Yuding spoke in agreement.

"Junior Brother Yuding's idea is good, let's follow his suggestion."

Guangchengzi opened his mouth and said.

"it is good."

Everyone agrees.

Having said that, they were soon allocated.

A group of two, nine of them, were divided into four groups, and the last group was a group of three.

"Then let's go."

In the end, Guang Chengzi and Yu Ding Zhenren were in a group, and they said to the brothers and sisters, and the others nodded.

The nine people were divided into four groups and went in different directions in the prehistoric world.

They started their journey to find Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun.

However, what they did not expect was that at this time Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun had already returned to Zhutian City.

Even if they rummaged through the prehistoric world, it would be impossible for them to find the traces of Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun...  

As long as they do not appear in the prehistoric world, Guangchengzi and the others will never find them.


Outside the gate of the city of the heavens.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun led a group of demon clans to Zhutian City.

All the monster clan powerhouses looked at this unfamiliar environment, and there was a thick color of doubt on their faces.

"Where is this place? Why have we never seen it before? How did we suddenly appear here? Could it be that the saint locked us here?"

Some demon powerhouses said unidentified.

They felt it was very strange for everything.

At this time, the demon master Kunpeng explained lightly: "This is the city of the heavens, a very strange place, this place does not belong to any world, and of course it is not in the prehistoric world, you can come here, it is two demons. Your Majesty, the one who brought you here is beyond the reach of saints, so you can live in peace here, as long as you follow the rules here."

"Zhutian City? This place doesn't belong to any world? Saints can't touch it? That is to say, we have left the prehistoric world now?"

The powerful monsters said in shock.

It was the first time they had heard of such a magical place.

In the 2.1 place that is not in the prehistoric world, and the saints can't reach, if it is not the original Tianzun in front of them, the Daoist Receiver has disappeared in front of their eyes, otherwise it is difficult for them to believe what the demon master Kunpeng said.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun understood the shocked expressions of the demon clan very well, because when they were just resurrected from Zhutian City, they were no less surprised than they were.

"Okay, about the city of the heavens, you will gradually know about it in the future. Now let's enter the city of the heavens and talk about it."

Just as they were about to leave, the figure of the Twelve Ancestral Witch suddenly appeared beside them.

Seeing the appearance of the Twelve Ancestors, a smile appeared on the corner of Di Jun's mouth: "I didn't expect you to come here so soon."

Di Jiang glanced at him lightly and said, "You have all angered the saint, and we naturally don't need to stay there any longer.".

Chapter five hundred and forty-six: planning to resurrect, the three ancient ancestors

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