Di Jun opened his mouth and said that he waved his hand again, and a lot of treasures fell to the ground like rain. At a glance, there were probably thousands of treasures.

These are the treasures accumulated by the powerful monsters, and there are so many treasures they have scraped.

Shen Wansan looked at the treasures piled up like a mountain in front of him, and scanned all the treasures at a glance.

"These treasures are worth 535 billion value points."

After scanning, Shen Wansan said to Di Jun.

"535 billion, not bad."

Di Jun said lightly.

"Is there anything else that needs to be exchanged?"

Shen Wansan asked symbolically.

"No, but we need to revive some people. Please Mr. Shen check how many value points are needed."

Di Jun then said 323.

"Who is resurrected?"

Mr. Shen looked at Di Jun and said.

"The primordial unicorn, Yuanfeng, and Zulong of the prehistoric world, how many value points do they need to revive them."

Di Jun asked.

"Wait a minute, I'll check it out."

Shen Wansan replied calmly.

"Trouble Mr. Shen."

Di Jun gave Mr. Shen a fist.

Shen Wansan borrowed the energy of Zhutian City and quickly checked the value points needed for resurrection, Shi Qilin, Yuanfeng, and Zulong.

Pieces of strange light flashed from his eyes, and then slowly calmed down.

Shen Wansan looked at Di Jun and said lightly, "It takes 500 billion value points to resurrect them."

"500 billion value points?"

Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi and others were slightly stunned.

Seeing that their expressions seemed strange, Shen Wansan smiled and asked, "What? Is it too expensive, or is it cheap?"

Di Jun came back to his senses slightly and said, "Of course it's cheap. It only takes 500 billion value points to resurrect the three of them? It seems that our two brothers spent 500 billion value points when they were resurrected, right?"

Shen Wansan smiled lightly and said, "Their realm of strength is not as good as yours. If they hadn't died longer than you, their value point would have been lower."

Chapter five hundred and forty-seven: official resurrection, first unicorn, Yuanfeng, Zulong

"It turns out that, in this way, it is the same. When we were still in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, their strength has reached the realm of quasi-sage. After so many years, we always thought that their strength was already above us. "

Di Jun said in a stunned manner.

Shen Wansan smiled and did not speak.

"How about resurrecting them?"

After a while of silence, Shen Wansan then spoke up.

Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi hesitated at this time. If Shi Qilin, Yuan Feng, and Zu Long were not as strong as they imagined, then resurrecting them would be a bit tasteless.

"Actually, you don't need to worry about anything. If their strength is not strong enough, as long as they have enough talent, after cultivating in Zhutian City for a while, they should soon catch up with your realm of strength."

Shen Wansan seemed to see what they were worried about, and said indifferently.

"Yeah, why didn't I think that with the city of the heavens, we don't need to worry about this, they definitely have the strength and talent, otherwise, in ancient times, their strength was far above us, if the three of them If they don't kill each other, then it is possible for some of them to become sanctified."

Di Jun was a little bit by Shen Wansan, and suddenly said.

"That's troublesome Mr. Shen, we are willing to resurrect the three of them!"

Di Jun said without hesitation.

Shen Wansan nodded and said, "After deducting 500 billion value points, the resurrection begins."

After Shen Wansan deducted Di Jun's 500 billion value points, he started to activate the energy of Zhutian City, and suddenly a majestic and endless colorful energy rose into the sky, forming a gate of time and space above Zhutian City.

There are three chaotic fairy lights pouring into the space-time gate.

The powerful monsters under Zhutian City watched this scene in horror. The majestic energy of Zhutian City made them feel the trembling from their souls.

Soon, Chaos Xianguang found the broken souls of the fallen primordial unicorn, Yuanfeng, and Zulong from the gate of time and space.

All their soul fragments were spliced ​​together from the long river of time.

Then he brought out the gate of time and space.

At this time, their three silhouettes slowly solidified outside the gate of time and space, and the three chaotic fairy lights collected all the flesh and blood they lost in the long river of time and injected them into their souls.

make their bodies reorganize again.

The powerhouses on the ground watched all this quietly, and they felt incomparably magical and shocking in their hearts.

The primordial unicorn, Yuanfeng, and Zulong, who have died for countless years, are about to be resurrected in front of their eyes. They feel that it is too mysterious.

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