Especially the powerful monsters who saw such a scene for the first time, they suddenly felt a sense of unreality.

Everything that happened today was like a dream for them.

Very unreal.

While everyone on the ground was waiting, the flesh and blood of the three powerful figures in the void had solidified, and everyone could clearly feel that their vitality was rapidly recovering.

As if feeling the vitality of their souls rushing out from the long river of time, Shi Qilin and Yuan Feng instantly opened their eyes.

Their eyes were extremely hot, and all the charm began to flow from their eyes.

It took a moment for them to come to their senses completely.

At this time, the three of them looked at each other and saw incredible expressions in their respective eyes.

"We're all still alive ¨.?"

Yuan Feng said with some uncertainty,

"It seems so."

At this time, Shi Qilin saw Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi underground at a glance.

"I feel the breath of the prehistoric world from you, but this place doesn't seem to be the prehistoric world. Can you tell us what this place is?"

Shi Qilin looked at Di Jun on the ground and said.

"Haha, this is indeed not the prehistoric world, and we are indeed from the prehistoric world. As for where this place is, it is difficult to say for a while, but what I can tell you is that we resurrected you."

Di Jun stepped forward slightly and looked at Shi Qilin and other three people in the void and said.

"Oh? Did you resurrect us? How is that possible? I see the breath on your body, it's only a quasi-sacred realm, so it seems that your realm of strength is slightly higher than our realm of strength, but when I want to come , you should not have the ability to resurrect us."

Zu Long, who had been silent at this time, quietly stared at Di Jun and said.

"Haha, it stands to reason that you should be our seniors. Can the three seniors come down and talk? I will tell you the cause and effect of the matter slowly."

Di Jun felt a little uncomfortable talking to them with his head up, and he said with a laugh.

Shi Qilin, Yuan Feng, and Zu Long looked at each other, and then slowly stepped down from the void. Although they were mortal enemies in front of them, when they each fell, they all wanted to understand.

The battle of the three clans is doomed to have no good results in the end. They once watched a famous powerhouse in their clan fall.

Until the end, the three clans became extremely weak, and at this time they looked at each other with endless sighs.

There was not much to say when we met.

The three slowly walked down from the void.

Standing on the opposite side of Di Jun and others.

"¨"Now you can speak."

Zu Long spoke quietly to Di Jun.

"Actually speaking, many of us have also been resurrected, and the place to resurrect us is the city of the heavens. We really do not have the ability to resurrect the three seniors, but the city of the heavens has this ability, and the price of resurrecting the three seniors is the need Pay enough treasures to exchange for the value points."

Di Jun briefly explained Dao Gong to Shi Qilin, Yuan Feng, and Zu Long.

"Oh? You were also resurrected? Are you resurrected by this city of the heavens?"

Zu Long, Shi Qilin, and Yuan Feng were slightly moved after hearing this. It was the first time they had heard of such a place in Zhutian City.

"Yes, it is this city of the heavens, the city of the heavens is far more powerful than you and I imagined, and it is difficult to explain it to you for a while."

Di Jun said with a slight smile, he seemed to have expected the shock of the three of them.

"Zhutiancheng... It seems that there are still many supreme treasures in this world that we don't know about, but then again, we don't seem to know each other. Why do you want to resurrect us, and what is your purpose?"

Shi Qilin seemed to be keenly aware of something, and he said with a twist.

As the leader of the Honghuang clan, he is very clear that there is no free lunch in this world. .

Chapter five hundred and forty-eight: alliance, buy Pangu blood

He had a feeling that Di Jun's resurrection and they seemed to be thinking something.

"Haha, the senior's question is really direct. In fact, we resurrected the three seniors, and there is no big purpose, just to let the three seniors see the current prehistoric situation."

Di Jun said with a light smile.

"Look at the current prehistoric world? What exactly do you mean by this sentence?"

Yuan Feng frowned slightly and looked at Di Jun and said.

He felt that Di Jun seemed to have something to say.

"It doesn't make any sense. The world of the prehistoric world has changed now. Let's not hide from a few seniors. We are all the same victims. The three seniors don't know yet, but now the prehistoric world plus Hongjun Daozu, there are already seven saints, and these seven saints dominate the entire prehistoric world, all living beings need to live according to their arrangement, and the three seniors Under such an arrangement, his descendants have lived a very miserable life, being enslaved by many powerful beings, it can be said that they live at the bottom of the Phoenix world, don't the three seniors want to change anything?"

Di Jun talked eloquently.

As if to say something very easy.

However, the expressions of the three ancient ancestors changed unconsciously after hearing what Di Jun said.

"Hongjun became holy, this is something we expected, but what we didn't expect is that seven saints have been born in today's prehistoric world. You said that our people are living in a very miserable life now, do you want us? Change this prehistoric world with you?"

Zu Long said quietly, and when he said this, he seemed to have sensed Di Jun's purpose of resurrecting them.

"Haha, Senior Zulong has similar thoughts to us."

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