Sitting here cross-legged, they have already felt more than dozens of chaotic demonic consciousness glances. Among those terrifying consciousnesses, they felt a strong hostility. .

Chapter [*]: Awakening, born.

If thousands of Chaos Demon Gods all wake up, it will be an unimaginable disaster.

"I hope that Dao Dao can stop them from being born. Even if it can't stop them all, we can still deal with it as long as one or two Chaos Demon Gods are born."

On the side, the sect master quietly opened his mouth and said.

They all hoped that at the critical moment, the Supreme Avenue could prevent the Chaos Demon God from being born.

"I hope so, otherwise, the prehistoric world will not know what it will be like."

The Daoist Zhunti said lightly with his eyes fixed on the depths of chaos.

The two of them sat quietly on the edge of the chaotic world, like an eternal statue, monitoring the every move of thousands of chaotic demon gods in the endless chaos.

However, in the endless chaos, Bai Ye and others are almost pregnant, and they can be born at any time.

It's just that some of the powerhouses have not been fully integrated compared to the weaker ones, but it's fast, and it won't take long.

When all the powerhouses are successfully integrated, they can be born.

It's just that they haven't felt any abnormality of 29 until now.

It's just that they realized that Tongtian Sect Master and Zhunti Daoist existed on the edge of endless chaos, monitoring their every move, but they didn't take it to heart.

Because the realm of strength of the saints in the prehistoric world is similar to that of their eighth-order powerhouses, they have no scruples.

Even if they actually fought, they were very confident that they would be able to suppress them all in a short period of time.

At this time, Bai Ye opened his eyes slightly, and looked around, there was an endless chaos around him, except for them, there seemed to be no creatures.

Originally, he also hoped that there could be terrifying creatures in the endless chaos world, but they came here for such a long time and did not notice any movement from the endless chaos.

At this point, it made him a little suspicious.

In fact, the purpose of his coming here is not because of the prehistoric world, but more because he wants to explore this endless chaotic world, because the endless chaotic world is a ninth-order world, and it stands to reason that there should be living beings.

Because in every big world there are living beings.

But in this endless chaotic world, it seems that there are no other creatures besides them.

This made Bai Ye a little puzzled.

However, he was not too impatient, just waited silently. As long as all the powerhouses in Zhutian City had successfully conceived the body of the Chaos Demon God, they could leave here and enter the prehistoric world or explore the chaos world.

Right now he didn't dare to act rashly.

At this time, the rest of the eighth-order powerhouses and seventh-order powerhouses have been bred almost, and they can be born at any time, but Baiye did not speak, and they did not make any movements.

They all follow the lead of the night.

Bai Ye did not move, and they continued to nurture and cultivate with peace of mind.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it took.

Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and at this time he felt that all the powerhouses in Zhutian City were all conceived.

He slowly glanced at all the powerhouses around him, and said lightly, "Are you all bred?"

All the Chaos Demon Gods around opened their eyes in unison and said, "Okay."

"Since everything is fine, then we don't have to stay here any longer."

Bai Ye opened the mouth slowly, and the loud voice echoed and rolled in the surrounding chaotic space.

As he spoke, he slowly stood up, like a sky-reaching giant, endless chaotic qi drooping down his body, looking very spectacular, like the rebirth of Pangu.

There seems to be a heaven-opening energy between raising hands and feet.

As he got up, the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods surrounding him all stood up, and each one of them stood in the chaos, looking extremely astonishing.

The aura on their bodies was unusually violent and primitive, and the huge aura shook the surrounding chaotic space, and pieces of chaotic energy were constantly surging like huge waves.

At this time, their eyes were unusually bright and sharp, like a series of search photos, and they all looked towards the world outside the chaos.

At this time, Tongtian Sect Master and Zhunti Daoist who were outside the endless chaos opened their eyes at the same time, all of them widened their eyes, as if they were frightened, and felt unusually horrified.

They watched as thousands of Chaos Demon Gods all stood up and walked slowly in their direction. Their expressions were stunned, their bodies trembled involuntarily, and they looked at the scene in disbelief.

"All awakened and born? How is it possible?!"

Daoist Zhunti stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and said in disbelief.

"Does the Dao allow them all to be born? If they all come to the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world is likely to be destroyed!"

"Quickly inform the other saints!"

Tongtian Sect Master hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

At this time, thousands of Chaos Demon Gods were awakened and born together, and it was a little sudden, making it difficult for them to react.

Without any hesitation, the two immediately sent a message to notify the arrival of several other saints.

After several saints in the prehistoric world received the messages from Tongtian Sect Master and Zhunti Daoist, they instantly disappeared and rushed to the scene.

Lao Tzu, Primordial Heavenly Venerate, Daoist Receptionist, and Nuwa arrived first and later. When they came to the edge of the endless chaos, they felt the unusually terrifying and tyrannical breath from the endless chaos world.

Their eyes looked towards the depths of the endless chaos, and thousands of Chaos Demon Gods were walking in their direction.

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