"Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods, all awakened and born?!"

The original Tianzun said in horror.

"What shall we do now?"

The Daoist Receiver said eagerly from the side.

It's just that his face was no longer indifferent and calm, replaced by a look of urgency and worry.

"So many chaotic demon gods have all awakened and were born. With our strength, we can't stop them. Now we can only summon the master and see what the old man can do."

Lao Tzu's face was unusually gloomy and solemn, and he spoke deeply.

However, before they were summoned, the figure of Daozu Hongjun appeared. Because of the birth of thousands of Chaos Demon Gods, he also felt an unusually powerful threat.

Seeing the appearance of the ancestor of Hongjun, several saints were busy paying tribute to the ancestor of Hongjun: "Meet (Master) Daozu"

Ancestor Hongjun glanced at them indifferently and said, "You don't need so much courtesy at this time!"

He stared straight at the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods coming from the Chaos World, his brows slightly wrinkled. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Second: Heavenly Road Barriers

"Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods! What the hell is going on here?"

At this time, the ancestor Hongjun also felt very doubtful.

Originally, he thought that the Chaos Demon God should not be awakened and born too much this time. The most remarkable thing is that a few powerful Chaos Demon Gods can be born smoothly.

But he did not expect that all the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods had awakened and were born. This was a disaster that destroyed the world!

If they can't be stopped, the prehistoric world will be completely destroyed.

"Master, they will come out soon, what should we do?"

The original Tianzun looked at the ancestor Hongjun very anxiously and said.

Ancestor Hongjun stared at the front and said lightly: "I don't have any countermeasures now, wait until I see it approaching, and see what they need. If this disaster can be avoided, they will If there is a request, we will try to accommodate it.”

The saints around him seemed to want to say something, but looking at the expression of the ancestor Hongjun, they said nothing and obeyed the instructions of the ancestor Hongjun.

In their hearts, these Chaos Demon Gods should not have any requirements. In their opinion, these Chaos Demon Gods are born to exist for destruction.

Their purpose should be to destroy the prehistoric world.

But this is just their guess, and they are not sure, after all, they have never dealt with Chaos Demon God.

The only one who has dealt with the Chaos Demon God is the ancestor Hongjun.

After all, the ancestor of Hongjun also came out of the endless chaos.

As for the understanding of the Chaos Demon God, the boss of the Red Army should know better than any of them present.

They stood behind Ancestor Hongjun, quietly waiting for the arrival of thousands of Chaos Demon Gods.

In the endless chaos, Bai Ye led thousands of Chaos Demon Gods towards the edge of Chaos.

They all discovered the ancestors of Hongjun and others who were standing on the edge of the chaotic world.

"Seven eighth-tier powerhouses, including one eighth-tier peak powerhouse, are not weak."

Luo Hu, who followed Bai Ye's side, stared straight ahead and said.

"They seem to be very nervous and afraid of our arrival."

At this time, Shi Hao noticed the expressions of Ancestor Hongjun and the others outside the endless chaos.

"Haha, this kind of scene, no matter who it is, should feel scared, it's not strange for them to look like this."

Luo Feng laughed heartily beside him.

Bai Ye walked slowly forward like a stroll in the courtyard, looking at Ancestor Hongjun and others, there was no fluctuation on his face.

It seemed that he didn't take them all seriously at all.

Soon they came to the edge of endless chaos, when their footsteps all stopped because they felt an invisible resistance.

There seems to be an invisible force blocking their progress.

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

"This power seems to come from the exclusion of heaven."

Bai Ye whispered quietly.

"Is it the power of the Heavenly Dao? I didn't expect that the Heavenly Dao of this eighth-order world would have a natural sense of isolation from the Chaos Demon God."

Luo Hu also felt the strong resistance ahead, and frowned slightly. This resistance made it difficult for them to move forward.

At this time, the ancestor Hongjun, who was outside the endless chaotic world, saw that Bai Ye and other thousands of chaotic demon gods all stopped, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The message that Heaven sent to him was right.

Now that the Dao of Heaven is basically improving, it will be extremely difficult, or even impossible, for the Chaos Demon God to step into the prehistoric world.

The power of Heaven will naturally exclude all Chaos Demon Gods.

"Fellow Daoists, you should all retreat. The prehistoric world doesn't have what you want, and you are no longer allowed to enter the prehistoric world."

Ancestor Hongjun spoke slowly to Bai Ye and others.

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