At this time, several saints looked at the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods that were about to cross, and there was a trace of tension in their hearts.

But with the presence of Ancestor Hongjun, their inner tension eased.

Listening to the words of Ancestor Hongjun, it seems that he has a way to deal with it.

Bai Ye's body is unusually tall, as if it is as high as the sky. At this time, he lowered his eyes slightly and said to the ancestor Hongjun: "Not allowed to enter the prehistoric world? Do you think that with the power of heaven, we can stop our progress? "

Bai Ye's words were unusually loud and reverberated in the surrounding space, as if they were about to be introduced into the prehistoric world.

"You don't have to be so persistent. If you want to break through the isolation of the heavenly way, unless you have the power beyond the heavenly way, otherwise, it is impossible for you to step into the prehistoric world. Now your power is at most similar to that of our saints. It is impossible for you to step into the prehistoric world, so I advise fellow Daoists to go back to the chaotic world, which is where you can settle down."

Ancestor Hongjun spoke again without fear.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a cold smile: "¨"Only the power that surpasses the Dao of Heaven can step into the prehistoric world? Do you think there is no existence among us that can transcend the Dao of Heaven?"

"If I'm not wrong, the one with the highest realm of strength among you is only the peak realm of saints. It is impossible for you to surpass the realm of heaven. The power of heaven is far above that of saints, and it is not something you can challenge."

Ancestor Hongjun spoke indifferently once again.

Facing the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods on the opposite side is like looking at the terrifying creatures in another world, but there is an invisible barrier between them.

Knowing that they couldn't cross over, he spoke with confidence.

Hearing their conversation, the six saints behind Ancestor Hongjun, all the tension and unease in their hearts at this time all dissipated.

No wonder the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods in front of them stopped when they reached the edge of the endless Chaos World. Originally, they thought they just wanted to talk to them, but they didn't expect that they were isolated by the power of Heaven in the Great Desolate World.

so that they cannot get over.

"It's really dangerous. I originally thought we were going to fight a battle. Fortunately, there is the existence of Heaven, which has isolated all these Chaos Demon Gods from the prehistoric world. Otherwise, I don't know what the result will be."

The Daoist Zhunti breathed a sigh of relief and stared at the Chaos Demon Gods who were like giants in the sky.

They can see that the dozens of Chaos Demon Gods standing in the front row are very powerful, and they are all Chaos Demon Gods with a level of strength similar to or even stronger than them. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Three: The Fright of the Saints

"With the power of heaven as a barrier, it seems that they can't get over it."

The original Tianzun also opened his mouth at this time, and his face gradually calmed down.

The rest of the saints nodded secretly in agreement.

They still know very well about the Dao of Heaven, which is equivalent to the power of the entire prehistoric world.

It is not comparable to the ordinary Chaos Demon God.

If it weren't for the powerful Chaos Demon God like Pangu, he would not be able to break the power of the Heavenly Dao at all.

However, what they don't know is that Bai Ye's power is far beyond their imagination, and it is an existence that can truly rival the ninth-order powerhouse.

The way of heaven in the prehistoric world cannot really stop their footsteps.

Bai Ye listened to the words of Ancestor Hongjun, and snorted coldly: "Your judgment is not bad, but you have misestimated the strength of this seat, the power of this seat is not what you imagined, I think If you want to enter the prehistoric world, it is impossible for any of you to stop it! Including the so-called prehistoric heaven in your mouth!"

Bai Ye said very aggressively.

The rolling sound waves exploded in the surrounding space like thunder, and endless chaotic energy was rolling.

Terrifyingly loud.

At this time, 327 had a strange energy emerging in his hands, as if the power of the heavens and the world was constantly gathering in his hands.

Looking at the terrifying energy in Bai Ye's hands, Ancestor Hongjun's expression changed slightly, and his pupils shrunk.

He could feel an unusually terrifying energy, and Tiandao sent him a warning, telling him that the Chaos Demon God in front of him was unusual and not an ordinary Chaos Demon God.

His power seems to be able to break the isolation of the power of heaven!

At this time, Bai Ye slowly slammed his hand towards the barrier of the heavens in front of him. The energy in his hand was the energy of the city of the heavens, and he possessed the energy of the city of the heavens. At this time, his strength was completely comparable to that of the ninth-order powerhouse. .

A mere barrier of the Great Desolate Heaven can't stop him.

At this time, an invisible barrier shook violently in front of it, as if it really existed, an invisible wall.

Under the fierce bombardment of the white night, the invisible barrier ahead was like a glass wall of unknown length and width cracked with countless cracks, and there was a faint sound of cracking.

This voice sounded, and all the saints present groaned in their hearts.

"Can he blast away the barriers of Heaven?!"

The eyes of several saints of the original Tianzun were widened, and they looked forward in disbelief.

The Chaos Demon God in front of them seems to be really powerful beyond their imagination.

"Could he really be comparable to God Pangu?"

The Daoist Receiver said in disbelief.

At this time, the ancestor Hongjun, who was standing in the forefront, could not calm down.

He hurriedly said to Bai Ye: "Fellow Daoist, please stop, if you have anything, we can say it properly, what are your needs, we can satisfy you as much as possible, as long as you don't destroy the prehistoric world."

Bai Ye turned his eyes slightly to look at Ancestor Hongjun, snorted coldly, and said: "Hum, how has the tone changed now, didn't you just think that we couldn't step into the prehistoric world? Why do we change it now? Vice tone."

Bai Ye didn't hide the ridicule of Hongjun's ancestor at all.

Facing Bai Ye's ridicule, Ancestor Hongjun did not have any dissatisfaction. At this time, he couldn't care about other emotions. At this time, what he was most worried about was Bai Ye and other thousands of chaotic demon gods entering the prehistoric world.

At that time, their so-called saints would not be at peace, and even the creatures of the entire prehistoric world would live in dire straits.

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