He hurriedly said again: "Fellow Daoist, talk about your needs, as long as we can do it, we will try our best to satisfy you."

The words of Ancestor Hongjun are equivalent to being soft, even a little humble.

Although as the absolute master of the prehistoric world, it is a little helpless to say these words, but now they have no other choice.

The six saints standing behind him looked terrified.

They are very clear that the other party can break the power of heaven, so it is absolutely possible to kill them.

Because their lives are connected with the way of heaven.

Since the other party can break the way of heaven, it will not be too difficult to kill them.

At this time, as a saint who is high in the prehistoric world, his life is also in crisis.

Bai Ye looked at Ancestor Hongjun with great interest and said, "Any needs can be satisfied? Then I will let you completely withdraw from the stage of the prehistoric world, and hand over all the treasures. Would you like to?"

Bai Ye knew that the saints in the prehistoric world had good treasures, especially those innate treasures, which should be good treasures.

And he felt that the development model of the prehistoric world was very problematic.

Except for a few saints, the rest of the creatures will never reach the realm of saints in their entire lives.

This kind of cultivation life is very sad, and the end can be seen almost at a glance.

No matter how strong they are, they are nothing more than a group of ants living in a cage.

"This... can't be."

Ancestor Hongjun refused directly.

Their saints are the absolute pillars of the prehistoric world, how can they be willing to let them withdraw from the stage of the prehistoric world, and they have to hand over all the treasures.

Then all their saints will lose a great deal of power. If the Chaos Demon God crosses over again in the future, they will not even have the ability to resist.

Handing over all the treasures is like a tiger breaking its claws, which is impossible.

So for Bai Ye's request, Ancestor Hongjun refused without thinking.

He knew that Bai Ye was playing with them.

"Hehe, didn't we meet all the conditions just now, just let all your saints hand over their treasures and withdraw from the stage of the prehistoric world? You are really thinking of yourself, I'm afraid you are worried that we enter the prehistoric world, right? Worrying about the life and death of the creatures in the prehistoric world, but worrying about yourself?"

Bai Ye said unceremoniously.

Bai Ye's mockery can be described as naked.

He didn't save any face for the saints such as Ancestor Hongjun.

"No matter what you say, what you are asking for is absolutely impossible. If we hand over all the treasures, the strength of the prehistoric world will be greatly reduced, and if all our saints withdraw from the stage of the prehistoric world, then the whole prehistoric world will be greatly reduced. The world will be plunged into chaos and will be full of countless battles. The peace and order of the current prehistoric world is hard to come by, and we don’t want to see the chaotic prehistoric world again.”

Ancestor Hongjun explained simply. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty-Four: Breaking Through the Barriers and Fighting with Saints

"I don't want to listen to so much nonsense. Since you can't meet my requirements, then I have to do it myself."

Bai Ye said coldly, his voice was very cold.

He would not pay attention to the difficulties mentioned by the ancestor Hongjun, and listen to what he explained.

The voice fell.

His arm vibrated, and he exerted force again, and the energy of the heavens burst out suddenly, bombarding the barrier of the heavenly way again.


The crack that appeared in front of him this time suddenly widened, like a suddenly cracked ice surface, stretching for tens of millions of miles, and finally forming an irreversible potential.

The Heavenly Dao Barrier shattered with a crisp sound, and all the Heavenly Dao Barriers disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to tremble.

Ancestor Hongjun and the six saints changed their expressions at this time.

They watched helplessly as Bai Ye and other thousands of Chaos Demon God stepped out of the endless Chaos World and stepped into the world they were in.

In an instant, an overwhelming breath came oncoming, as if the space in front was instantly crowded, giving people an unusually strong pressure.

forcing them to retreat.

But they didn't back down. They worked hard to adjust their aura, resisting the powerful aura emanating from the chaos demon gods in front of them.

They are standing in place like wooden stakes, like their last dignity and stubbornness.

Because they know very well that even if they back off or run away, it won't help.

At this time, they can only deal with each other when they are united.

In an instant, powerful treasures appeared in their hands, and they planned to fight against the thousands of Chaos Demon Gods in front of them.

However, Bai Ye and other experts from the All-heaven City were disdainful of them.

"Hmph, looking at your posture, it seems that you still want to compete with us. Do you think you have this strength?'"

Bai Ye looked coldly at the seven saints of the prehistoric world headed by Hongjun and said coldly.

"Whether we have strength or not, we have to fight one more battle. If we surrender without a fight, then we will have no dignity at all."

Before Ancestor Hongjun could speak, the Primordial Heavenly Venerate standing behind him responded coldly.

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