"Oh, I didn't expect you to have some backbone, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, the so-called backbone has no effect."

Bai Ye sneered again.

It seems that what the original Tianzun said is very naive to him.


Facing Bai Ye's insults, Tongtian Sect Master couldn't hold back and rushed out first, with four terrifying Four Immortal Swords floating around him.

He ordered the Four Swords of Zhuxian to kill Bai Ye directly.

A wisp of terrifying sword energy locked Bai Ye, as if to kill Bai Ye, his primary goal was to kill Bai Ye.

Because he knew that among all the Chaos Demon Gods, Bai Ye should be the real leader, the so-called catch the thief first catch the king!

If Bai Ye can be seriously injured, then other Chaos Demon Gods will have to weigh them up if they want to advance to the prehistoric world again.

However, in the face of the attack and killing of the leader of Tongtian, Bai Ye didn't even look at it, when the leader of Tongtian was about to approach him.

A huge figure flashed in front of the Tongtian sect master and punched the Tongtian sect master directly.

The terrifying fist fell like a huge star, wrapped in endless chaotic energy, directly crushing the void, Tongtian Sect Master saw the situation, and quickly turned the offensive to attack the huge fist above his head.

However, the four swords of Zhu Xian spattered a spark on the huge fist, which did not hurt the opponent in the slightest, as if the huge fist was as hard as Chaos Immortal Gold.

The sect master of Tongtian was terrified and wanted to dodge, but the huge fist seemed to stick to him and hit him in an instant, but in an instant, a broken jade butterfly emitted endless rays of light, holding the fist up, and Tongtian was there. Escape in an instant.

But even so, Tongtian Sect Master suffered a great impact in that blow.

The figure was shaken and flew far away.

Luo Huan let out a cold snort when he saw that the blow was not successful.

He retracted his fist and glanced coldly at Ancestor Hongjun. It was Ancestor Hongjun who just shot in time.

Ancestor Hongjun calmly took back his treasure of Taoism, the Jade Butterfly.

He turned to Bai Ye and said, "Daoist friend, do you really want to tear your face with us? Although we can't help you, you can't help us either. As long as the Tao of Heaven is immortal, we saints will exist forever."

Bai Ye glanced at him and said, "Although I can't kill you, I can still seal you."

Bai Ye also clearly knows that if the Dao of Heaven does not destroy the prehistoric saint, he will not be killed. Now it is not that he cannot destroy the Dao of the prehistoric world, but even if he has the ability to destroy the Dao of the prehistoric world, the supreme Dao will not allow it.

So if you want to destroy the Great Dao of Heaven, then you must pass the level of the Supreme Dao. He asked himself that there is no way to compete with the Supreme Dao.

If he can compete with the strength of the Supreme Dao, he will not enter the prehistoric world in this way.

Hearing that they were going to be sealed, Ancestor Hongjun's expression changed.

He had no doubt that Bai Ye could do this.

Because he felt that Bai Ye's strength surpassed them too much.


"Seal me and wait, this is not allowed by the Dao of Heaven. If all of us are sealed, it will violate the rules of the operation of the Dao of Heaven. If the Dao of heaven does not operate smoothly, the Dao will not allow it."

Ancestor Hongjun spoke calmly again.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "I don't need to seal you for a long time, just [*] years. I believe that the saints in this world don't exist for [*] years. Tiandao shouldn't care, right?"

"a thousand years?"

The expressions of several saints in the ancestors of Hongjun changed. Ten thousand years is not too long for their extremely long life, but if the chaotic devil seals this [*] years, then the entire prehistoric world will be in front of the chaotic devil. under domination.

The prehistoric world has been ruled by these chaotic demon gods for [*] years, and they can't imagine it.

"If you want to seal us for [*] years, then use your strength. I want to see if you have the strength to seal us for [*] years!"

The original Tianzun and several other saints were unwilling to sit still and all chose to take the initiative to attack.

Even Hongjun Daozu was ready to attack at any time, and seemed to feel their fighting spirit. The eighth-order powerhouses around Bai Ye stood up one by one, wanting to fight with them.

However, Bai Ye stopped them.

"I'll take care of them myself."

There was a smile on the corner of Bai Ye's mouth, and he said lightly.

All the eighth-order powerhouses who saw that Bai Ye was going to do it himself stopped.So.

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Five: One Person Fighting Seven Saints

If Bai Ye personally took action, then these so-called prehistoric saints in front of him would have no room to fight back.

It will be a scene of direct suppression.

How powerful Bai Ye is, they are very clear.

Seeing Bai Ye standing there with a calm expression, like the center of the world, all the saints of the prehistoric world present, their faces tightened.

Of all the Chaos Demon Gods in front of them, what they are most afraid of is the leader of the Chaos Demon God in front of them.

Bai Ye is unfathomable in their eyes, even if they are saints, they cannot see the depth of Bai Ye's cultivation.

"Come on, aren't you guys going to fight? Come here, let me see how much you saints in the prehistoric world have."

Bai Ye glanced at Ancestor Hongjun and the others lightly and said.

Ancestor Hongjun and the other six saints, seeing this, they did not have any way to retreat, they were running their mana, the whole world was in turmoil, and the endless mana was surging around them, forming an invincible field.

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