The power is monstrous, as if the primordial primordial primordial primordial chaotic demon was resurrected, and the wisps of aura it exudes make people feel abnormal heart palpitations.

All the saints of the prehistoric world present closely watched the sudden changes in Bai Ye, all of them were shocked.

Their pupils shrank sharply, and they felt that the momentum of Bai Ye's body had completely changed.

It became extremely terrifying, and even made them feel frightened.

They have never felt this way before.

This is the first time they have felt such a terrifying aura since their birth.

Bai Ye's eyes are like torches, looking ahead, where the eyes can reach, the sky and the earth are as bright as day.

At this time, his aura was abnormally tyrannical, like the first giant beast in the chaos. He suddenly raised his huge fist and blasted directly at the real body of Pangu, which was directly opposite to his 29.

The brilliance of the heavens and the heavens are everywhere, and they look extremely dazzling. The fists vibrate. The whole world is in violent turmoil, and the terrifying fluctuations spread out for thousands of miles.

The real body of Pangu transformed by Sanqing, his eyes widened, his face unusually gloomy, and he stared at the fist that was charging towards him.

It is also the almost indescribable world power pouring out, the surrounding space is constantly changing, and the earth, wind, water and fire are repeated.

It seems that he really wants to open up a big world again.

It really looks like Pangu has been resurrected.

Although his power is incomparably vast.

However, in the face of the absolute power gap, all resistance is futile.

When Bai Ye's fist and the real body of Pangu transformed by Sanqing touched each other, terrifying energy fluctuations poured out towards the surrounding space of hundreds of millions of miles. 's fist exploded.

Pangu's real body disappeared, Sanqing separated, and blood spit out from their mouths.

However, before they could react, Bai Ye's big hand patted them again, covering them all. Sanqing looked up in horror, and they clearly saw a letter appearing on Bai Ye's huge incomparable palm.

The three of them wanted to escape, but the surrounding space was all isolated by Bai Ye's big hands, and they couldn't escape at all.


Bai Ye shouted in a low voice.

In an instant, when Sanqing fell on Bai Ye's palm, all of Sanqing's figures disappeared, sealed by Bai Ye and in nothingness.

Watching Sanqing disappear in place.

The saints present widened their eyes in horror. Under their eyes, Sanqing was wiped out by Bai Ye.

Such a method is too appalling.

At this moment, they couldn't sense the aura of Sanqing at all, as if they had completely disappeared in this world.

They don't even know if Sanqing is alive or dead at this time.

The three saints disappeared in an instant, and the remaining four saints did not know whether to advance or retreat.

Before they could react, Bai Ye grabbed Nu Wa in the void with one hand, and placed a hand on her forehead. Nu Wa showed a horrified expression, she seemed to want to struggle.

But in an instant, all the mana in her body was sealed, she couldn't move at all, her body seemed to be petrified quickly, but gradually disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Jie Yin and Zhun Ti didn’t even think about it, they wanted to leave here, but just when they wanted to run, they discovered that the surrounding space of hundreds of millions of miles was all used by Bai Ye’s energy in Zhutian City. It was blocked, and it was impossible for them to escape.

"You guys follow along too!"

Bai Ye glanced at them lightly, and pointed out that the brilliance of the heavens instantly transformed into a great formation of heaven and earth, and the entire space of hundreds of millions of miles erupted with dazzling divine inscriptions.

The eyes of Daoist Zhunti and Daoyin widened. Under their incredible gaze, they were wrapped in the divine scriptures of heaven and earth, and they wanted to struggle.

But all in vain.

The divine texts of the heavens continued to shrink, completely annihilating the Daoist Zhunti and the Daoist Receiver, sealed and void.

In the blink of an eye, the only saint left in the prehistoric world is the ancestor Hongjun.

At this time, Ancestor Hongjun looked at Bai Ye, and he was horrified from the beginning, and finally calmed down.

Bai Ye looked at him and said, "Are you always in the way of heaven, or will I seal you in the way of heaven?"

Ancestor Hongjun looked at the powerlessness on Bai Ye's face at this time, and said slowly: "I don't need you to do it, I'm about to completely integrate into the heaven, and it seems that this catastrophe cannot be avoided. There will be no more Hongjun. In the future, Hongjun will be a part of the way of heaven. I know that I cannot stop you, but what I still want to say is, please be kind to the creatures in the prehistoric world, so that the cause and effect you bear is Be lighter, otherwise, although the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao cannot punish you, I don’t think the Supreme Dao will allow you.”

After speaking, the ancestor Hongjun slowly turned into a phantom and merged into the heaven.

At this moment, the world no longer has any aura of the ancestors of Hongjun.

Bai Ye knew that the ancestors of Hongjun had cut off all the causes and effects of the prehistoric world, and would not descend again in the future, focusing on integrating into the heavenly way.

Looking at the disappearance of the ancestor of Hong 330 Jun, Bai Ye once again looked at the prehistoric world not far away. At this time, it can be said that there is no saint in the prehistoric world anymore.

At this time, his body was back to the original size of several hundred thousand zhang, and it was directly reduced to the size of a normal human race, and his original appearance was restored.

Seeing this, the other experts in the heavens also shrunk their bodies and changed back to their original appearance.

"There is no eighth-order powerhouse in this prehistoric world anymore. You can enter the prehistoric world and get the resources you want, but you have to remember, don't start killing lightly, otherwise, you will leave a lot of money behind. The cause and effect, even if it is not repaid today, it will be repaid in the future.”

At this time, Bai Ye turned around slightly and spoke to the thousands of Zhutian City powerhouses in front of him.


Thousands of Zhutian City powerhouses responded in unison.

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