"Okay, then you go."

Looking at the eager faces of thousands of Zhutian City powerhouses, Bai Ye waved his hand.

Everyone heard the words without any hesitation, and went to the prehistoric world one after another.

Only the eighth-order powerhouses and Bai Ye stayed in place, and at this time they all looked towards the endless chaotic world.

It seems that there are terrifying creatures in the endless chaotic world who have been looking at them. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Seven: Chaos God

"Come out. After watching it for so long, don't you feel tired from hiding in the dark to observe?"

Bai Ye glanced at the endless chaotic world and said lightly.

The rest of the eighth-order powerhouses also felt the fluctuations in the endless chaotic world.

Their eyes were staring at one direction of the endless chaotic world.

Bai Ye's voice just fell, and the fluctuations of the endless chaotic world are getting stronger and stronger. All the eighth-order powerhouses present can clearly sense that there are two extremely terrifying creatures that are constantly approaching.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that in this era, so many Chaos Demon Gods can be bred in the border areas of endless chaos."

In the endless chaotic world, two unusually stalwart figures crossed over from the endless chaotic world, as if they did not feel the existence of the barrier of heaven.

He directly crossed the barrier between the two worlds and came to the front of Bai Ye and others.

They are filled with endless ancient aura, as if they existed before the existence of heaven and earth, like the first group of great gods in heaven and earth.

Bai Ye and all the eighth-order powerhouses present all looked towards the two stalwart figures that suddenly appeared.

Their figures are very similar to the chaotic demon gods they merged in advance, and in an instant they knew that these two stalwart figures should also be the demon gods in the endless chaos.

And the breath is very strong.

It is much stronger than the saints of the prehistoric world.

"You exist in the endless chaotic world. Why didn't we notice your existence in the first place?"

Bai Ye looked at the two stalwart Chaos Demon Gods lightly and said, and he didn't seem to be particularly surprised.

His face was very calm, as if nothing could make his face fluctuate.

The two stalwart Chaos Demon Gods looked at each other and smiled slightly. They changed their bodies, and their bodies shrank in an instant, changing into a figure similar to Bai Ye and others.

The appearance is also the appearance of the human race.

They slowly walked to the front of Bai Ye and others.

Their faces are smiling and they look very kind. They all look like middle-aged men. Only one has a white face and no beard and looks very refined, while the other looks a little stout, with tiger beards on his face. The lines on it are also quite rough, and it looks like a rough man.

"The reason why you can't sense our existence is because we didn't appear at all when you weren't conceived, so you naturally couldn't detect our existence."

The elegant-looking middle-aged man said lightly, with a kind smile on his face.

"Oh? So, you exist in another dimension, or in the center of the entire chaotic world."

Bai Ye said with a slight flash of light in his eyes, his thinking is very quick, and he can probably guess the answer according to the other party's words.

"It can be said that both are the same. The center of the chaotic world is very different from the edge of the chaotic world. The center of the chaotic world has bred an exceptionally bright civilization, while the edge of the chaotic world is just a wasteland. They are all big worlds opened up by some powerful demon gods.”

The elegant man then said.

"Oh? The center of the endless chaotic world is very different from the edge of chaos? Isn't this prehistoric world the only big world bordered by the endless chaotic world?"

Knowing this information, Bai Ye felt very novel.

Originally, he thought that the prehistoric world was the only big world under the endless chaotic world, but now it seems that the prehistoric world is just one bordering the endless chaotic world.

But thinking about it this way, it makes sense, a ninth-order world is unlikely to have only one eighth-order world, and this is a big world opened up by the Chaos Demon God bred out of endless chaos.

The Endless Chaos World, as a ninth-order world, should not only breed such a powerful Chaos Demon God as Pangu.

"Haha, of course not. The size of the endless chaotic world is not what you can imagine. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you will never know how vast the endless chaotic world is."

The elegant middle-aged man said.

"The endless chaotic world has bred a lot of powerful demon gods, and the endless chaotic world is divided into five parts, namely the southeast and northwest, the four chaotic domains, and the central Dao source. The powerhouses in the big world, and some powerhouses can still be safe after opening a big world, and they don’t need to be transformed into the world.”

After the elegant middle-aged man finished speaking, the middle-aged man who looked a little rough on the side explained.

"The endless chaotic world is divided into five regions? And each region has many strong men who can open up a big world?"

As soon as he said these words, all the eighth-order powerhouses present were stunned.

This was something they never thought of. Originally, they thought it would be good to meet some terrifying creatures in the endless chaotic world, but they did not expect that the endless chaotic world was far from what they imagined.

At this moment, even Bai Ye was silent, and his eyes flickered slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"¨"Then why did you suddenly appear here?"

Behind Bai Ye, Luo Hu asked the two mysterious middle-aged men who looked like Chaos Demon Gods.

Listening to his question, the elegant middle-aged man smiled slightly and said: "You guys made such a big movement, how can we not notice that thousands of chaotic demon gods have been bred together successfully, except for the early endless chaotic world, which has not been conceived at once. There are so many chaotic demon gods, although most of them are weak and weak demon gods, but this is very amazing for the edge areas of the chaotic world, and the strength of your dozen or so strong is not bad. , especially you, it seems that your strength should have reached the second-order Chaos God, or even the second-order peak?"

Finally, the elegant middle-aged man looked at Bai Ye and said.

Bai Ye raised his head slightly, and said with some doubts: "Second-order Chaos Heavenly God? Is this the division of the realm of strength?"

"Yes, in the endless chaotic world, ordinary chaotic demon gods cannot rank in the realm, only powerful chaotic demon gods can rank in the realm, your strength looks pretty good, you should reach the second-order chaotic gods, as for whether there is any It is not clear to reach the second-order peak of Chaos God."

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