The elegant middle-aged man said.

"Then how do you judge that I am the second-order realm of Chaos God? And how many levels does this Chaos God have?"

Bai Ye then asked, as if he wanted to ask the question in detail. .

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth eight: one after another entered the flooded world

"There are three levels of Chaos Heavenly God. As for how we judge your strength, this question is very simple. If you can break the barriers of the world, it means that you at least have the strength of the second-order primary Chaos Heavenly God, and you are very relaxed just now. To suppress all the saints in this world, then it means that your strength exceeds the primary level of Chaos Heavenly God's second-order strength."

The elegant middle-aged man replied calmly.

Bai Ye nodded thoughtfully and said, "There are three levels of Chaos Heavenly God, so is there a stronger existence above Chaos Heavenly God?"

Bai Ye feels that the endless chaotic world is so vast, and the strongest should be more than the third-order Chaos God.

That's why he asked the elegant middle-aged man.

"Haha, of course there is, but it doesn't make much sense to say this at this time. When you see a more powerful existence, you will know it. It's meaningless to talk to you now."

The elegant middle-aged man seemed reluctant to reveal too much information, he laughed.

Bai Ye frowned slightly at his answer, but didn't say anything more.

"Okay, I've said a lot. Do you want to follow us to the core area of ​​Chaos World now?"

The 330-year-old man in Ru Ya looked at Bai Ye again and said.

"You are here to receive us this time? Which direction are we in the chaotic world now?"

Bai Ye then asked.

"We are now in the eastern region of the endless chaotic world, under the jurisdiction of the Chaos Lord."

The elegant middle-aged man replied simply.

"In the east of the endless chaotic world, is the ruler of heaven and chaos? Is this the existence above the third-order chaotic gods? I take the liberty to ask, the pioneer of this world, Pangu, belongs to the powerhouse of that level in the endless chaotic world. ?"

At this time, Bai Ye was a little curious about Pangu's realm of strength.

"Pangu's strength lies between the second-order peak of Chaos God and the third-order Chaos God, and wireless is close to the third-order realm of Chaos God. If Pangu broke through the third-order realm of Chaos God and opened up the world, then he would not need to sacrifice himself."

The elegant middle-aged man said with some regret.

"Isn't it necessary to sacrifice oneself when the strength reaches the third order of Chaos God?"

Bai Ye asked subconsciously.

"Of course, when the strength reaches the third-order Chaos Heavenly God, you can entrust your primordial spirit to the Supreme Dao. Even if your body collapses, you can quickly recover quickly and re-grow your true body... This matter is far away. Now, when you reach that realm, you will understand, as long as the strength reaches the third-order Chaos God, it is basically difficult to annihilate, unless the Chaos Lord will personally take action."

The elegant middle-aged man said lightly.

"As long as you are brought into the core area of ​​the endless chaotic world, your growth will speed up. In such a world opened up by the chaotic gods, it is difficult for you to grow."

Finally, the elegant middle-aged man added a sentence.

The words he said were very attractive, and the eighth-order powerhouses present had an eye-opening feeling, but they understood that compared with Zhutian City, the core of the endless chaotic world should still be incomparable.

So they all looked at Bai Ye's opinion.

If Bai Ye didn't want to go, then they didn't want to go either. After all, following the city lord is the most promising.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment and said, "At present, we don't want to go to the endless chaotic world. We want to take a good look at this world. When we want to go to the core area of ​​the chaotic world, we can contact again."

The elegant middle-aged man and the rough middle-aged man didn't feel any surprise, they just chuckled and said, "Okay, you have just been conceived, and you are very normal to this world, you can take a good look here, But what I want to remind you is, don’t engage in large-scale destruction here, otherwise, you will also have to suffer a certain punishment, this is the rule of our entire Endless Chaos Eastern Territory.”

Bai Ye nodded and said nothing.

"Okay, let's not talk too much. This is our jade card. As long as you crush it, we will rush over and lead you to the core area of ​​the endless chaotic world."

At the end, the elegant middle-aged man handed a very simple looking jade token to Bai Ye's hands, and then slowly sank into the endless chaotic world.

Looking at their disappearing figures, Bai Ye held the simple jade card in his hand with a slight gleam in his eyes, wondering what he was thinking about.

"Lord City Lord, where should we go now?"

Luo Feng stood up slowly and looked at Bai Ye and said.

Bai Ye didn't speak, and they didn't know how to act, whether to go or stay.

Bai Ye came back to his senses and said to all the eighth-order powerhouses present: "You can do whatever you want. If there is any action, I will notify you."


All the eighth-order powerhouses present responded.

Right now they don't have any good places to go.

They all headed towards the incomparably vast prehistoric world.

The eighth-order world is still attractive to them. The eighth-order world is different from the seventh-order world. There should be many rare treasures, even for their eighth-order powerhouses. .

A dozen of their eighth-order powerhouses entered the prehistoric world and flew in different directions.

However, Bai Ye has no interest in the prehistoric world where saints no longer exist.

He looked at the endless chaotic world, and seemed to be thinking about something. In the end, he sat cross-legged in the endless void, closed his eyes, and left the world silently, and returned to the city of the heavens.

In Zhutian City, Bai Ye on the top floor of Zhutian Tower slowly opened his eyes and had already woken up.

At this time, he also discovered that some Zhutiancheng powerhouses had returned from the prehistoric world.

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