It seems that the dead wood has obtained the essence of life. At this moment, their bodies are constantly recovering, and they are completely awake.

When they saw Bai Ye standing in front of them, they didn't recognize him at all, but the breath on his body was vaguely familiar to them, but they couldn't tell where they had seen it.

"Where is this place and who are you?"

The original Tianzun asked Bai Ye.

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He felt an unusually detached aura on Bai Ye's body, as if he had put Bai Ye's strength on them.

This surprised them.

Let alone the Chaos Demon Gods you met before, in this unfamiliar place, the strangers you meet are more powerful than their realm of strength?

This makes them feel unbelievable, even unacceptable.

After all, they are the supreme saints in the prehistoric world, but in a short period of time, they have met many people who are stronger than them.

It is difficult for their stubborn self-esteem to accept this reality.

The corners of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at them lightly and said, "Have you forgotten who I am so soon?"

... ... ...

"Do we know each other? I should have never met you."

The original Tianzun then opened his mouth to Bai Ye.

"Hehe, it seems that the lessons for you are not profound enough, and I have been forgotten so quickly."

Bai Ye looked at Primitive Tianzun and the others with a sudden smile, and there was a tyrannical aura on him that made them feel familiar.

Feeling the tyrannical aura, the eyes of the six saints present suddenly widened, looking at Bai Ye in disbelief.

"It's you! What the hell is this place? How did you change your appearance again?"

The original Tianzun looked at Bai Ye in horror and said.

The other five saints looked at Bai Ye with a hint of horror in their eyes. He had seen Bai Ye's strength before, and he understood how terrifying Bai Ye's strength was.

The six saints of them and the ancestor Hongjun were not his opponents either. They estimated in their hearts that the strength of this strange man in front of him should be similar to that of the great god Pangu.

It just makes them feel strange that the breath of the mysterious man in front of them is completely different from before, as if a completely different person.

The breath of the previous Chaos Demon God was unusually tyrannical, while the breath of the mysterious man in front of him was unusually peaceful.

If it wasn't for Bai Ye's initiative to reveal their identities, they wouldn't be able to recognize them at all.

"What is this place? This is a place you've never been before."

Bai Ye said with a smile on his back with his hands on his back.So.

Chapter [-]: Dialogue between Bai Ye and the Six Saints

As Bai Ye's words came out, several saints of the original Tianzun could feel that the place they were in was very strange, and they couldn't feel the existence of heaven here.

This is a very surprising discovery.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, the way of heaven is everywhere.

In other words, they are not in the prehistoric world now?

Did they come to the chaotic world?Is there civilization in the chaotic world?

For a while, they had a lot of thoughts, and they sensed the existence of many people in Zhutian City. Among them, they found Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun and others.

Several people felt very surprised, especially the original Tianzun.

He didn't know why Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi were here, but he suddenly thought that the last time the two of them suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, I am afraid they escaped to this mysterious place that neither of them could perceive.

Several saints present watched Bai Ye silent for a moment, and the original Tianzun said to Bai Ye again: "Your identity should not be Chaos Demon God? So what is your identity?"

At this time, the breath on Bai Ye's body was completely different from when they saw it. There was a huge difference. The Bai Ye in front of them gave them a stronger feeling, and they felt abnormal pressure standing in front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye looked at him with his hands on his back, his expression was indifferent, and he smiled slightly: "My identity, you will know in the future, but I can tell you one thing is that I am not the Chaos Demon God, what you see in the prehistoric world is nothing more than A avatar that one of my split souls merged into."

"The clone that the split soul merges into?"

Several saints present were startled.

They all have incredible expressions on their faces, so the powerful Chaos Demon God is just a clone of his soul?

So how powerful is Bai Ye's strength?They dare not imagine.

On the side, Lao Tzu seemed to suddenly think of something, and he blurted out: "So, the endless chaos gave birth to thousands of demon gods, isn't it really conceived? It's artificial?"

When Lao Tzu said this, the other saints present all looked at Bai Ye closely, hoping to get the answer in his mouth.

Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods were born in the endless chaotic world at once, which was something they all felt very incredible.

Originally, they thought it was a catastrophe arranged by Dao Dao, but after Bai Ye said this, they were very suspicious that the matter of the endless chaos devil was specially arranged by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at a few people, and finally fixed his eyes on Lao Tzu, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "What you think is good, those Chaos Demon Gods are all from my city of the heavens. Strong."

"This... is all this really arranged by you?"

Lao Tzu, Yuan Tianzun and others looked at Bai Ye with confidence and said.

Bai Ye slowly walked to the window and smiled softly: "These are just small things, you don't have to make a fuss, bigger actions are yet to come."

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