His words gradually dispelled the killing intent of the original Heavenly Venerate and the Daoist.

They can feel that what Wang Dadong said should not be a lie, because if they are the masters of this city of the heavens, they will also issue similar rules.

So after Wang Dadong finished speaking, the breath on their bodies receded quickly like a tide.

However, the eyes they looked at Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun were still very cold.

An ant that can be pinched to death, standing in front of them, and they are helpless, this kind of psychology is very uncomfortable.

"I hope you don't go outside and let this deity see you, otherwise... you should know the consequences."

The original Tianzun finally put down a cruel word, flicked his sleeves and left.

The rest of the saints gave Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun a close look and left, only Nuwa hesitated for a moment and paused, and finally walked slowly to Di Jun and Dong Huangtai and said. "I didn't expect to see you two brothers, and I won't say much more. After all, you are also the two powerful people of my demon clan. Remember to lead the demon clan well in the future. Now there are no saints in the prehistoric world. It is a good opportunity for you to rise up, I am afraid that we saints will never enter the prehistoric world again in the future, you have to do it well."

After speaking, before Di Jun and Dong Huangtai spoke, Nu Wa disappeared in place.

Seeing Nuwa disappear in front of them, the two brothers felt a little complicated in their hearts. They also complained at the time. Why didn't Empress Nuwa help their demon clan to completely suppress the witch clan, but now they see what Nuwa revealed to them. information, they were relieved in an instant.

Wherever you stand, you will see what kind of world, maybe they really shouldn't blame Nuwa, after all, saints are also a little helpless.

In front of the general trend of heaven, she, a saint, has nothing to do with it.

"Ms. Fangcai Nuwa said that their saints will not enter the prehistoric world. It seems that this should be the bondage of the city lord to them. I said, the city lord has sealed them, why would they suddenly let them return to the prehistoric time at this time. in the world."

Donghuang Taiyi said from the side.

"It's good that they can't go back. This time our demon clan will rise completely in the prehistoric world. Although we don't want to fight for the prehistoric world, at least we can let my demon clan live with dignity!"

Di Jun said solemnly and firmly.

"Hum, it's time to overturn the old order. Some people have stayed on the altar for too long, and it's time to let them fall into the cloud."

Dong Huangtai's eyes flashed with light, and he said coldly from the side.

"Haha, I'd be happy to help you."

Wang Dadong also laughed when he saw this.

While they were talking, at the gate of the All-Heaven Tower, the Twelve Ancestors slowly walked out of the All-Heaven Tower. They looked at Donghuang Taiyi, Di Jun, Wang Dadong, and they came to their place with one step. around.

"Call us out, isn't the time has come?"

Di Jiang spoke directly to Di Jun.

Di Jun looked at him and nodded slowly: "Yes, now is a good time for us to enter the prehistoric world. There are no saints in the prehistoric world now, and no one can stop us."

"Oh? No saints exist? Have all those saints been suppressed by the Lord of the City?"

Di Jiang said to Di Jun with a moving expression.

The other eleven ancestor witches also looked at Di Jun.

A smile appeared on Di Jun's face, and he said cheerfully, "Let's put it this way, Fangzheng, we have nothing to worry about now.".

Chapter five hundred and sixty-four: Gather, enter the flood again

"If that's the case, then let's go. The prehistoric world must be very lively now."

After Di Jiang heard the words, he couldn't wait to speak.

"Don't worry, Zulong, Shiqilin, Yuanfeng and other three seniors have not come out yet. When they come out, we will set off together again."

Di Jun said calmly.

"Oh? Where are they now? Could it be that they also entered the towers?"

Di Jiang said.

However, before waiting for Di Jun to answer, a hearty laugh suddenly sounded: "Haha, we have also left the customs. We have heard all your conversations, and we can leave now."

As the hearty laughter sounded, the three figures with huge breath slowly walked out from the tower of the heavens.

Di Jun, Di Jiang and others looked over together.

"Haha, since the three seniors have already left the customs, let's not delay, let's go now."

Di Jun also smiled heartily, Zu Long and Shi Qilin, Yuan Feng, nodded slightly, the group did not communicate too much, and walked out of Zhutian City together.

The Six Saints in the dark observed all of this in amazement.

"I didn't expect that not only Di Jun and Dong Huangtai were resurrected from the dead, but even the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the ancestors of the three great clans, Shi Qilin, Ancestral Dragon, and Yuan Feng also came to life. How did they do it?"

In the dark, Yuanshi Tianzun said in surprise.

"It must be related to this city of the heavens, right?"

Lao Tzu stared at Zhutian City in front of him and said indifferently.

Listening to Lao Tzu's words, the other five saints lowered their brows slightly and fell silent.

"It seems that only this statement can make sense. This city of the heavens can actually link the heavens and the world. It seems that we have little knowledge. You say that it can resurrect some people, and it is not surprising."

The receptionist spoke quietly beside him.

"This time, although we lost the prehistoric world, we seem to have entered a wider world, and we really have some expectations for the future."

Tongtian Sect Master sighed on the side.

"If this city of the heavens can really resurrect people, then we don't have to be afraid if we die in the future."

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