The Daoist Zhunti gently stroked it and said something aside.

"Our world has expanded, but the current prehistoric world seems to be suffering. I don't know what the world will look like after we leave, and whether our Taoism can be preserved."

The original Tianzun suddenly said with some emotion.

"Haha, the original Daoist brother is still a little worried. For things like Dao Lineage, as long as we don't die, it will not be destroyed. Even if all our Dao Lineages in the prehistoric world are extinct, we will have the opportunity to return in the future. , we will build a more powerful Taoism, but what we have to do now is to go to the endless chaos, when one day our strength is strong enough to be comparable to or even more powerful than the great god Pangu, then we can Open up your own big world, haven't you heard from the Lord City Lord, there is an existence in the endless chaos world that can open up a big world without dying, although we may be far from such a strong person now, or as long as We practice hard, and believe that one day we will reach that state, and then we can pass down any orthodoxy."

The Daoist Receiver spoke again from the side.

Hearing what Daoist Jie Yin said, the eyes of the other saints lit up slightly.

They are also very ambitious.

Now that they are free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, their eyes will naturally look farther.

The vision that the preacher said is what they hope to get in the future.

"Haha, it's still clear to receive and lead fellow Daoists, it seems that I have a picture."

The original Tianzun smiled indifferently.

"Haha, but then again, it's inevitable to worry about it. After all, that's the way we've been operating for countless years."

The receptionist laughed.

"Oh, but it's not worth mentioning in the face of the wider world and future."

The original Tianzun looked at the distance leisurely, and said lightly.


While several saints were chatting and laughing, Di Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi and the Twelve Ancestral Witches came to the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world at this time was not as chaotic as imagined.

It even seemed a little calm.

It doesn't look like being invaded by a group of strong men at all.

"Huh? Why is there no movement? Didn't it say that all the powerhouses in Zhutian City came to the prehistoric world? Why can't you see a trace of chaos?"

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Di Jun frowned slightly, and his consciousness swept across hundreds of millions of miles, but he did not feel the trace of some strong people.

Not even a fight.

"This is quite normal. The Lord of the City once said, don't start slaughtering lightly in the prehistoric world. We Zhutian City powerhouses are not bandits. Even if we want to obtain resources and treasures, it is relatively peaceful, and we should not directly rob it."

Wang Dadong said indifferently from the side.

"Oh? Peaceful means? What kind of peaceful means?"

Donghuang Taiyi said curiously from the side.

Wang Dadong raised his eyebrows slightly, shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, after all, everyone's behavior is different, we don't need to consider their behavior, we can do our thing, they shouldn't will interfere with us."


Listening to Wang Dadong's words, Di Jun and the others nodded.

"As long as we don't touch the interests of the eighth-order powerhouses, let's start with Chanjiao first. Chanjiao is the most active in the prehistoric world and has a lot of resources. If we loot Chanjiao, we should be able to fish out a piece of it. A lot of oil and water came out."

Di Jiang suggested from the side.

"Changjiao is really good, but I feel that we should take separate actions. Now our strength is very sufficient, and we can completely divide it into two groups. One goes to explain teaching, and the other can go to Western teaching. Western teaching should also be a lot of oil and water now. , what do you think?"

Di Jun said suddenly.

"It's a good idea, so let's do it this way. Our twelve brothers will go to teach in the West, and you should go to teach."

Di Jiang then said.

Now that there are no saints in the Western Religion, they should be able to wipe out the Western Religion with the power of their twelve ancestors.

Di Jun and the others nodded when they heard the words.

"Okay, let's do it like this. You Twelve Ancestors will deal with the Western religion, and we will go to explain the religion. If there is anything you can contact as soon as possible, we can support you at any time."

"Okay, let's part."

With that said, Di Jiang took the other eleven Ancestral Witches and disappeared on the spot, heading towards Xiniu Hezhou.

Di Jun looked at the disappearing backs of the Twelve Ancestors and rushed in the direction of Yuxu Palace.So.

Chapter five hundred and sixty fifth: Three thousand gods and devils cemetery

At this time, the major forces in the prehistoric wilderness felt the changes in the world, and the way of heaven became chaotic. They saw many chaotic demon gods pouring into the prehistoric world.

Before the six saints were sealed, they had already passed the information into the prehistoric world. All the creatures in the prehistoric world closed the mountain gates for the first time, and they could not retreat, for fear of suffering a catastrophe.

All of them have closed all their breaths, and they are very afraid of being discovered by those Chaos Demon Gods. At this time, they are all extremely afraid in their hearts.

They know how terrifying the Chaos Demon God is.

If several saints in the prehistoric world cannot defeat those Chaos Demon Gods, then their future life will probably become extremely difficult.

They all silently prayed that the saints could defeat those evil Chaos Demon Gods.

However, what they didn't expect was that several saints in the prehistoric world were brought into the city of the heavens by Bai Ye.

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